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Everything posted by magico13

  1. Looks like an old version of Field Experience (I'd need the full log to tell). Where and when did you download it? It's always possible I messed up packaging the .zip Edit: I just downloaded both zips and it does appear to have an older version in them I'll have to fix that tonight (and double check all the other modlets to make sure I didn't do that more than once). If you use the download from here it should work: https://github.com/magico13/Modlets/releases/tag/KSP1.0-pre1
  2. @JeffreyCor I finally got around to looking into KK. It seems you must load the launch site (through a simulation for instance) before it will let you launch from there with KCT without totally going nuts. KK must be setting something, but I haven't figured out what yet. I'll have a new preview ready in a bit, still not happy enough with it to do a full release. Probably tomorrow. I'm staying up for the SpaceX launch tomorrow night so I may as well do something productive while I wait! Edit: PR5 up. Nothing too exciting.
  3. Btw, if you hadn't noticed Field Experience was actually fully released for KSP 1.1.2. Depending on when you visited that link you may have grabbed the full version anyway. No real difference between them anyway even if you did grab the pre-release, just a recompile to make sure it still works for 1.1.2 and a full release to make CKAN catch it.
  4. Ha, that's really entertaining! Note that if you're running KSP 1.1.2, KCT hasn't been fully updated yet so you'll have to use the pre-releases (there are a few bugs, but nothing bad). It's not updated to 1.1.2 on SpaceDock yet, so that's probably why you couldn't find it. FMRS is indeed only for managing stages and is a way to recover things you decouple (but you have to actively fly them down to the ground, StageRecovery does it automatically but you can't actually switch to them afterward because they're "recovered"). FMRS could be useful for recovering planes or other large launchers like that. If you need any other help, don't worry, we don't mind "silly" questions
  5. Kerbanomics is GPLv3, BROKE is MIT. BROKE is designed to be completely modular. BROKE itself does nothing for the player, they have to add modules to make it do something. BROKE is just the core code that enables the modules to work and does 90% of the interfacing with KSP (think of Contract Configurator and contract packs, where BROKE is Contract Configurator and Funding Modifiers are contract packs). There are several "default Funding Modifiers" but all can be completely uninstalled or just disabled entirely through the GUI (on a per-save basis). All the features you mention are optional FMs, and what you're trying to accomplish would be done in a single FM with just a bit of code (and no interfacing with KSP necessary at all, except if you want to make it rep based). One of the two existing FMs is actually just a "give me X amount of money per reputation point every quarter" style of thing. I'm planning on writing an alternative one that gives you a maximum amount per quarter based on rep and won't give you more (so you can't timewarp forever and get free money). Loans were supposed to be handled through an FM but they were complicated enough that they warranted baking into the core. Though there are no actual loans without writing configs for them (and currently there's just a sample config for an entry level loan). They're also completely optional. As I mentioned before, you're obviously welcome to do whatever you prefer. If you want to make mods, then making this one or working with us on BROKE are good ways to do that. If you just want to play with a mod like this rather than dealing with the whole mod-making process (dealing with support requests, updating with KSP updates, etc) then I recommend trying out BROKE (as soon as I get a chance to fix the GUI issues with 1.1.2) instead. Either way, as the author of KCT and (one of the authors of) BROKE I won't really be in a position to guide KCT users over to here since I'd prefer them to use BROKE. As a player I do like having options though
  6. I thought that, but the recovery mechanic is such a minor feature in comparison to the others that I figured they'd mention the whole "time" thing if they were looking for KCT.
  7. I'm curious as to why you aren't just waiting until the official "remote tech" feature comes in 1.2? Is it just that you want it right now so you're working on it now? Or are you just getting the bulk of the work out of the way and are planning on integrating with the stock feature whenever it comes out? Just curious, obviously do whatever is most fun for you
  8. I think Kerbal Konstructs (or one of the packs based on it) might have a feature like this. Otherwise possibly Hangar?
  9. @nathan1Have you seen BROKE? The purpose is the same, but BROKE is designed to be easily expanded upon. You're obviously more than welcome to keep working on this, but if you wanted to help out with BROKE you'd be welcome to. I'm currently in the process of updating what code we have for 1.1 but the GUI changes are causing some issues. Progress lately has been slow because I've been finishing up my Masters, but now that my thesis is deposited I expect it to ramp up a lot. Whatever you end up doing, I definitely am a fan of this style of mod with KCT
  10. I've made releases of most of the modlets and have put them on SpaceDock. Consequently, they'll also be on CKAN again at some point. I need to update MagiCore so it's supported with 1.1.2 on CKAN (it works as-is, but CKAN doesn't know that). I've also added links to the GitHub repo that contains additional downloads if you don't like SpaceDock (or if SpaceDock is down)
  11. This will be replacing KCT's simulation mode. The current KCT version actually has the KCT simulations disabled by default. Splitting it up means that each author can focus on different things instead of duplicating work, improving quality and allowing for new features. KCT will "recommend" installing KRASH and there shouldn't be any conflicts. KCT won't require it, but then you just won't have simulations available once they're removed from KCT.
  12. I'm pretty sure I updated the version file to 1.1.2. Where did you download this from? There's a chance I uploaded the wrong .zip to that site.
  13. Yep, FMRS. It's still being developed and StageRecovery is designed to work alongside it. If FMRS is installed and active then SR only recovers uncontrolled vessels that use stock parachutes, otherwise it's left to FMRS. If FMRS is disabled, then SR will attempt to recover everything. I haven't actually tested it with the kerbal pre-recovery code now that I think of it, so if anyone tests and notices strange behavior let me know and I'll fix it.
  14. Correct, they are added to the inventory so rebuilding will be pretty fast. Some people prefer to use the KCT recovery for planes however because a complete rebuild can take a few days as opposed to a few hours.
  15. Yes, as long as the thrust to weight of the plane is greater than 1 and you're on kerbin
  16. Those "issues" are likely due to the manually installed mods not being controlled by CKAN. You'll need to remove KCT (and MagiCore) after the full release if you want it to be controlled by CKAN, but that's not too hard. The only data you might lose is the global settings, game-specific settings and save data is all stored in the save folder/persistence file. (apparently MagiCore is listed as only being compatible with 1.1.1. That's annoying. I'll have to make a new release for 1.1.2.)
  17. Yeah, KRASH is totally separate. I'm in fact recommending that people start using it now (hence simulations being disabled by default) so that any issues can be worked out before KCT's simulations go away for good.
  18. There's a mod idea I've had for a while that would require something like this (a scavenging mod where you're the last ship left in the universe, can't launch anything new, and have to survive+figure out what happened to everyone else, ripping up derelict spacecraft to expand your vessel) so I might try to code up something basic if I get the chance. If someone else is interested though they should probably do it. I have a tendency to play around with small ideas like this and then never actually take them past the proof of concept phase.
  19. Do you want them to actually have any AI? Or just appear and float around in space in the orbits they're in? It wouldn't be hard to make some ships appear and make them disappear when they get out of range.
  20. It's still in there, as @stormy1997 mentions, but it's disabled by default to promote people switching over to KRASH. Yep! It's still in there for now, but there's a good chance it'll be gone after the next big KSP update, so don't get too used to still using it
  21. KCT was getting that error with 1.1.2 and a recompile was all that was needed to fix it. No code changes. Hopefully LGG can find some time to do that soon.
  22. You're running the 1.0.5 version. You need to use the pre-releases on KSP 1.1.x. I'm going to be making a full release in the next day or two if you'd rather wait, but the pre-releases aren't any buggier than 1.3.2 was.
  23. Going from one AMD to another, faster, AMD CPU should have better results. The extra cores might help, but probably not by too much. The change to an SSD will make most things seem faster, but with KSP you probably won't see much difference. If you've already got the parts in, then the best way to tell if it makes KSP run any better is to fire up KSP and see! (Also, I believe this belongs in a different subforum. Perhaps the Lounge, as it isn't directly KSP related)
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