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Everything posted by magico13

  1. It works in the latest dev build of KCT now. I fixed that up last night. EditorTime modifies the UT in the FlightState, which doesn't affect the Planetarium's universal time (which is what KCT reads from). All I had to do was make KCT look at the UT in the FlightState while in the Editor, and the Planetarium everywhere else. It was a little freaky to watch ships being built while in the editor! (for some reason ) Glad you've determined the source of the error! You might try reporting it on the MC2 thread as well, if you haven't already
  2. Hmm. Same errors being logged. There's an issue with MissionController upon entering the Flight scene (check to make sure your contracts are still working after loading up the Flight scene), then an issue in a Vessel.OnDestroy() when loading the Space Center, followed by an error while loading the Space Center itself, and then first SCANsat and then the Asteroid spawning code throwing errors that break the OnLoad, followed by thousands of errors in the life support mod (from having the same error during the FixedUpdate step). I'm still inclined to believe there's a vessel messed up that's causing it, and it appears as if it's Ku-Sentinel. Could you go into your saves folder and make a copy of this save, then load the save and terminate the Sentinel mission? Then load a flight and exit to the Space Center. If it doesn't get messed up, then the Sentinel mission is bugged somehow.
  3. I'm gonna be skeptical until it releases and the community gets a chance to test the crap out of it. But I'm really, really hoping its stable. Not having to worry about being close to the limit, despite not even using any heavy part mods, is going to be wonderful.
  4. Usually the output_log.txt file that gets made in KSP_Data is the file mod authors will ask for (except nightingale, who prefers KSP.log for some reason ). Next time you notice something weird, upload that to dropbox/mediafire/etc and post either here or on GitHub and I'll take a look through it to see if anything stands out. KSP bugs are especially fun because minor problems in one mod can lead to huge problems in other ones So the KCT error popup isn't always (and frequently isn't) caused by a KCT issue. If you're having contracts disappear, then some mod is definitely having an error during the OnLoad (which many mods don't check for, which is why I wrote the popup). I'll look through the log and report back in a minute. Edit: Alright, so it's not super clear what exactly is going on. SCANsat definitely has an error loading the data (thus breaking everything after it, like KCT). Based on what the log was saying in the Flight scene before you went back to the Space Center, it looks like there might be a corrupted Vessel? There's also a NullReferenceException at the start of the Space Center scene in a Vessel.OnDestroy() that makes me think there's a particular vessel at fault. I've also seen some issues with MissionController Extended encountering issues in the contract system. So that could also be related to the loss of contract data. Could you please open up the KCT settings (the Preset menu) and turn on Debug Logging. It will make KCT print more data to the log and I might be able to track down the problem slightly easier. The "good" news is that I don't think KCT is causing the problem, it's just reporting it. SCANsat error: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at SCANsat.SCANcontroller+<>c__DisplayClass1d.<registerSensor>b__1c (.Vessel a) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[Vessel] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[Vessel] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at SCANsat.SCANcontroller.registerSensor (Guid id, SCANtype sensors, Double fov, Double min_alt, Double max_alt, Double best_alt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at SCANsat.SCANcontroller.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoScenarioModule.Load (.ScenarioRunner host) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner+ .MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Error at start of Space Center scene: NullReferenceException at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:InternalGetGameObject () at UnityEngine.Component.get_gameObject () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KnowledgeBase.DisposeResourceList () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KnowledgeBase.CreateResourceList () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KnowledgeBase.OnMapFocusChange (.MapObject target) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventData`1[MapObject].Fire (.MapObject data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PlanetariumCamera.SetTarget (.MapObject tgt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at PlanetariumCamera.OnVesselDestroy (.Vessel vessel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at EventData`1[Vessel].Fire (.Vessel data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Vessel.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  5. The launchpad thing is definitely a bug. Sounds like something didn't save properly. Let me know if you see it again, but unfortunately there are a lot of mods involved with RO and RP-0 so there are quite a few places where things can go wrong (which makes debugging difficult). Most upgrade points come from researching tech nodes. You'll notice when you purchase one that you're alerted in the top left that an upgrade point has been added (and the amount of time until the node unlocks). Points should never appear out of the blue. If you see that, let me know and send me a log and I'll see if I can figure out what's going on. As for the negative points, that's because for whatever reason KCT can't read the tech tree and assumes you have 0 tech nodes unlocked. It seems to be a KSP issue, and the data I'd like to access to get direct access to the tech tree is locked down by Squad so I have to get at it through other means. I have an attempted fix for that issue in the dev builds (instead of constantly checking for the tech tree, it only does it on scene change), but I'm not sure if it actually fixes the issue or not. You can also buy points with funds in RP-0. In default KCT you can buy points with funds, science, and by clearing out your inventory (those are Preset controlled options).
  6. It happens as soon as you're no longer a "Curious George", which is either 3 or 5 posts. For me it was 5 posts, but I think they dropped it to 3 somewhat recently. It's to get around all the spambots, and thankfully doesn't last for too long. Looks like you're probably in the clear now If you've got any other question, concerns, or feature requests, let me know And welcome to the forums, since you're new enough that I should probably say that!
  7. Known issue. Just edit the craft and grab the root part and it will automatically flip to being correctly oriented (you also can refuel the plane if you edit it). The ships know they're not facing the right way, but they don't want to flip the correct way for some reason. It's a small enough issue (in code that I don't particularly care for in the first place) that I haven't looked into it much. I'm afraid that if I manually rotate it 90 degrees, it'll rotate a further 90 degrees as soon as you click on any parts in the editor, which is almost more annoying since you'll need to refuel more often than not.
  8. Quick question/feature request: Can kOS make quicksaves? I'm semi-planning to try an Elcano challenge (circumnavigation by rover) using kOS to drive the rover. I've got a script that works well enough, so that's not the question. As you may or may not know, you can't quicksave when going over terrain at any appreciable speed, so I'd like to set up "waypoints" that the rover will stop at so I can quicksave (losing several hours of driving would suck). I'd love if I could just have kOS handle driving to the waypoint, stopping, making a named quicksave, and then continuing on without me having to manually make a save and somehow tell the rover to continue on. Then I could leave it running when I'm away from the computer for a bit and it won't be wasting time parked and/or I won't lose hours of progress because my last quicksave was 100 km ago. So, if kOS can't make quicksaves then consider this a feature request If it's totally impractical for some reason, then that's fine. It's not a big deal, mostly just a quality of life thing.
  9. EditorTime now exists! It's super straightforward and just makes time pass while you're in the editor (at a configurable rate of game time : real time). It doesn't support Kerbal Alarm Clock yet, so you should be wary of jumping into the editor if you've got an alarm coming up soon. I haven't actually tested it with KCT yet, sorry. KCT might need a change for it to work, since KCT relies on the Planetarium time but this modifies the time in the FlightState (modifying the Planetarium time wasn't being kept). KCT might see any elapsed time as all occurring at once, and if it's too large then KCT will ignore that jump.
  10. EditorTime is a pretty straightforward mod that makes time progress while you're in the editor. You can change the ratio of game time to real time in the config file (for instance, if you want 10 minutes to pass for every real minute you're in the editor). I haven't tested if it works with KCT or not. KCT might need a change or two to detect the time changes. As for the zero padding and changes to DatedQuicksaves, I haven't actually worked on that yet but I'll probably add the zero padding to SensibleScreenshot tonight. Edit: Added zero padded options to Sensible Screenshot and added the MET option (which has a quirk because Windows doesn't like colons)
  11. I'm trying to think of some ways to handle that. I'll probably have a little clock window showing the current time, and might have to implement some talking to KAC through the API to see if an alarm is about to trigger, and if so then either trigger it or warn the player. Most things have a * button, and for most things that have that button there should be a "Warp To" option. Alternatively, a few things just have a "Warp To" option by themselves. If you warp to one of them, it should pass by everything else. Unless you've got automatic KAC alarm creation or the "Force Stop Warp" setting enabled (I may have removed that setting in this update. Can't recall off the top of my head.) in which case timewarp will still stop for every single thing when it finishes.
  12. It's actually that simple Before you could timewarp in the Space Center scene I made it possible to "jump time" to when a craft was complete. The only issue is craft that are on a collision course, as they'll instead jump through the planet. So I can either do big jumps on scene change (easy) or small jumps while still in the editor (slightly more difficult, and more likely to mess things up with other mods, but potentially better). I could also do a series of jumps on scene change (ie, 10 1 minute jumps instead of 1 10 minute one), which might be the best option. I can make that as a modlet
  13. I, for obvious reasons, have to at least mention Kerbal Construction Time since it can have a pretty large effect on how you play while not using any extra parts. Definitely not for everyone, but still worth a mention. I also recommend StageRecovery with it, but it's by no means a requirement to play with KCT. I'm also like 99% sure you already know about them, but other people might see your post and be looking for something similar.
  14. That would seemingly only happen if the save file got messed up. Otherwise I can't think of a way for that to happen. If you see it, send me a log file. That sometimes happens when the Tech Tree can't be properly accessed for some reason. I've got a potential fix in the dev builds but haven't pushed it into the release yet. There's a decent chance it will still happen even with the fix, because for some reason the tech tree data just goes missing for a little while.
  15. Not currently. Though now I want to play around with having it be more like a drop-down menu... Edit: So I definitely made it appear at the mouse cursor (optionally, but by default) in the latest development build http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69310-Kerbal-Construction-Time-StageRecovery-Dev-Thread
  16. So I didn't get a chance to do any work on this over the weekend unfortunately, but I've written some of my ideas down in a notebook and have started planning. Whereas KCT grew from a tiny mod into something much larger and lacked a clear goal, I'm try to avoid that this time around and have most things planned ahead of time. You all know I love configurability, so I'm planning on trying to either make things configurable through text files or at the very least make it easy to add new functionality with code. At first I just want to get things working, though, and extra configurability will likely come down the line once I know what people need/want to modify (doesn't make sense to spend a lot of time making something super configurable if no one will ever change it from the defaults. Which is part of the reason I made the Presets in KCT, to make it easier to modify things) Some examples (obviously, no code is in place yet): Loan providers will be defined in a config file. I'll probably try to go so far as to add support for modifying the config with ModuleManager. That means you can easily add or alter the loan providers so that they have different max loan amounts/loan lengths, or require different building/reputation levels, and most likely I'll add options to offer higher/lower interest rates than "standard". We'll figure out what all to make configurable for loan providers when we get there, but at minimum you'll be able to make new ones that act like the default ones. Funding and expense sources will all share a common Interface. This is entirely an internal code-related aspect, but it should make it really really easy to create new funding sources and expense sources, and if anyone ever wants to add new ones they should be able to really easily with a companion mod. What I'll likely use as inspiration for this is Contract Configurator's behaviours, which make it really easy to extend things. I also plan on using TriggerAu's addon framework from the beginning, which means the GUIs hopefully will look better and the whole thing will be cleaner. Ironically the last post in that thread is by johnqevil, so he may have been planning on switching to it as well before he disappeared. There is a decent chance I'll provide ways to tweak any formulas themselves, since I can easily adapt the MathParser out of KCT (which is itself adapted out of a math parser I wrote for a project at work, though the one for KCT is more featured).
  17. Yes Occasionally people have reported driver related issues, but KSP runs just fine on Windows 10. Here's one of the several threads discussing KSP and windows 10, if I can find the others I'll link them for your perusal. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130797-Windows-10-issue Windows 10 discussion in general: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130089-The-Windows-10-Megathread%21?highlight=windows Here's a forum search that should find most Windows 10 related threads: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/search.php?searchid=5998269
  18. Your gif doesn't seem to be working, but I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about. It'd be pretty easy to make the window appear on hover, then disappear when you move the mouse away (unless you clicked it, in which case it would stay open). I'll have a dev build with that momentarily. Edit: Haven't tested yet, but the latest build from here should display the window in flight when you hover over the button. Only during flight though. http://magico13.net:8080/job/StageRecovery%20Development/ Edit2: Limited testing shows that it's working as intended. Only minor hiccup is when you click to close the window, it flashes once as the window is hidden one frame and opened again in the next one, but that's not a big deal.
  19. I might be able to, but I need to compile a list of what exactly breaks it and how badly. Right now there's some code to catch it if it totally breaks when doing the conversion from Vessel to ShipConstruct, but I think it doesn't totally break until you actually try to load the ship, which I don't think I can detect without actually trying to load it. Might be able to convert it, then load it and test it really quick, then unload it, then do the scene change if it worked properly. For now, providing a backup save is likely "good enough".
  20. I added in two things you can modify in KCT_GameStates to adjust the number of upgrades: public static int TemporaryModAddedUpgradesButReallyWaitForTheAPI = 0; //Reset when returned to the MainMenu public static int PermanentModAddedUpgradesButReallyWaitForTheAPI = 0; //Saved to the save file You can change the first one if you keep track of the total number of upgrades. The second one saves to the save file, which is how TotalUpgradePoints worked. Obviously, those are temporary variables and once I write the API I'll be removing them. The server had another failure during this past week and I had to set everything up again. Jenkins is working properly again, and I've released a new development version. It's just got a few bug fixes, but I also reenabled automatic update checking for the development versions (full release won't have update checking) since there's really no good way to figure out if I've released another update otherwise. The default is based on if you chose to send progress tracking data to Squad. You can enable/disable it in the settings or the config file. It shouldn't check until after the first scene change (meaning you can disable it before it makes a check). Don't forget to check the commit log to see what's changed recently: https://github.com/magico13/KCT/commits/development
  21. Sorry, I didn't see this post until now. That should work as you expect, where there's one rate per R&D center upgrade (they'll all be at the same speed though). With [R] equal to 0 you'll have one rate, [R] == 1 you'll have two, and [R]==2 you'll have 3. If you want to reduce the rate for the secondary ones I can try to come up with something. I'm having trouble thinking of something off the top of my head at the moment It's not technically a bug, since most rates are calculated only once per scene (if it happened during every Update it would create a lot of lag) and you don't typically change things frequently. Just assume that if you make changes to any rates, you'll need a scene change before they take effect. I should add that to the documentation at some point. I should probably also just recalculate all the rates when you save the settings Were you recovering the vessel to storage (as opposed to using the stock recover button)? That code is a bit buggy, but KCT will make a backup of the save file before recovering if anything goes wrong. If you've got a GitHub account you're encouraged to provide as much info in this issue. It's pretty well known that that code is buggy and won't be easy to fix, but if I get enough reports with enough info I might be able to take some time to see what I can fix, but otherwise I'm not too concerned with fixing it at the moment (I don't particularly care for that feature and feel like I was a bit bullied into it since I personally thought the inventory system was sufficient, so I do have some personal preferences about it. With that said, I do want it to work properly and am not ok with it breaking things or permanently corrupting saves). If you encounter it again, post the log, but there's no need to try to reproduce it since I probably won't be able to fix it anytime soon anyway, and you'll probably run into it again through normal gameplay.
  22. It should be, just know that when I start making the big changes the data from the current version might not be carried over. It shouldn't damage any saves though. I do like the idea of private vs government funded. I might do that more along the lines of what mysteriosmind brings up, but I definitely want to provide options for the player to either use contracts only or completely ignore contracts, or anything in-between. Ideally you'll be able to completely ignore contracts if you want. If you don't want government help, I'd probably just recommend increasing the funds reward setting for that save (I might provide a way to change that in an existing game). Also, I really like B.R.O.K.E. I like that there are multiple ways of getting funding, since I like tailoring my game to play how I want it to, so I'm glad you also seem to feel the same way. Options are wonderful things I think I want to avoid anything with Kerbal in the name, just in case that becomes an issue later on down the line if Squad for whatever reason needs to tighten up their IP rules. I didn't name Kerbal Construction Time originally, but I already have the backup name of "Some Assembly Required" if I find myself needing to rename. Same issue as above with names, I'd prefer to steer away from including Kerbal in the name (but am not completely opposed to it). KSP as the acronym would likely just make things confusing unfortunately :/ However I really like the other ideas you have. I'm not sure that I'll go so far as to have you hire explicit workers, but I can definitely see having any scientists/engineers hanging out at KSC (aka not on a mission) reducing the running costs for certain buildings (and reducing them more based on the Kerbal's level). So you might hire a scientist and train him to make the R&D center cost less each period (I'm not sure how I'd want to balance it, but I might make it cost effective to leave a scientist or two on Kerbin [aka, the cost reductions in the building's costs outweighs the cost of the kerbal], but if you have too many than you end up paying more in salaries than it's worth). That makes it so you can hire crew and not have it totally bankrupt you. I like the idea of several offers, with different requirements associated with them. It might be a little too close to the contracts system and it might make more sense just to offer special "Government Contracts", so I'll have to think about how I want to do that. At the very least there will be a minimal "We'll give you this much money based on your reputation (and maybe current funds)" which should be sustainable if you don't hire every Kerbal ever and don't launch 28 missions a quarter (it should be enough to cover a crew of maybe, a few moderate sized launches, and one or two fully funded active flights). Big missions would require you to save up money over multiple quarters or take out extra contracts to fund them right away. I think I still want some sort of reputation decay system so you can't timewarp your way into riches. I'll likely start playing around with some things this weekend. I've already got the name for the first Loan Provider: "Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Loan". The second would be something along the lines of "Kerb Town Bank" (a small, local bank) and the third would be a big name thing like "Kerman Sachs". Obviously those names aren't finalized yet, so if you've got other suggestions let me know
  23. No promises. There's a good chance there will be too much overlap for it to be sensible. While I would love that, I think there are enough people who wouldn't that I'm gonna keep things separate Probability based things are definitely a touchy situation. If/when that feature gets added then there will likely be more discussion on what's ok, but I'll keep in mind that probability is generally not a great idea. An increased cost seems reasonable (pay $10000 a year to keep a skeleton crew, or cut that out entirely and pay $40000 in 3 years when you need to reactivate the probe. You pay more overall, but less up front.) In Kerbanomics as-is reputation controls the interest rate on loans and the amount of funds you receive each cycle (default is quarters). Currently you get a message saying how much you earn, and how much you spend on Crew costs. I'd like to expand that to maybe provide total costs for everything (including KSC upgrades and launches) during that quarter, with an optional window to show totals and/or history. If I keep pay tied to reputation, then reputation decay also equates to pay decay, which is what I ultimately want. Gaining any rep could reset the decay "grace period" so you have to keep doing things to keep earning money. I do want to increase the management aspect, since KCT already adds some elements of that and this mod can then handle the funds side of that. Jebediah Kerman's Race Into Space Crippling Debt
  24. I've created a new thread to talk about what I'd like to do in the future with Kerbanomics, or more specifically with a mod based on Kerbanomics, here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131505-1-0-4-Kerbanomics-for-1-0-Looking-for-Name-Suggestions-8-13-15 Svm420 I haven't gotten a chance to take a look at the settings issue yet, but since I'm planning on rewriting a good portion of things it's not something I'm too worried about at the moment.
  25. B.R.O.K.E. Banking Resources, Overheads & Kerbal Economy B.R.O.K.E. is a WIP framework for the creation and implementation of mods that center around regular funding adjustments (known as Funding Modifiers, or FMs), such as Kerbal salaries (see the Payroll FM) or cheques from the Kerbin Government (see the ReputationFunding FM). It is designed to make the creation of new FMs fast and easy, requiring far less work than writing a traditional plugin. B.R.O.K.E. handles the loading and processing of FMs automatically, all you have to do is define a few functions. Not interested in developing new FMs but want to play with some instead? B.R.O.K.E. comes with several "Default FMs" such as Payroll and ReputationFunding. As the B.R.O.K.E. core code gets finalized, we'll be shifting our attention over to creating new Default FMs and refining the existing ones. B.R.O.K.E. is a continuation in spirit of the Kerbanomics mod by johnqevil. Some code, images, and ideas are taken from Kerbanomics, with permission. Downloads Latest Release on GitHub Screenshots Active developers: @magico13 @jkortech @johnqevil Our thanks go out to DivisionByZero and ObsessedWithKSP who both made contributions to Kerbanomics, the mod that inspired the creation of B.R.O.K.E. (and whose toolbar icon we have borrowed) All code is licensed with the MIT license. Source code for B.R.O.K.E. may be accessed through this GitHub repository. Source code for the default FMs can be accessed through this GitHub repository. The absolute latest builds can be acquired from the build server (temporarily out of service), but the latest stable releases are on the Releases page on the B.R.O.K.E. repository.
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