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Everything posted by magico13

  1. Well, I figure you all have waited long enough so here's the update for KSP 1.0! Not too much different, but there are some notable changes. The biggest ones are FMRS support and some tine-ins to the stock systems. As you upgrade the Tracking Station your distance rates will increase (level 0 TS has distance rates that fall off twice as fast as normal, level 1 has rates that are 4/3 as fast, and level 2 is normal). Additionally, powered recovery now requires a Pilot kerbal or a probe with SAS capabilities. Additionally, you can now disable the mod in the settings if you really want. 1.5.4 - (04/28/2015) - Updated to KSP 1.0 - Tie into the stock upgrade system. - Tracking Center upgrades improve distance based returns - Pilot kerbals or probes with SAS are needed for powered recovery - Added FMRS support. The two shouldn't try to recover the same things now and should play nicely together! - Added colors in recovery messages - A bit of Flight GUI rework to make it easier to use, take less screen space, and generally be better. - Deadly Reentry support moved to use Stock system. Doesn't scale with Stock setting yet, but if Stock is set to 0% then SR won't burn things up.
  2. Build 109 of KCT should now support adding Tourists in the Crew Select window. They should default to being last in line. I've got a few tiny changes to StageRecovery, then will likely do a full release of that. Edit: SR is good now I think. Changed that red color to a red-orange which is MUCH easier to read and still conveys the right feeling of loss. No auto-parachute deployment yet, but that can probably wait since it'll require a bit of extra work and isn't totally needed. KCT should be good now too. Tourists should be cleared for launch and the only other recent changes have been visual quality of life things. I can do more in terms of tracking down bugs, but it's already better than the last 0.90 release with regards to bugs and I'd like to get a 1.0 release out. Edit2: Releases StageRecovery v1.5.4. Thanks everyone! I'll wait just a bit longer on KCT until I get confirmations about Tourism contracts.
  3. In 1.0 the limit was moved to 22.5km from 2.5 km, so if you're really, really careful you might be able to recover something if you drop it and deploy chutes at a really low altitude. But imagine dropping something at 10km when you're going 500 m/s. If you manage to not speed up anymore you'll leave the physics range of the ground after 20 seconds. But you will speed up (maybe to 1km/s) meaning you'll leave physics range within 15 seconds or less. There's no way you'll recover those parts (especially with chutes deployed), so StageRecovery is still needed. Where the stock change excels is dropping things out of planes.
  4. In 1.0 they upped the physics range to 22.5 km or so, so SR won't kick in until then. To help with the explosions, I'm planning on having SR automatically deploy parachutes on unfocused craft when they reach the right altitude, I just haven't coded that up yet. So it doesn't sound like there's any real issue, you'll just have to deploy chutes when you decouple until I get that code in
  5. Some of those suggestions are things that were being incorporated into a future project based on KCT, essentially KCT2, that isn't being done by me. There was/is a larger focus on repurposing the existing GUIs rather than making new ones, but it essentially requires a rewrite for it to work well, so KCT won't be having that change. Repurposing GUIs is also very dangerous and can break other mods that depend on them and I'd rather have KCT play nicely with others. Building craft also was going to be split into at least two phases, the first being part sourcing and the second being assembly. I have no idea when, or if, that project will reach a playable state since I'm not directly involved. Getting the crew selector to work with tourists should be really easy, I just need to get home first In terms of simple ways of integrating with KSC upgrades, KCT already imposes time requirements and the number of build rates you can have is limited by building level (2 at level 1, 4 at level 2, and 6 at level 3). That can easily be changed through a config file and I've got a config that I call "Simple" which removes all use of upgrade points and bases everything ENTIRELY on KSC upgrade levels. You'll get to choose that as a play style when I implement presets. If anyone really wants to try it out, the untested config is available in this post. In the simple config the number of build rates is determined by VAB/SPH level and the build rates are determined by R&D center level. That's the kind of power available in that one little config file As for recovering vessels into storage directly, it works but it's about as buggy as I expected it to be, since KSP isn't designed for it at all. It especially has issues with when you destroy only one of a symmetry partner. I'll work on that a bit probably after the 1.0 release, since at the very least I should try to avoid letting you put corrupted craft into storage and breaking your game
  6. I haven't gotten a subscription email in what feels like weeks, so you're certainly not alone. I typically have already seen whatever posts it was going to tell me about, which may be related, so I haven't missed them that much.
  7. I'll get a fix out for that when I get home today. Should hopefully be a simple fix, but not simple enough that I can make the change without testing first. So if you can wait 8 hours or so then I'll have it fixed In the meantime, might want to go into the debug menu and give yourself a bit of cash to let you cancel one of those contracts (or you can complete the contract through there as well)
  8. Yeah, that's definitely not a good thing! I haven't tried any tourism contracts myself, so I'll need to see how they work in stock and see how I can incorporate them into the crew select. Shouldn't be too hard
  9. Testing the update for 1.0 seems to be going well, but I don't have any more time tonight to do additional tests. I'd like to get some other feedback regarding the new changes and to make sure things are working properly, so if anyone would like to help out, please go to the development thread and play around with the update. Thanks!
  10. Another KCT build (108) with several bug fixes and other changes. I'm tired, so I'll just post the github commit as explanation. We'll probably release tomorrow but it'd be nice to get some other feedback before hand. Removed special surprise. Possibly fixed issue with random explosions when switching vessels during simulations. Fixed some weirdness with the main gui and buttons. Fixed centering of certain windows (#66). Added try/catch around code that recovers vessels to inventory. Made building upgrades not happen until switching back to space center view (should fix issues with them not occuring properly).
  11. So, the good news is that making it compile for 1.0 was very easy! The unknown news is that I haven't tested it yet. I just tested StageRecovery and had good results with that, so KCT is next on my list. If you want to help test KCT or SR, here's the development thread: link.
  12. Other than JeffreyCor forgetting to actually include half the mod when testing the Beta, I've got a simple recompile up (for this and now KCT as well) in the development thread. I'm gonna do some testing myself as well, but I should have an update either tonight (if we're lucky) or tomorrow at the latest.
  13. FieldExperience didn't require any changes in code to work with 1.0, but I haven't tested it. I expect that it works just fine with 1.0. I haven't tested Re3 yet either (or checked the code for working with 1.0 yet), but I imagine it probably works as well.
  14. Usually helps to include the rest of the data It was a surprisingly simple update, which undoubtedly means that nothing works right. I'll be doing some testing myself in a bit. Edit: Initial StageRecovery tests seem to indicate go for launch! Just tested basic functionality and it seemed ok. Definitely discrepancies in actual terminal velocities, even with parachutes. SR predicts about 1 m/s higher in the two tests I did (just command pod it predicted 6m/s but the pod landed at 5m/s [i think], pod+flea predicted 7m/s and landed at 6m/s). On the off chance it might be related to difficulty settings, I was on Easy mode. Edit2: New SR build (#12) that uses stock heating instead of requiring DR (just checks that heating is > 0%, difficulty doesn't scale with the setting though). Otherwise pretty much the same. I'm going to move to KCT and also throw in RealChutes. Edit2: RealChutes still works well (thankfully). Estimates for touchdown speed look like they might be spot on with RC rather than Stock.
  15. Download is on the build server, link is in the OP. Essentially just a recompile. No clue if it works, but it compiles
  16. I don't think they're gonna go my way for StageRecovery or time based mechanics FIRST STAGERECOVERY BETA Just a quick recompile with minimal changes (one line needed changed). No idea if it works at all. Go nuts! It's build number 11.
  17. I'm planning on trying to get the parachutes on unfocused craft to autodeploy at the correct altitude, since the bubble is 10 times larger now. That way you don't have to deploy them on decouple. But that will probably have to wait since I want to get the update out ASAP. There are some other changes I've made in the dev version already that are going to be pushed into the release. As for RealChutes, I really hope they don't break things again And unfortunately, due to the complexity of the new aero, the estimates for terminal velocity are going to be totally wrong in SR. Hopefully they're close enough for it to not matter that much. Also, with stock reentry heating I'll have to include the DR heating code in stock as well and try to link it to the stock settings. I don't even want to imagine what KCT will look like...
  18. Same! I'll be lucky if I get to play at all this week (and finals start next week...) I'm gonna be doing StageRecovery first (hopefully after I get home from work in ~5 hours), then switching over to KCT. Both will have discussion hosted in this thread, and the builds will be available on the build server as usual. I'll let you know when I've got the first build up, but until then you may as well play 1.0, since I'm not going to get to Edit: Updated some of the text in the first post to include info for SR as well as KCT. But, like I said, it'll be a while before I can do any actual builds.
  19. If you don't mind, I'll leave that one for you to fix If you get a working config for it, send it my way and I can add it as a default.
  20. I've got an issue on GitHub for the discussion of the creation of an API, including what people want/need from it. I'll link it here and you can toss some ideas in if you have them. I'm still in the planning stage for the next update (which will be starting after finals are finished in about 2-3 weeks), so I can plan on working on a basic API if you're interested. Otherwise I think my main plan is improved support for other mods (Kerbal Konstructs, TestFlight, Alarm Clock), and I might throw settings presets and better simulations in there. Nothing that should interfere too much with what you're doing.
  21. On Windows you can still use symlinks, but you have to have administrator privileges, which is sometimes frustrating. That's how my old program works. Makes it very quick to switch between mod lists
  22. I just discovered this while doing a quick perusal of the WIP mods. Let me know if you want me to add anything into KCT, should you decide to maintain compatibility with KCT and want some improved integration if they're both installed. If you decide to go your own route for time constraints then that's ok as well. I've been considering making some sort of KCT API but so far no one has indicated an interest in adding their own things into KCT's systems, possibly because they're not really setup for others to interact with. A bit of a Catch 22 really, I don't know what people want changed and people don't let me know what they want changed because the system isn't setup in a way that makes it possible for them to use anyway Also, this is a great idea. If you decide to include some physical craft somewhere (maybe not one that's "animated" or "controlled", but like a rival satellite or a discarded Mun lander 1st stage, or a rival flag) there are ways to spawn craft at specified orbits/locations. I'm pretty sure Contract Configurator has some code to do that.
  23. A long time ago I wrote something that is like a start to this idea that let you swap between GameData folders (and save folders and whatever other folders you wanted) called DataSwitcher. No one used it, so I stopped working on it. PJF and the rest of the CKAN team have some ideas for how to implement different mod groups that you can easily swap between in CKAN, so I'd expect that will be coming. It'll happen faster if pjf can afford to do more "sprints". Currently he can only afford to do 1 a month, but if you want to help make that two you can check out his patreon page.
  24. Thanks for taking a look at those. Sorry I didn't report them to you myself, I've been pretty busy lately and I wasn't 100% sure that Contract Configurator was directly at fault since I didn't get a chance to do a 100% thorough search through the logs. You've also been really on top of bug fixes so I wasn't sure if the issues people were seeing had already been fixed or not and they just weren't fully updated. Contract Configurator is pretty much how I expected the stock contracts system was going to work when they said it was going to be moddable, so thanks for making custom contracts not a giant pain to create
  25. No problem! That's why I put the message in in the first place I'd rather get reports and users know that something is borked and things aren't going to work properly, before they try to do things and it doesn't get saved or gets corrupted. Notes/Warnings about 1.0: 1) It'll take a little while to get things updated. It's a big KSP update, undoubtedly half the code base of KCT won't work anymore, and I'll need to take some time to get it all sorted out. It shouldn't be more than a few days hopefully, but I'm also not planning on adding any new features (but will try to do some bug fixes). 2) Parachute based recovery of things will REQUIRE StageRecovery. Sorry, but it doesn't make sense for me to keep maintaining both systems, and SR's code is better anyway. Plus, the changes in 1.0 will likely require revamping that code anyway and I'd rather not do it twice (especially since KCT's version of the code is outdated). If you don't care about parachute based recovery, you won't have to use StageRecovery, so it's a soft dependency. And if you really like the flat rate system rather than SR's variable rate, SR also includes the flat rate model as an option. 3) StageRecovery will get updated first, then KCT. SR has a larger userbase and simpler code, so it makes more sense to update it first. KCT will follow immediately afterward. SR should be updated within 2 days unless 1.0 forces a huge rewrite, KCT should be a few days after that, or quicker if 1.0 doesn't change too much for me. If anyone from Squad is reading this, I'd love to get access to the Assembly-CSharp.dll and UnityEngine.dll for 1.0 early so I can sort most of this out over the weekend and before I go back to work, that way I can just make some final changes on Monday/Tuesday and get things out faster
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