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Everything posted by magico13

  1. Friendly reminder that the little star shaped button in the bottom left of a user's post (next to Blog this Post) is the button to add to a user's reputation
  2. Don't forget that mods are made in people's free time, and often by people with little to no programming experience or training. I know my code is far from clean, but I don't ever expect anyone else to look at it and I know what all of it does and how to bend it to do what I want
  3. Your save file looks fine to me. The negatives are because the "remaining points" are calculated by taking the total points and subtracting the total spent. For some reason the total upgrades were being reported as 0, but are clearly saved as 20 in the save file. I guess now we have the fun job of narrowing things down. Firstly, enable "Debug Messages" in the KCT settings so future logs include far more KCT specific messages. The behavior is similar to the persistence not loading properly, but is unlike anything I've seen before. If you're willing to do some more testing, I've got a couple tests I'd like you to run. Please send me logs after each test. First, try enabling the Instant Tech Unlock setting. It's possible the tech unlock code is having an issue somehow. Second, try with only KCT installed. I'm worried another mod is causing issues with the persistence saving/loading (Especially Kerbanomics, it did log an issue with the persistence once in the log you posted previously). At some point, especially with only KCT installed, could you try with a new save? It could be a save specific issue. The latest version has some code that disables any tech that's being researched on scene load, but it shouldn't be doing anything after the tech has finished.
  4. There's no automated way to have StageRecovery deorbit a craft, but as mentioned by steve_v, as long as the periapsis is below about 22 km (20 km would be safer) then StageRecovery should be able to recover them. As mentioned, StageRecovery kicks in when KSP deletes the craft. Thanks! That is in fact the correct requirements for StageRecovery to begin trying to recover something. It's certainly possible, but StageRecovery doesn't do anything regarding normal recovery. If you want to send me some logs, I can take a look even if it isn't SR related.
  5. After reading through the log, it's still not very clear what is causing this. It's possible it's KCT, but it's weird that no one else has reported similar issues. I would suggest a binary search of your mods to determine which one is causing it. To do that, start by taking out roughly half of your mods, then check if the issue persists. If it doesn't, swap out the mods with the other half. Whichever half causes the issue, cut in half again and test the same way. Eventually that will narrow the search down to one, or at most a few, mods. Some things I noticed in the logs that may be concerning/related: The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing! [RDTechTree]: No tech node found called AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KCT_VABEditor' from assembly 'KerbalConstructionTime' AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KCT_SPHEditor' from assembly 'KerbalConstructionTime' The last one is a concern specifically for KCT, as the changes in the editor have resulted in possible two instances of KCT running at once, though that doesn't quite seem to be happening. It's likely not related, but is something I need to fix. The first thing noted points me toward KCT's code that overrides the launch button, but that's just a guess and I have no clue how that would cause this issue. I agree that the second thing is the most concerning, but am unsure of what is causing it.
  6. I can't think of anything that would cause that issue if it was fully unlocked, but I'll take a look later tonight. Make sure you uploaded the output_log.text file and not the KSP.log, cause the KSP.log doesn't provide any useful info.
  7. It should, but there are some warnings. 1) If relying on engines, it will require a TWR greater than 1, while actual spaceplanes might not. 2) If you leave the flight scene (aka, go to the space center or tracking station) there's a good chance it won't work properly because it can't read any information from the engines, but you can switch to a different vessel and timewarp. 3) You won't get as high of returns as you would from actually flying back to the space center, since it will get "recovered" at about 22 km up. 4) You may still get a small reputation hit for any kerbals onboard, since the game thinks it's killed them for about half a second. It's generally better to land "precious" stages manually, but StageRecovery is certainly capable of automatic recovery of those things, albeit with the above precautions.
  8. The issue is going to seem really obvious and silly. There isn't a "Propulsion" category anymore in 0.90, it was split into "Fuel Tanks" and "Engines", so nothing in those categories will appear in the inventory, but should still work properly. It should be a pretty simple fix on my side (just add those categories), so I apologize for all the trouble you had to go through. The thing with RealChutes is because they are procedural, so they get treated as procedural parts and have a very different "quantity" based on 1000 times their cost. That crash that produced the error directory was an out of memory error, btw. You may want to invest in Active Texture Management if you don't already have it DynamicHeapAllocator out of memory - Could not get memory for large allocationCould not allocate memory: System out of memory!
  9. As listed in the OP, if on windows a the log is in KSP_Data. On other systems you'll have to read the info in the OP - - - Updated - - - Hmm, I see the SR recovery events working just fine, but since I forgot to ask you to turn on debug messages I don't see any output from KCT regarding putting things in the inventory. You aren't getting anything added to the inventory, correct? Can you send me your save file? That'll show if anything is actually in there but for some reason is not appearing. Thanks for waiting, I've been travelling for the past two days (and have been away from home for two weeks), so it's been a hectic time. As for waiting for recovery, that was actually a feature I was working on for the last release that got pushed back because of 0.90. It'll be in in a future update, but probably not when scrapping the recovered vessel
  10. I'll be home in about an hour, so I can try to help then (currently in the middle of a seven hour drive after a 5 hour drive yesterday). Logs are ALWAYS generated when you run the game, check the OP or the stickied thread in the modded support forum to find out where they are for your operating system. To "select" a craft to launch (or do anything else with) open the build list in the space center scene, go to the VAB tab then press the launch button. There's a bunch of other options available if you press the * button, but those are for more advanced options. Simulations should only be started if you click on the launchpad and use the stock ship selector, or you select "simulate" in the editor. You CANNOT launch ships like you would in the stock game. The "launch" button in the editor is overwritten and the method of clicking on the launchpad will always result in a simulation (since I can't overwrite that window). The simulations are an integral part of the mod, and so can't be removed. There are no dependencies on other mods (though there's support for several) Also, reverting to the editor will always bring people back to life, if that's what you meant. I would suggest watching either of the videos in the OP if you're still having trouble.
  11. Just to be sure, you are launching the ship by pressing the "launch" button in the build list window, not by clicking the launchpad, correct? If not, then that's the problem Otherwise that does sound like a bug (and I'll need log files and all that, as mentioned in the first post) It sounds like its the first thing though, cause clicking the launchpad will result in a simulation starting.
  12. So far everything is as expected. StageRecovery only "kicks in" when the vessels get unloaded in the atmosphere and are going to be deleted by KSP. You should be seeing the parts when you enter the VAB, click the Part Inventory button, and then choose command or propulsion. If you aren't, then there's a bug and I'll need logs from after you recover something. When I was making the features, it was the "Development of new technologies" and the "hands on research experience of working with the parts". Several of these can be answered by the same feature, but I'll respond in the same numbered series for clarity: 1) If you want to add a part or two to a ship after they're in storage (or even during construction) just press the "*" button and go to "Edit". This will let you make changes to the ship, but will require additional build time to add or remove parts. 2) You are certainly welcome to think of it that way if you want The build times are somewhat arbitrary, and can be reconfigured to whatever you think is appropriate for them. 3) Parts that are used in multiple builds will take less time to build. It's less dramatic than 10x (The 4th identical build will take half the time), but the build times are also less than real life by default. 4) You can build a bunch of identical copies of something and have them all queued up if you want. You pay for them when you queue them, but you can scrap them at any time. 5) This is kind of like 4 and 1 combined. Queue up a bunch of boosters and use the edit function to add a payload. Or scrap the booster into parts, then build a new vessel that is the payload+booster. Don't forget that having multiple build rates means you can build two things at once (or three, or more) and that additional rates are cheaper than buying faster primary rates. So if you've got a lot queued up and are planning on doing that often, I suggest buying a second rate. I hope that answers all of your questions
  13. No worries! Sometimes the way I design things isn't very intuitive, and in this instance they don't have a "warp to" button because of space. In general, whatever's listed in the "Next:" section is what gets warped to when you press the 'Warp to Complete" button Happy New Year to you as well!
  14. Timezones mean that this reply is quite late, but yes you can warp through rollout or any other times. Just press the "Warp to Complete" button at the top, or manually warp. If you've got Kerbal Alarm clock installed it'll make an alarm for you automatically, so you can run other missions and not worry about warping past completion.
  15. I would suggest reading the manual prior to posting, though the album on the first post of the KCT page includes pictures of the crew select GUI You can (and always have been) able to select individual kerbals by removing the kerbal from the seat and selecting a new one (I'm on mobile, but it's either "select" or "add", I don't recall). As for selecting a specific flag, you should be able to do that at the time the vessel is added to the build list. You may be able to edit the vessel and then choose a new flag, then save the edits to use the new flag. I don't choose individual flags for missions, so I've never tested it.
  16. I'm pretty sure it already does, but I haven't 100% confirmed that. Since the strategies only affect the value of "transactions", and the TransactionReason used for all refunds by StageRecovery is "VesselRecovery" the strategy that boosts VesselRecovery transactions should be affecting it properly. Otherwise working with the strategies is a confusing mess and I haven't found an easy way to tell how much a TransactionReason should be modified by strategies. So if it isn't working as-is, I'm not sure how much I can do to make it work properly.
  17. KCT should be fairly agnostic to what parts are on a ship, so I'd like to see the full log file if possible. I don't know what an FSM is (the first error) so I'm not sure how KCT is causing it. Just to be sure, I'll try loading up a craft that has intakes if I get a chance to turn on my laptop today. Edit: @karamazovnew I think I figured out the issue with simulations ending in sandbox mode, so that'll be fixed in the next update for sure (and should be fixed in the latest dev build). Edit2: @raath I ran into no issues using stock intakes (well, with Ven's Stock Revamp also installed) during simulations during my somewhat limited testing of crashing the Ares 3A with structural intakes instead of the old radial ones into the ground many times.
  18. I can take a look and try to support them, but if they use the stock parachute model it should work already. Though I think I may have created an issue with the latest update since someone e reported another mod that adds parachutes wasn't working properly.
  19. So, I posted this in the KerbalStats thread and apparently the issue is that you have kerbals that don't have spaces in their names. If that is the case, how come you have kerbals without spaces? If your kerbals are "normally" named, then I'm afraid that KCT is somehow messing something up with the kerbals. Here's the related post/thread in the kerbal stats thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99018-0-90-KerbalStats-v1-1-0?p=1638642&viewfull=1#post1638642 When this thread last discussed changes to simulations, one of the proposed ideas was that the simulation would end if you tried to enter the atmosphere or land on a body you hadn't returned science from in that situation (so ending as soon as you hit atmosphere if you don't have atmosphere or landed science, or ending after touchdown if you don't have landed science). There's a good chance I'll end up doing something along those lines.
  20. I'll have to ask the user who reported the issue, I'll edit this when I find out (if I ever do).
  21. I'll take a look and see if I can figure anything out on my own before asking for any more info. It's strange to me that it's having issues, since the contracts are saved into the save file, which the simulations copy upon starting and overwrite upon completion. I'm about to fire up KSP and see what I can find. Edit: Cannot reproduce. With a fairly minimal install of KSP+KCT+StageRecovery+ActiveTextureManagement+ModuleManager+AnchoredDecouplerFix (aka, my standard testing install) the Launch a New Vessel contract reappeared after every simulation I did (launch landed on Kerbin with 15 minute time limit). If you can get me a log or some more info, I'll see what I can do.
  22. I kind of like that first idea, since I'm planning on making some changes to simulations in the near future and was intending to require science transmission to unlock new bodies. As for the integration with Kittopia, I don't quite have the time to do anything that large, but it certainly sounds awesome. I've got some other issues to take a look at as well, so I'll add those to the list. A log file from either (or both) occurring would help on the off chance I can't reproduce them. Edit: I couldn't reproduce either issue. KCT + KerbinSide's "LaunchPoints" pack let me launch from KSC2 without issue. I couldn't use KCT's revert to editor function properly (but didn't see an error listed...), but could still exit to the SpaceCenter which properly reverted things. As for sandbox+running out of time, the window appeared without issue and responded as normal. </Edit> I wasn't planning on integrating StageRecovery too thoroughly with KerbinSide, and unfortunately I have not yet found a good way to override the stock recovery mechanics (just ways to work around them somewhat). Even if I could override them, it would likely create incompatibilities with other mods that rely on the stock recovery mechanics. Additionally, as I mentioned above, my time is quite limited these days so I'm reluctant to try to do anything too time demanding. Specifically for StageRecovery though, I do have a bit more freedom with regards to the recovery mechanics since I wrote and implemented them, meaning I can change them however I like. But changing the recovery mechanics too far from what landed stages do obviously has its faults. The system you propose does sound interesting, but unfortunately I don't think I'd be able to make it happen
  23. Someone reported a similar issue with less detail previously, but I'll take a look specifically with simulations.
  24. I'm the author of Kerbal Construction Time and I received a log from a user who was having issues consistent with persistence loading not completing, which unfortunately can be caused by other mods encountering errors during a persistence load event. The log indicated the issue was with KerbalStats, so I figured I'd post the snippet that I believe is the issue, along with a link to the log file. log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r5uttn62fgttjmc/output_log.txt?dl=0 [KS] OnLoad ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Cannot be negative. Parameter name: length at System.String.Substring (Int32 startIndex, Int32 length) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalStats.Gender.PickGender (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalStats.Gender.AddKerbal (.ProtoCrewMember kerbal) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalStats.Gender.Load (.ProtoCrewMember kerbal, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalStats.KerbalExt.Load (.ProtoCrewMember kerbal, .ConfigNode ext) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalStats.KerbalStats.OnLoad (.ConfigNode config) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoScenarioModule.Load (.ScenarioRunner host) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner+ .MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  25. Looks like Kerbal Stats is having an error, which causes all subsequent OnLoad functions to not work. I'll cross post to that thread as well. As long as that issue happens, KCT isn't going to work properly at all (and likely other mods won't either). [KS] OnLoad ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Cannot be negative. Parameter name: length at System.String.Substring (Int32 startIndex, Int32 length) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalStats.Gender.PickGender (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalStats.Gender.AddKerbal (.ProtoCrewMember kerbal) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalStats.Gender.Load (.ProtoCrewMember kerbal, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalStats.KerbalExt.Load (.ProtoCrewMember kerbal, .ConfigNode ext) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KerbalStats.KerbalStats.OnLoad (.ConfigNode config) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoScenarioModule.Load (.ScenarioRunner host) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner+ .MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Probably not, but I'd like to have a similar setup for testing. I never gave a thorough explanation of how Procedural Parts support is supposed to work on the forum, only on the GitHub issue, so maybe I should do that here to avoid confusion. Firstly, the numbers for procedural parts in storage are supposed to be HUGE. The way it works is that a procedural part (pp) is stored/retrieved as 1000 times their cost. A part costing 123.456 funds will be stored as 123456 of that part. Additionally, due to their convenience, pp only have 1/10 of the InventoryEffect applied to them (so, the default of 100 which normally results in a reduction to 10% of new, instead results in a reduction to about 33% of new). Only the dry cost of the part should matter, and a procedural part is detected as procedural by the modules on the part (specifically, at least one module with the word "procedural" in its name). Several popular procedural parts mods only use "proc" in their module name, which I can't use as the requirement because of words like "processor", so I need to probably add special cases for them.
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