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Everything posted by magico13

  1. I've got over 4 years of it but I'm nowhere near fluent. Guess that counts me out
  2. Well, technically I think it does line wrap as it is now, I just don't expect that it does it very well. Though with the new fixed height (I think I fixed the height, didn't I? I haven't actually played with KCT in 0.90 yet )that shouldn't be as much of an issue. Previously I was adjusting the height to be a multiple of the number of entries, so if it wrapped it suddenly was taking up twice as much vertical space but only being assigned the normal amount. Well, that certainly is an issue. I'll have to get that fixed.
  3. I've been meaning to make that option a little more intuitive (to let you enter specific dates + times by day:hour:min:sec) but that'll probably wait until the simulation repass. The UT is seconds from game start, so 0 is day 1 at sunrise and 3600 is Day 1 Hour 1. If there's 6 hours in a day, then each day is 21600 seconds. If you want to launch when the KSC is under the orbit needed, simulate a random object on the pad, fast forward until it is under the orbit, then check the current UT (click the MET button). You'll have to convert it to seconds using 1 day=21600 seconds, 1 hour=3600 seconds, 1 minute=60 seconds. So if it occurs on Day 12, Hour 3, Minute 14, Second 5, (you can safely ignore the seconds and probably the minutes if you just want a rough estimate) then the UT is 12*21600 + 3*3600 + 14*60 + 5 = 33233.0 The "expected use case" for the UT option at creation was for transfer windows (this planner gives you time in UT if you hover over it, for example: Kerbin to Duna occurs around 5030208) but I threw it in really quickly and is the only feature that survived the currently stale "development" branch on GitHub (the other feature that I need to transfer over is landed simulations, which were working very basically at the time). That branch stopped when 0.25 came out and the features (ScrapYard integration) were too much work at the time, but I needed to get a new update out.
  4. Well, then the question of where would that stage have landed becomes a big deal. Currently SR doesn't try to estimate that, it just uses the position at deletion as the point to calculate distance to KSC from. If the periapsis is that high up it could literally land anywhere on Kerbin. Combined with the Trajectories mod's API I could probably handle that situation, and have actually been considering it. Compute a trajectory through Trajectories, if the unloaded vessel will impact Kerbin due to drag on this pass and enters the atmosphere then SR automatically deletes+recovers it as it does now for things below ~24km. I'll likely add something along those lines before the next update. It relies on the Trajectories mod being installed, but would be an optional dependency.
  5. Here is the forum page for CKAN. It's a standalone program that you can run from anywhere (I generally do run it from the Desktop). It will automatically install (and update) your mods for you after a couple clicks, and most importantly will handle dependencies automatically. It won't, however, handle mods that have been installed manually, so it won't keep FAR or RSS up to date if you leave them installed. Currently it appears that KerbalStuff is down for maintenance, so many mods likely can't be installed through CKAN right now until that comes back up (and Curse isn't supported because their API doesn't make it easy like KerbalStuff and GitHub's do)
  6. Is it safe to assume that downtime has started? Any ETAs? I was just firing up CKAN to set up my mods for a stream tomorrow and was confused for a moment about why they couldn't be downloaded. Thanks for all your work, hopefully things come out better on the other side of this downtime!
  7. I like this idea. I know it is possible to do, but I don't yet know how. I'll have to look into some tutorials for the first time since trying to add saving to the persistence. The vessel names themselves I think can be any length, but they won't display properly after a certain point (they'll line wrap and throw everything off). I'm not sure what I can do for that except to make the GUI wider as I've already cut out a lot of extra stuff. Autofill will either take the very first Kerbal in the list (much like the stock game does, so generally Jeb) or will take a totally random kerbal if you've got the randomize button selected. It currently doesn't care one way or another about their class. I can maybe throw in another option (or make it the default) for "prefer pilots", at least when the ship has no other form of control. I'd like to hear what others think of that first though.
  8. If you have Blizzy's toolbar mod installed, make sure you go into the toolbar settings and make the icon visible. If you're not using that then ensure you don't have an antivirus software deleting the .dll (that apparently happened to someone not too long ago) by checking that it is still in the GameData/StageRecovery folder. The button should show up in the Space Center, Editor, and Flight Scenes. If you're sure all of that is right, I'd love for you to send me an output_log.txt file. Just upload it to dropbox or some other file sharing site. This post has the log location if you're not sure where it is.
  9. (VAB, SPH, or R&D ) The primary source of upgrade points is from unlocking tech nodes in the R&D facility. Each tech node you purchase gives you one upgrade point, even if you haven't spent the time to unlock the node yet. You can also buy additional nodes with funds or science (at an increasing rate) in the Upgrades window, but that's generally saved for when you really need them or have finished the tech tree. The next update won't be save breaking, just the current dev version is (kind of, it currently doesn't let you upgrade anything). It'll still be branded 1.1.X.0 and will be fully compatible with current 1.1 saves. The only new feature will be time requirements for repairing and upgrading buildings. The 1.2 update will be semi, to fully, save breaking depending on what I end up getting done with and how much time I spend trying to port things over into the new system (which can take a long time. 1.1 will work with saves from 1.0, but only after a conversion that took a long while to sort out the issues with). At the current moment none of the work for 1.2 is complete, it's still in planning. At the very least I know I will be making changes to some of the settings, meaning you'll have to reconfigure some of them if you're not using the defaults (but that will be much easier with presets), and I want to redo the upgrade system (you'll get refunded for any upgrade points you purchased, and your upgrades will be reset, but you should be able to unlock the new ones without issue). Those aren't really game breaking, they'll just need a small transition on the user's part. If I redo the inventory system as well, then the whole part inventory will likely be lost (and maybe the part tracking info as well), which could be quite a game changer, but won't technically break the save.
  10. It's linear. This is what KCT/StageRecovery use, and without going into too much detail this is also what KSP uses: Mathf.Lerp(0.98f, 0.1f, (float)(distanceFromKSC / maxDist)); The distance is calculated as the Great Circle Distance, with maxDist equal to pi times the radius of the planet.
  11. Infinite loops are always fun! I'm doing a tiny bit of more work on it, then going to bed. Despite the high being 0F and the low being -13F tomorrow (with 25 mph winds and windchills between -25 and -35) I still have to go to work Edit: I got it to properly revert the upgrade without going through an infinite loop, but the building will flash as the upgraded one for a second. Currently it just continuously takes your money and won't let you ever upgrade, since I haven't added the KSC build list yet (which will house building upgrades/repair)
  12. If anyone is feeling REALLY REALLY bored and wants to see if I made it so you can't repair or upgrade buildings, will you please head to the beta thread and test out the latest version there. There's currently no way to actually upgrade or repair buildings if it is indeed working, but I don't have the time to test right now. This is the prerequisite to making upgrades and repairs take time.
  13. Good plan. I had thought of that case once but apparently forgot to fix it. It certainly doesn't make sense to be able to edit a ship in the VAB that's already on the launchpad.
  14. I used nVidia's shadow play feature since it's free if you've got the right graphics card, but I'm probably going to switch to OBS because it can also record the same way but with more options, especially for Twitch streaming.
  15. No worries I need to update the OP at some point to explain how procedural parts are handled (and maybe provide a list of mods that will be affected), but I'm also planning on making some changes to the inventory system which will likely negate how they're handled right now. Though, I have a lot of planned changes that I'm starting to think won't happen as soon as I anticipated
  16. I bet you $100 you're using RealChutes Not a bug, just a result of the weird way that procedural parts are handled now. Their "amounts" are their costs multiplied by 1000, representing a bunch of material that can be formed into the procedural shape you want. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense for parachutes maybe, but the only filter for detecting a procedural part is whether there's a module with the word "procedural" in it's name (in this case, it's ProceduralChute).
  17. I'll need a little more info before I can be of much help. In what scene are you clicking the button (and is it the toolbar mod orthe stock one?)? If it's the space center you should see the settings window, if in the editor you should get a message saying if the current craft will be recovered, if in flight you should see a small window with buttons saying "recovered" and "destroyed". If you're not seeing any of those, fire up KSP, click the button a few times in the space center, then close KSP and send me the log file (check the stickied post in the modded support forum to see where it is. It is NOT the KSP.log file)
  18. It should be that when you switch scenes (go into the vab/tracking station) it notices there's an unfinished simulation and reverts the save. I suppose if you load the flight through the space center it might not work properly. I'll have to fix that I'm not aware of either of my mods receiving a mention on any of the KSP blog posts, but if they did then that's awesome! A quick search doesn't bring up anything though.
  19. Apparently this is a known issue that is breaking at least two other mods, so the author is supposed to release an update soon to fix it.
  20. As long as the rocket doesn't change state from PreLaunch to something else it won't trigger any reconditioning. I think you can test rovers and other things like that without triggering the reconditioning code as well. But yeah, you can put whatever you want on the pad because it won't "break" (be damaged, need reconditioned, etc.) until you launch it. Unlike the stock game in 0.25 where the pad would actually break just by placing the ship!
  21. I don't ever change my flag, so I've never tested this, but you should be able to set the flag in the editor when you build the ship initially and it should use that one. Alternatively, you might be able to "edit" the ship before launching it, then select a flag in the editor and save the edits. I believe I set those up to work correctly, but I've never actually tested it.
  22. It is very likely to occur with any mods that happen to error while loading data from the persistence. KCT itself has had problems with this in the past (unfortunately breaking other mods as a result), as well as Tarsier Space Telescope (which is why it is listed as incompatible. TriggerAU, the Alarm Clock developer, even fixed it for him and did a pull request on github but the developer hasn't been online in a long time). If you ever do see it, send me the logs right away and I can hopefully track down what's causing the issue (KCT or not).
  23. When I get home from work I'll take a better look at those files. In the mean time, can you send me the full save file? The issue isn't an incompatibility, it's that Kerbanomics is having an error that breaks all other mods that try to read the persistence after it, which is much larger than just KCT. The error specifically states it's with trying to parse a string into an integer, but looking at the latest code it shouldn't be happening anymore. @WuphonsReach Those suggestions can be easily done and make sense to have, so I will try to get them done for the next release. Thank you for your thoughts on balance. I should point out that if you open up the KCT_Formulas.cfg file you can edit the formulas used for buying upgrade points. It is supposed to be difficult/expensive to get high build rates (>1.5-2.0). I personally only ever get my VAB rate to 1.5 and my SPH to 1.0, then start putting points into a second VAB rate. A small increase to the initial rate might happen, but I'm also planning on changing that system pretty soon anyway. The real kicker for simulation costs isn't launches from Kerbin, it's launches in orbit, especially in orbit around different planets. However, a 50k ship should cost twice as much to simulate as a 25k ship (If I'm remembering the formula correctly), so a 150k launcher should be costing 10 times as much as 15k one.
  24. Try without Kerbanomics. I keep seeing this error pop up and it worries me that it's messing up the persistence loading. It seems to be preventing KCT from loading the save. Btw, I only need the output_log.txt file, and while the videos are certainly helpful, you don't need to make them if it's an extra hassle FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format at System.Int32.Parse (System.String s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Kerbanomics.KerbanomicsMain.LoadData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Kerbanomics.KerbanomicsScenario.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoScenarioModule.Load (.ScenarioRunner host) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner+ .MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Edit: I can't see which version of mods you're using for some reason (If ModuleManager 2.5.6 removed that feature I am going to be sad), but make sure you've got version 0.1.6 of Kerbanomics. That one apparently fixed an issue that may be related to this, if you're not on that version.
  25. I've got that idea toward the end of my todo list (clicking the launchpad/runway to let you simulate or build any saved ships), but it's pretty far down the list. I have yet to find a way to override what clicking the pad does, but I can tell when the stock window has appeared. In the mean time, if you want to build another version of a craft you already are building/have built, click the * button and then press "duplicate". That should add a copy of it to the build list, which might help a little.
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