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Everything posted by Deejay2000

  1. I failed to get a screenshot, but while orbiting Pol, I noticed that every time I passed a certain spot I would get something about tentacles rising out of the ground. Strange...
  2. I've recently done a mission to go to Duna. I made a ship that I thought would be able to get into orbit, turns out I had a couple thousand extra delta V. Keep in mind this was done before I had nuclear engines. So here's my ship in orbit (along with part of the launch stage). I got myself to Duna with just that launch stage, but abandoned it because I didn't have very much torque. Just doing the aerobraking maneuver. I thought, "Maybe I'll land on Ike, I've got plenty of fuel." What the heck, may as well head off to Jool. Laythe is looking pretty in the distance... Final orbit, I ran out of fuel (except 3 liters) I earned 3300 science points from one mission. So, that proves that you don't need nuclear engines for interplanetary missions.
  3. This is my first attempt. > Too Much Delta V! Here's my second attempt, although it's not as good (as I've already gotten science from much of the Joolian system. So 2454 points for this mission.
  4. It's great! I would usually rely on the nuclear engines for almost everything. Now, I'm forced to learn how to get to and land on other planets (and their moons) without nuclear engines. It really helps me to understand how to build a proper rocket with the minimum requirements. Also, being forced to use the lesser parts taught me how they are actually better for certain situations, and that I don't need to have an ultra complex, heavy rocket for simple situations that the "bad" parts can handle. So, the update has made me a better rocket engineer, overall. It also creates a point to play (until you unlock everything). I'm not a big fan of games that are creativity only, I like having a purpose to go to the Mun, Minmus, or wherever else. Career mode (R&D) has really solved that problem for me, and I will now be playing far more. The next feature that would go good with this one would be the ability to have satellite relays. Instead of beaming information through planets and moons, you would be required to send satellites up in orbit. It would be really cool to see some people's relays full of science satellites and communication satellites. ... But that's for the future. Regards, Deejay
  5. I'd like to see a moon that is very close to a gas giant, and stretched out because of the strong gravity.
  6. Kerbal Space Program is a simulation. So KSP in KSP? KSPception. Regards, Deejay
  7. Watch out guys... I'm gonna get this... Did I win? This is actually faster than what it is when I'm actually downloading, which is 0.005 MB/s. Yes, you read that right. My lowest record was a stable 125 - 75 bytes per second.
  8. Maybe we should keep on topic. I wouldn't find this very useful for myself, but I'm sure other people could find this useful. You can't really have too many features either. -Deejay
  9. I do find that there aren't enough uses for a probe (besides using them in place of Kerbals so they don't die) and that something like RemoteTech would make satellites much more useful. Also using probes to map the surfaces of planets would be nice. I've also thought about having to discover the planets before you can see them on the map. All of these things would make probes far more useful. -Deejay
  10. I would only support being able to turn it off in sandbox mode to make it feel more like a sandbox. Keep it on in career mode. -Deejay
  11. I was trying to land on Duna with a skycrane and rover. I perfectly aerobroke(?). Then I was at full thrust desperately trying to kill my velocity with nukes and got to 0 velocity right above the ground without having to throttle down. I then had barely enough fuel to get my skycrane to fly away, and have my rover drop. I then, of course, drove around the surface at 50 m/s and went up hills and down craters, and I destroyed the entire thing. Worth it. -Deejay
  12. I would like to see something like this in Lua, whether it be in the game or a mod. I would probably just be using this on probes. It would go well with something like RemoteTech, so if there is a 3 minute delay on Duna, instead of trying a near impossible landing, you can make the computer do the landing then control it like normal. As for complete autopilots, if you have the skill to create an autopilot, then you should be able to create it. But since this could be an autopilot, it might just be better as a mod for now. -Deejay
  13. Set down a mission control (in RT 0.5 you can, I haven't checked the new version) on Duna, then put satellites around it. By mission control, I mean a tower with one of the good antennaes and three kerbals inside to control it. -Deejay
  14. Ah, I see my thread has been revived, and thank you for your thoughts and opinions. Feel free to add to this idea. -Deejay
  15. It would be great to see this in the base game. Until we see the update with this (I'm sure it will come sometime soon, or at least eventually), I will be using RemoteTech. When you say "Keep in contact with your ships" do you mean just probes, or all ships? I can only see it with probes, because otherwise you wouldn't be able to set up your own mission control on another planet, because the majority of the time you wouldn't be connected to the mission control on Kerbin. Also, manned ships can fly themselves. -Deejay
  16. I will insert numbers into the quote so I break it down. 1) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/303-A-rant-about-development-asymptotes 2)Resources will come eventually, but for now you'll just have to be creative and create your own little story. 3)After Squad starts implementing other big features (like resources) those mods will have no use and will probably stop being developed and used. 4, 5)The useless stuff, like antennas, are just the start of communication. Kind of like a building you have to start with the bottom (the antennas) and start building up, you can't simple build the entire building at once, or start in the middle. 6)Like said in 2, all of those things will be in the future game, and you can't hope for things immediately, especially when the game is in alpha and constantly in development. 7)No one knows much about career mode, but it will probably end up requiring those things. 8)Think about KSP like this a hamburger. Some people can eat just two buns and a burger, but others need ketchup, mustard, onions, etc. This is the same for KSP. KSP is just the buns and burger. So how do you get this burger to taste better while we wait for supplies to ship to this "restaraunt"? We install mods. That's just the way it is right now. -Deejay
  17. Well, with KSP 1.0, no mods might be fun, but mods will still make it better. Personally, I would stick with the PC. Why? Because PCMASTERRACEHERPDURP. -Deejay
  18. I would say it requires you to be relatively smarter/more creative, have an interest in space, have patience, and to not get mad when you fail at something. People like that are usually older and more mature. -Deejay
  19. No, because a geostationary orbit has to match the planet's spin at the equator. -Deejay
  20. I could be wrong (and often I am), but I don't think changing the terrain is going to kill the FPS for low-end systems. A canyon is not much more than a crack in the surface, and I wouldn't think it'd be much different (FPS wise) than a deep crater. -Deejay
  21. I don't think it was necessary to revive this thread. Let it die, the problem has probably been resolved, or the plane has been forgotten/deleted. -Deejay
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