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Everything posted by KatzOhki

  1. I'm sure that they meant a container to COLLECT specimens when they labeled it a "specimen container" and specimen does not necessarily mean a biological organism. (moon rocks are specimens). However, with that being said, yes please marmots.
  2. I've made it out of the atmosphere, but haven't circularized. Edit: I realized that was with a partially liquid stage. My best with separatrons only was ~44km last night.
  3. I made a really complex ship with a bunch of deployable probes. Accidentally hit space on rendezvous with the station and dumped a bunch of probes into the station. Ooops!
  4. Been trying to accomplish this in my game anyway, so maybe ill try to make an entry.
  5. Here's the right craft. Just got home so no pics yet. Well, I'm probably going to restart from scratch I guess. https://sites.google.com/site/katzcospace/stardrive/Rover%20Beta.craft
  6. Probe beta? ... Oops I think you're right. I'll try to upload the correct one and post a pic.
  7. You can use just one docking port. All you have to do is right-click and hit "Decouple Node".
  8. Hey all, so this is the first time I've encountered something like this: When editing a new module for my craft (it's a package of multiple rovers to be docked with a ship), the file got bugged, or corrupted or something. I tried to pull off everything underneath the large probe core so that I could add a docking port. One of the rovers (which was added using symmetry) didn't pull off and acted like it was still a part of the craft. Then when I tried to move parts off of that, they duplicated. Eventually the program crashed and now anytime I try to make changes to it, the program crashes. Not really sure what to do here... Corrupted.craft (137 KB) https://sites.google.com/site/katzohki/downloads/Corrupted.craft
  9. The launch towers and platforms look really cool. Maybe someday we can have stock launch platforms to choose from!
  10. My problem was that on decoupling, the engine fairings of the nuclear engines would fly out and knock engines off.
  11. Very good tutorial! My major problem is weight too, but I'm docking big rovers end to end...
  12. Thanks guys, I think I've got what I need. I figure what I'll do is stick with the design I had (1580 dV), exclude Tylo, Laythe and Vall and simply use a larger, planetary lander for them! @Mihara: intereting point, I'll definitely think about that when designing my planetary excursion lander.
  13. Thanks johnno, If I understand correctly, Vall is a big moon, so 2500 delta v would work for almost any moon?
  14. Hey all, I'm trying to develop a multi purpose lander that can land on almost any moon and return to dock with its mother ship. I figure that Laythe is not included and other very large moons can also be skipped. Any thoughts on the design? I have a prototype with 1580 delta v. If you can give me any advice on the delta v required to deorbit AND return to orbit from various moons, I appreciate it. Thanks! Edit: needs to be 1 kerbal capacity. Probably not using seats.
  15. These look pretty cool, I like orbital assembled ships.
  16. I've passed debris at high speed during ascent. Pretty close call, but I don't think I've hit any that weren't recently detached.
  17. Very cool! I did something similar that had 8 little lander probes.
  18. Here's one that I use: You want the part below the lower separator. Everything else was garbage, but the lift vehicle is solid. That's 3 of the Rockomax X200-32 fuel tanks in the center stack. You will have to arrange the staging so that the lower SRBs fire first, then eject and fire the next set etc. I have a larger one that is capable of very heavy launches, but I don't have a picture. The aerodynamic parts can change depending on what your payload is.
  19. Here's my heavy lifter: 3 orange tanks stacked on a mainsail, 4 side separators, two stacked orange tanks with mainsails on those separator. Each outer orange stack has 3 seperators with a large solid rocket booster on top. It's fairly capable, but you'll have to experiment with a lot of struts to get it flying.
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