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Posts posted by Stratoroc

  1. The only problem with this is that I've seen it get a little screwy with part alignment of subsequent parts.

    use a different part as root and add the pod afterwards, rotate as needed. Rotating the root part screws up the axis parts are spawned on and symmetrized around. Agreed that the design of the pod is annoying considering it's almost always mated to one of the many 2.5m parts that have ladders down the center line.

  2. I think living and sleeping quarters can be combined into one part. I also think that a 3.75m crew tank would be a great addition, this is a large enough size to incorporate sleeping, living, and exercise quarters for a small crew. If morale or sanity is implemented parts like this will be required because even kerbals will go insane from being stuck in a cockpit for years on end.

    When I design space stations I have habitation modules with a population capacity equal to the number of crew members doing useful things.

  3. Most a mech can be is a box on feet like the Wolverine from Tiberium Sun. Armor just heavy enough to take small arms and machine guns to stand up against said small arms. Problems with bipedals is that whatever can give them good mobility (long legs, low weight, powerful fast servos) makes them worthless in combat (large profile, light armor, easy to cripple, too tall).

    Only circumstances where tracks and helis suffer is in tough terrain like mountains or jungles. There power armor will prevail.

  4. I rely on tiny, quick, single-direction taps of thrust. Kinda like a delicate docking maneuver. Come to think of it, once I started docking lopsided and unbalanced station parts with lousy clearance (my designs don't take putting things together into account well), I can do EVA stuff rather comfortably. Not long ago I'd avoid anything more complicated than letting go of the hatch.

    The key, to me at least, is to focus on only one direction at a time because otherwise I over correct.

  5. attempted to land an SSTO that was the longest running mission in my game so far. After running out of ozydizer shortly before minus escape and using GOAP to lower the Pe to 30km, recovering from a nasty flat spin, flying the plane to nearest land after stabilizing in the middle of the ocean, and atempting to land on a flat-ish patch of ground in the dark, I found out that a vertical velocity of 10m/s was too much for the landing gear..

    Oh and I have 2 modules for a space station in minmus orbit that are waiting for a fuel delivery before they can be docked. one has neither fuel nor monoprop, the other no monoprop.

    RIP Will Kerman and that other guy. Your efforts in progressing kerbal science will not be forgotten. Next time I will park before deorbiting to land in daylight and close to KSC. and put up a flag or something.

  6. Since the career mode is designed first and foremost as an unguided tutorial why not reward science milestones in flights complexity? Currently the science rewards for flight components are much smaller than experiments, which really just means attaching a part and grinding routine missions.

    The key here is to balance science rewards such that after 1-2 missions of one 'class' the rewards are enough to progress to the next complexity and to arrange the tech tree such that a logical next step is the most obvious with the newly unlocked parts. For example after a probe on an SRB launch the next step would be an SRB, capsule and parachute. After that basic liquid rockets to get out of the atmosphere and make an orbit.

  7. So while staffing space station that contained a bunch of LLL walkways and cupolas, all of which have a crew capacity, I had an (probably not original) idea. Create a resource for habitat-space based on the continuous volume of crew accessible parts. Basically instead of individual parts containing stationary crew members, have a group of parts with the crew 'diffused' amongst them based on a habitat-space resource capacity such that each crew member is attached to the cluster of parts rather than a specific part. I recall a mod that detects attached parts for realistic crew shuffling using ship manifest, so kinda like that only with a crew capacity for the entire cluster of parts.

    Other possible uses for such a resource would be a lowered crew capacity for long term missions, I recall of colonization challenges that limited the acceptable crew capacity to half of what each part allowed. Also dedicated living spaces, as opposed to lander cans.

    I have no idea if this came up before, probably has at some point, or if the game engine makes this possible.

  8. I'm assuming it comes down to dropping folders into the gamedata folder, as with manual installations. Install order will only matter if a mod overwrites shared files using an older or different version of the shared plugin, breaking the other mod in the process. see if you have an older version of one of the mods and update?

  9. in space:

    High level functions that should not be automated ought to be done in EVA. Repairs were brought up more than once. I also suggest implementing a welding function for docking ports that will never be undocked again, like stations. Maybe also post-launch strutting, kinda like KAS.

    on surface:

    more advanced surface interaction such as intricate, and possibly multi-step, science experiments. Take sample, do field analysis, take a more interesting sample, and such. Also silly and more interactive actions like BLUESTREAK and Unifex suggested.

    First person EVA's, if fps like movement in kerbal space is possible, will make hollow station structures so very extremely epic and awesome. A station composed of dozens of welded corridor and room sections, just saying.

  10. I'd appreciate save compatibility because then I'll actually get to a point in a save to leave Kerbin's sphere of influence for more than a moment, for once.

    Biggest thanks I have to say for career mode is being 'forced' to explore deeper in space to earn the science, whereas in previous saves I'd agonize over station modules, satellite grids, and munar bases, all for future exploration that never arrived. As for KSP being about the journey, couldn't agree more considering the most intricate of stations that takes many missions to design and put together is nothing more than laggy boxes when it's all done.

  11. So an ambitious mission with not enough fuel was stuck in a high Kerbin orbit and no fuel (or docking ports) to return. I've attempted to get out and push, which always resulted in the pilot on EVA flying off as if suffering a crash into the ship. I was not able to regain control of the kerbal so I had to reload. This push and tumble away happened whenever I tried to push with a any significant trajectory change.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Oh and the stranded flights I deorbited using a tug with KAS magnets.

  12. we're also talking about a race of little green aliens who strap boosters first, and parachutes maybe. I don't see anything wrong about not having access to plane parts before likely mun landings. Also didn't one Chinese guy strap a chair to a bunch of rockets centuries before the first successful glider? I recall seeing something like that in mythbusters once.Now why cars come long after interplanetary missions and space stations is a little beyond me. But I guess kerbals had to look at the planet from above to declare "hey, we can make things move along all that land"

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