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Posts posted by Stratoroc

  1. If one were to be anal about units and education then different manufacturers will have different units, as tends to be the case in real life. Some engines will show you thrust in KN, other engines (those found on the side of a different road) will have power in HP. Same with mass, electrical power generation and consumption, and so forth.

    Among other things it'll piss off future engineers enough to really want a standardized unit system in real life.

    +many for explicit statement of units though, so needed.

  2. -Overly large emphasis on realism (spontaneous malfunctions, realistic complexity, etc). If I wanted to deal with all the crap that goes into a space programs with all the details, I'd be grinding my way towards a career with NASA. I deal with things that never work enough in real life, when I play KSP I expect things that should work actually work.

    If I want to colonize/mine Moho, I don't want the game telling me I have to explore Jool. I should get rewarded for doing meaningful things that I want to do, not what some arbitrary talking head wants me to do.

    -Anything not this. I consider a major part of KSP's appeal the lack of a guiding hand, thrive and blow up at the pad all on my own.

  3. Somewhat unrelated thing I ran across the other day. Supposedly the core of the sun is not so much energetic like a 'nuclear bomb' but rather a compost heap!? Does this sound right to you guys?

    This has to do with the core being so hot that nearly all of the H to He fusion is reversible. For almost each fusion there is a fission reaction as well, so the net energy release is fairly small. Don't ask me what happens in the near-surface layers of the sun where the temperatures are greatest.

  4. so I added struts to the wings and the problem all but went away, probably wing flex as Syhrus said.

    The landing gear is straight as far as angle snapping allows, I suspect even snapped it's possible to tilt the landing gear ever so slightly depending on which part of the part mesh it's attached to.

    Edit: could the jet engines clipping into the wings be causing odd engine wash effects as the wings flex?

    Here are pics of the thing:



  5. I think it's because two thrusters are used in a rotation. For example in your pic if the nose turns to the right the top and bottom left thrusters fire. However the bottom thrusters are angled so a torque that isn't balanced is created because the bottom thruster fires up and to the left. You need either SAS to counter the torque or rotate the ship such that the active thrusters are symmetrical about the plane on which you are maneuvering.

    Really this is a small-ish scale of the same problem due to unbalanced rcs placement for translation that plagues ships during docking.

    Hope this helps any.

  6. kerbal means attempting something that by all means should not work. Putting a space station into orbit using spacetape and boosters, in one piece, is very much kerbal. Sending one kerbanaught into a multiyear voyage of the solar system is kerban. It's things that we all know should not be possible, but do them because it's too damn fun not too. If anything going out of my way to recreate known real world space missions exactly isn't kerban because the result is always a calculated, well thought out, thoroughly optimized solution that was never designed by a mad scientist.

    And why? because I'm playing a game. And this game makes otherwise horrible disasters pretty damn comical.

  7. I would pay anything around $30 or somewhat more for an expansion pack on the condition that is implements core mechanics that mods cannot provide. Really, I consider paying for an expansion funding a project to implement some of the favored "don't bother asking, we're not doing it" features, terraforming, alien species and the like.

  8. I am getting this too. I can reliably get this if I attach the radial port parts, or add/remove a part from a node enough time. I have a couple of mods, so I suspect they help break things.

    edit: I tried building a space plane in the SPH and sometimes the root part seems to disappear in the sense that when I detach a part the game doesn't recognize an active root part in use.

  9. the probes are part kerbans? that's why half of my rockets explode on the launch pad! that explains so much. how could a creature hardly capable of pulling the thrust level without guidance know how to directly control electronic circuits

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