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Everything posted by HeadHunter67

  1. Thanks for that advice - saves me a bit of money too. I'll have to back up or move my current install so I can download a "clean" 0.21 from Steam, from which I can clone new installs.
  2. According to this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24533-Show-off-your-awesome-KSP-pictures!?p=555636&highlight=crawl+tubes#post555636 , The crawl tubes are a structural part of the KOSMOS pack: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kosmos-tks-spacecraft/
  3. I've been considering doing that. I have the Steam version so I don't think I can effectively "clone" installs, and I also don't have access to the older versions. So I might just decide to invest in a copy from the KSP Store also. I love mods but having so many makes load times crazy - usually 6-10 minutes to load for me.
  4. That's a brilliant idea! I'm definitely going to have to borrow that idea.
  5. I like the thin orange needles, indeed. I tried the plugin for the first time today and was very pleased. I had hoped to use it in conjunction with Docking Cam, but the two plugins together did something weird to my astronaut portraits. So I got rid of Docking Cam and will rely on this and the old MkI Eyeball.
  6. Just watched The Right Stuff this evening and jonesing more than ever to see this pack done up for 0.21! Does anyone have good 0.21 configs for these parts? I'm content using them in the meantime - in fact I just did an Alan-Shepardesque flight in the basic Mercury Redstone, achieved an altitude just shy of 136 km!
  7. As I said, that doesn't solve the problem. There's something else to it. Seriously, the only difference I had in the two configs were the name and the flavor text and it still gave me that weird issue.
  8. In my experience, most such crashes are the result of too many mods. Not a mod conflict as such, it's just that the engine preloads all mods and basically, once you get around 2GB of mod content, the game gets too full and pukes.
  9. Mine is composed of a Mk2 Lander can and a Hitchhiker: I haven't yet docked the Apollo-style CSM to it - I'll be launching that mission momentarily. Had to eat dinner and watch The Right Stuff first. For me, the biggest problem is scale - if you want to use a realistic stock Apollo CSM, that's going to be the same diameter as the workshop. Alternately, you could use a larger diameter fuel tank from something like NovaPunch for the workshop. If I were to do it over, I might rearrange the modules differently - but this was the setup that allowed me to balance he RCS thrusters best. If you didn't want to have that much RCS fuel on the station, you could go with 2 Hitchhiker cans instead of the way I did it. There is a small RCS tank at the base of the telescope anyhow. As for control, that's an OKTO-2 that the Communotron dish is mounted to, so you'd be able to control the craft from there (but it's in a bad place for torque). You could always use an RGU between the Hitchhiker cans or on one end.
  10. Thanks - that gives me something to extrapolate from. I'm considering using this as my primary vehicle for missions to my Space Station which is at a 100km orbit. So a little smaller payload size than that should be within parameters.
  11. More importantly, does anyone have data on the in-game payload capabilities of these rockets? I'm not a mathematician so I don't know how they figure it out - but I have other (ugly) lifters rated at 20 tons, 100 tons, whatever to a given altitude. I guess I could try the RL weights and see.
  12. I'm definitely going to give this a try! The Docking Cam was cool but this suits my needs better, actually. Thanks!
  13. Fair enough - in which case, the materials that make up their planetary cores must be orders of magnitude denser than anything known to Mankind. Probably Impossibilium, Impervium, or some Kerbium alloy.
  14. It's not too hard to change the configs in Notepad. Checking over other mods that have been updated can often show you an example of what to change.
  15. Looks very nice. I'm glad to have to update this frequently if it means more sexy new components! And I tried the Dragon capsule with the regular Draco thrusters. It only took me to about 43km (highest apo was around 48km but it decayed before I got that far). This seems pretty reasonable - MJ tells me the delta-v is 2994a/3303v. Sounds just about right for a Dunar liftoff to LKO, and the mass of the capsule with its typical accessories seems right. I think I'll be replacing my Apollo-style CSM that I use as an escape pod at my space station with a Dragon Rider, I just need to get it up there now. Out of curiosity - can anyone tell me what the payload ratings are for the two different Falcon launchers? (My apologies if it's been answered already).
  16. Thanks for the internals! I just figured out how to get the Mk3 IVA to work with B9's Mk 5 cockpit and between the two, I'm very happy! Every capsule and command pod needs a good IVA.
  17. Nothing at all wrong with that; but you simply have to accept that if you try to understand KSP geology using Earth science, the only way to rectify it is to state that the composition of the worlds in the Kerbol system must be made of stuff that's 10 times denser than the worlds in our own solar system. And that means the stuff that Kerbin is made of must be as dense as the densest materials on Earth. Since that is hard to rationalize scientifically, it's probably easier to chalk it up to "just a game".
  18. But then all the propulsion and travel in the game would not conform to Earth-normal Newtonian concepts, would it? In short, we wouldn't be able to use our understanding of rocket science to play the game... because our rocket science would be meaningless there. I prefer to simply suspend my disbelief and enjoy it for what it is - after all, we're talking about little green men with oblong heads and googly eyes here.
  19. Also, Crew Manifest isn't entirely obsolete. The Astronaut Complex doesn't let you choose the names or traits of a pilot, really - they just give you a bunch of choices. Crew Manifest lets you choose the name and the traits you want. More importantly, it lets you move crew between modules on a craft without having to do EVA - so docking actually makes more sense with Crew Manifest running.
  20. Well, meters and kilograms do exist in KSP, and whatever Kerbin is made from, it's got to be as dense as the densest material known to man. Maybe it's made from the same material used in posts on Internet forums and Facebook pages.
  21. AIES works fine in 0.21, though the command pods/probe cores need to be updated to the current values. Someone did a folder with the updated configs, not sure of the link but I can pm you the updated .cfgs if that's permitted.
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