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Everything posted by Morden96

  1. I know the other probes connect fine to each other. I think it might be RSS. You know how the orbits display through the ground? Part of the game seems to think the ground is 6000km high, the rest at 600km - like there is a little tiny Kerbin, way below ground, and the orbits are drawing around that. The Kerbin you see on the map is trickery. The game may think the launch transmitter is 6000km underground. Try putting a comm relay on the runway to give your probe something to connect to. They said the next update of RSS fixes the orbit display. Perhaps that will also fix RemoteTech?
  2. If you go to the map view, you can verify the location of the KSC transmitter. Look for the big red dot. If it's not on your launch location, you can move it by changing RemoteTechSettings.cfg. Just add a ground station for the Lat/Lon of your launch pad or change the existing one. If your using KerbTown, you should add an entry for each launch site.
  3. Has anyone else experienced Kraken attacks while landing on the Mun? Around 10km goes nuts and my CoG is nowhere near my ship....
  4. Not sure. Even if it doesn't, you'll just need to activate a maptraq on your ship. FYI - I've just uploaded a cfg to SpacePort to give all pods MapTraq functionality. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/scansat-for-all/ Just remember you have to power it on in the part menu just like a maptraq.
  5. No, as long as the scanner parts are activated, they will scan. However, if you are in a another ship, the other ships won't scan unless you have another active scanner or MapTraq on yours (to get KSP to run the mod). The mapview does not have to be open.
  6. I'm not up to speed on the programming aspects, but you may be able to get some idea of the function calls by looking at the Kethane mod code. It overlays a hex grid on the KSP mapview, so it should give you everything you need. Also I recommend you put the Scansat map overlay BENEATH the Kethane map overlay. It's transparent and everyone is begging to see both at once.
  7. A few of additional suggestions: 1. Add something to show if it's on or off (switch to a radio button?). You can't tell it's on until it actually starts adjusting your engines. It can be frustrating when I wanted it OFF. 2. It tends to mess up ships that are already stable (balanced, no turning needed). I've crashed a number of times because it destabilized my ship. If you tell us a little more about the algorithm you use, we can offer some suggestions. 3. Release notes when you update the mod. When the changes aren't obvious, you want the users to know what's changed so they can try it out. 4. Spellcheck: 'Toggle' 5. Save the settings state with each spacecraft. The engine thrust is saved since you used the tweakable, but your actual mod settings are not. Many of us jump between ships often and we can't use the same settings for every ship (incl on/off). Great work so far!
  8. I've also seen this problem. In my case, it was cause by two parts clipping each other slightly. I've never seen it carry over to other designs, though.....
  9. I just ran into this as well. Some of my reaction wheels kept toggling between enabled and not enough electric. It didn't cause any issues until I tried to run a probe that only had the okto for reaction wheels and use MechJeb. It worked fine manually, but mechjeb kept reseting it's turn every time the power cycled, so it couldn't maneuver at all. It did this consistently across multiple craft. I stumbled across the fix by accident. It seems to be that KSP is confused about which pod is in control. I hit control from here on a part (any part) and the issue disappeared.
  10. You can always skip the part requirement. In MissionController, they had a few placeholder missions that you could use for other purposes. Just specify the orbit and let the player choose the parts. That way the mission can be played whether you have ScanSat or ISA MapSat or simply stock. Just make sure the reward is high enough to pay for the ScanSat parts.
  11. MapTraq ONLY lets you view the map. The Radar Alt is providing you the low red grayscale. I'm assuming your third scanner is the Multispectral which only detects anomalies and Biomes. If you want High-Res altimetry, you need the SAR. As Bananadealer [fixed] said, each has a different range. They aren't published anywhere, so you need to look at the part.cfg for each scanner to see the proper orbit.
  12. New is a relative term. I'm a little behind on my playing.....
  13. I'm having some issues with Sunburn. I got my closest approach to 100km with no result. Then I got my entire orbit to under 1000km and still no result. All the other achievements have been working fine except this.
  14. It's just a different way of doing things. SCANsat does have a few strengths over ISA. For instance: You can run multiple mapping satellites at a time where ISA can only scan from the active ship. SCANsat has a variety of scanners to meet your needs while ISA only have one. The ISA interface is sleeker, but I think SCANsat's is more functional. I've got both installed. I usually use SCANsat, but ISA has had some new updates lately so I experiment with it as well.
  15. Great Mod! I do have one feature suggestion: A highlight function. It can be hard to find some of the smaller Biomes depending on the color scheme. A dialog that lets you select a Biome to be highlighted would be useful. You can also add a slope filter to it (only highlight slopes of xx or less). This would immediately identify good landing sites in the Biome on the map.
  16. I just noticed a lag issue when using Targetron. When I'm in EVA at my Mun base, I normally have a physics time ratio of 0.4. If I open the Targetron list and there are more than a few items on the list nearby, it drops to 0.1 or lower when I try to move. Apparently, it takes alot of CPU cycles to update the list when you're moving nearby. For now, I just keep the list closed and there is no lag.
  17. Yes, it's the weight of one unit in Metric Tons (1000kg). No, this is the rate needed to run basic life support (heat, O2 injection, etc). The scrubber doesn't seem to need any power. Per the readme, you should be able to add power requirements by adding this on the ION_POD_GENERATOR for the CO2Scrubber INPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.375000 effectOnEfficency = 1 }
  18. Having an issue with the 'We're not getting it back' challenge. The final requirement is a temperature scan above 100Mkm from the Kerbol. Problem is you can't take temperature scans in high orbits.....
  19. Apollo used compressed air canisters to maintain their oxygen. The command module was built to leak air slowly to allow release of contaminants (ie methane, ozone, etc). CO2 was the only contaminant they could scrub out. By adding compressed air, they could maintain the balance of N2 and O2 in a simple manner.
  20. Yeh, delete is completely bugged. However, you can edit the extra entries and mark them 'Private' which will hide them from everyone else.
  21. I'm actually working the same thing. However, for stock missions, the criticism that it's 'different air' is still valid because it's simply another extra item or recycler you have to carry even if the kill checks are different. A realistic life support mod is only interesting when it's combined with a supporting resource mod. If you have to mine each resource using different location and methods and convert it through different steps, now you have a supply chain. Consider what happens if you have food and water and oxygen requirements with recyclers to extend your supply, but still a real need for new supplies. Minmus should have plenty of water-ice, which can also make oxygen. However, for food, you need carbon. CO2 works, but it will run out like anything else as it's recycled and leaks from the system, etc. Maybe their's some carbon on Mun, but the best supply would be Duna. So now you have a need for an interplanetary supply network. So that's the concept for my current mod. I'm going to add the resources to Kethane as well as Ioncross. I've worked out real-world consumption, masses, and densities and translated that into KSP equivalents. I've even worked out real-world/KSP numbers for the hydroponics bay. If you interested in exchanging resource calculations or merging projects, send me a private message. I actually started alpha testing the Ioncross portion last night.
  22. Not an angle problem. All straight line connects. It was even more unstable when I attached pylons to the ground. The worst occurrences are when I load the scene or switch vessels. I wondered if my base was too large, but it did it with as little as 4 modules connected. Here's my layout:
  23. Is anyone else having issues with the stability of bases using pipes? Half the time I load a scene or add a section to my Mun base, the buildings start shaking and jumping off the ground, often violently enough to break something. It might be less sensitive if pipes had some give like the winch lines do.
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