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Everything posted by Uqabos

  1. Thx for saying +1! And It's easy to edit modded part's too easy ...
  2. Can anyone make Rescale Patch for Soviet pack to work with: Deadly Reentry, Real Fuels, Realism Overhaul, Real Solar System Real Chute ,Tac Life Support. You know realistic mods Just like http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60613. But it doesn't work anymore So can anyone create one please ... ?
  3. Oh yes! I was waiting this kind of mod along time ago! No I don't have to wait!
  4. Hi. I am geting a weird bug with 0.23 what i can't play game with this mode everything turns on but there are no sky and everything goes black and my heigt goes 777777 wtf? When are you going to fix this? Soon? Because I want to play realistic mode with less lag because 0.23! Sorry for my english...
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