let me post my try.... i tried to make a MONSTER TRUCK.. instead.... it ended up as a MONSTROUSITY TRUCK..... much MUCH bigger than what i anticipated..... and that's still not the max size. i could still go nuts and make it a BUS....... with 2 or 3 levels (never see that one do you?) it's not the prettiest thing you will ever see, since im not really good with it, also for the small touches.... but what i do care is the functionality.... everything works and i did a little rule bending there (because solar panel just doesn't go along with a Monster with reputation for a gas guzzler) so it's a Hybrid Monstrousity Truck.... HyMouT for short..... (i thought HMT is just too plain simple) it has 2 nuclear engine, each limited to 10% max power, it's just for the 'Range Extender' according to mazda.... it's main purpose is well, produce electricity. altho it's slightly pointing towards the back, so it does a very, VERY small amount of forward thrust, but not enough for a forward motion more than 0.5m/s. it also has some blinkers on the back (because somehow i forgot to put the blinkers on the front) with num 5 and 6 as it is a Monster Truck it cant go fast at all, max speed is 13.8m/s altho for some reason it wouldnt turn when it's going faster than 13.3m/s PS: please disregard the other vehicle included in there, i uploaded without rechecking, left my computer uploading (cause my net IS that slow) left it too long and i cant edit it anymore