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Jason Cox

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Everything posted by Jason Cox

  1. The yellow looks nice. It makes it look like a Workbee from Star Trek.
  2. It might help if there was an official parachute attach point. Based on the way that things flip about in KSP when parachutes deploy, I can only imagine what the KSO would do.
  3. While I'd like to keep my 0.23 save around, as a software dev myself I know what a pain in the a** backwards compatibility can be, so nuke it from orbit if you feel it's for the best. I just wish there was an easy way to remove the outdated logic from saves in a 0.23 > 0.24 upgrade. Even if it meant having to send a Kerbal up to every satt/relay to reinitialize things.
  4. I see what you did there. The subtle fanboyism is strong with this one.
  5. Is anyone else having an issue when placing the Docking Module in the payload bay of the stock craft file? It seems to attach just fine in the VAB, however once I get to orbit it acts like it's connected to the ET and not the shuttle... So thusly I have the ET hanging off the bottle of the shuttle while the docking module flies around the cargo bay. Edit: Just tried pulling the ET off the shuttle while in the VAB and the docking module came with it... but at the exact location that it would be attached to the payload bay airlock. Removed the docking port, re-attached the ET, added a new docking port and pulled the ET off again and this time it stayed attached to the shuttle. Weird.
  6. If you're circularizing with the OMS, try adjusting their gimbals from 14° to 12° while also decreasing their max thrust from 100% down to around 75%. MJ seems to handle it just fine then. With the default KSO settings it ends up just spinning in circles chasing the maneuver node since it doesn't know how to handle the engine gimbals.
  7. Out of memory here too. Sadly I can't remove any mods since all the misc extra parts are presently being used on active craft. Sigh. Guess I'll just have to wait for KSP x64.
  8. I agree, I thought that the original plan called for being able to change the contents of the tanks as well. I'm a little disappointed that all we got was a slider control to change the load out of the tanks.
  9. Radial fuel tanks. Heck, just reskin the radial RCS ranks and add fuel and I'd be happy.
  10. Glad to see I'm not the only one experiencing this minor quirk. Hopefully it's a just a line or two of code to fix!
  11. The primary EPS manifold is shot! We need to reroute through the secondary bypass!
  12. No, you can not haz space. You can has ground.
  13. I'd prefer resources over multiplayer. While I have a few friends who play KSP, the only reason we'd ever want to play multiplayer is to show off constructions or help each other out with problems; something that we can already do by sharing the screen over Skype.
  14. I'm happy that we're finally getting tweakables, but disappointed like most here that we won't be getting the customization we were expecting. I'm not as much concerned with having a large orange tank filled with oxidizer like some; for me it's more about wanting to use those radial mono propellent mods and swapping out the mono-prop for regular fuel to make better looking / more realistic landers.
  15. @sarbian: Thanks for testing her! And oddly enough that's my entire mod list. I don't run anything else except a single custom flag that I made; but there's no way that could be messing with MechJeb! So she didn't start chasing the gimbal at the end of any of the maneuver nodes? Hrm. Maybe I'll try a reinstall of KSP and redownload of all my mods. I wish the debug console had something interesting to pass along but sadly it's blank. Edit: Maybe I need to try to repro this on Windows... Could be a bug with how something is interfacing with Unity on OSX.
  16. Arounds 40 tons. The vessel was an assemble-on-site space station bound for Duna. That was a fun day of and playing with RCS tugs getting her assembled!
  17. Jool. And since I did it before discovering the Aerobraking Calculator, it took a few aerobraking orbits to get my apoapsis down to where I wanted it.
  18. Feel free to give her a test flight, but I doubt that's the issue. She worked great in 0.21 so I'm unsure if the issue I'm running into is an issue with MechJeb itself or another mod causing issues in active memory. I'm also seeing the issue with other crafts; wether they be upgrades from 0.21 or completely new builds. Download Crew Transfer Vehicle Mk. III (craft file only) Notes: The CTV Mk. III is simple enough to fly, just activate Ascent Autopilot and she'll park herself in LKO. You should see the bug (where MechJeb keeps firing the engine and spinning around like crazy chasing the gimbal) at the end of the orbital insertion burn; if it doesn't crop up there, send a second CTV up and try the Rendezvous Autopilot. Required Mods: MechJeb v2.1 B9 Aerospace R4.0c Kerbal Attachment System v0.4.4 Kethane v0.8 KW Rocketry v2.5.4 Procedural Fairings v2.4.2
  19. I'm having the same issues. And not just with old craft upgraded from 0.21, but newly designed craft too.
  20. I used to have that problem several versions ago; the solution for me always was to disengage the AP, thrust forward and then reactivate the AP. The only issue I'm having (with regards to the docking AP) these days is that the AP now seems to fly straight toward the docking port while blowing through a ton of RCS whereas before the AP would, as in real life, first align itself with the target vessel and then slowly move toward it.
  21. I gave this a try this morning; i.e. trying launches with different control points selected. Sadly it appears that the problem persists no matter what control point I have selected. This is just interesting because I never had this problem prior to upgrading...
  22. Hmm, I'll have to look into that. In the past that was never an issue and I could select any point on the stack as the control point... But hey, whatever gets my ships in orbit works for me!
  23. Has anyone else noticed an issue where MJ continues to try to burn the engines even when it's reached 0.0 m/s on the maneuver node (and should be auto-switching to the next one)? It's an odd bug that I haven't seen before I downloaded KSP 0.22 and MJ 2.1 the other day. My mods are MechJeb, KW Rocketry, Kerbal Attachment System, Kethane, B9 and Procedural Fairings incase anyone is aware of any issues with MJ interacting with them.
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