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Jason Cox

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Everything posted by Jason Cox

  1. "ATV-I" ATV = Atmospheric Test Vehicle +10 Science says you can't figure out what I named my second SPH vehicle... :-P
  2. Landing on the Mün has gotten easier in my opinion. It's only harder if you're using MechJeb to land since there's no way to tell MJ when you're on final approach to thrust laterally for 200m to avoid landing on the steep rim of that pretty new crater below you.
  3. KospY, will the next version of KAS be backwards compatible with saves using v0.3.1?
  4. Nope; my LM ascended from the surface of the Mün and proceeded to dock with my CSM which brought everyone back home. Now Duna is going to be another story...
  5. I'm having the same issue. When 0.21 came out I originally just had B9, KW and MechJeb installed and it crashed all the time. I've since switched to Windows when playing KSP and have a boat load more mods installed and it runs flawlessly. I wonder if it's any issue with Unity not being fully optimized for OSX?
  6. I typically shoot for 75km for every launch. For manned vessels I then increase the orbit to 150km and for stations I push them up to 250km. I keep my initial orbit so low as that means most of my spent stages are orbiting well below the orbit of my real missions.
  7. The game is stable as heck on Windows, even with a ton of mods loaded up. On OSX it's another story, the bloody thing crashes left and right, though to be honest I don't as much blame the KSP devs as I do the Unity engine devs for not optimizing it for OSX.
  8. I also pronounce Mün just like "fun" or "gun", with the "un" sound.
  9. I had the same issues with B9 on 20.x. It worked great on Windows but crashed every 5-10 minutes on the Mac side, even with no other mods loaded. I'm sure it's more of a problem with the game's engine not having a proper OSX port, but still, removing B9 made the game playable again.
  10. I won't lie, I use it. And heck, if NASA, the ESA, Roscosmos, SpaceX and everybody who sends stuff into space can use a flight computer, why can't I do it without shame?
  11. My closest encounter with space junk? I had dumped my third stage booster post-TLI burn and continued my journey onwards to the Mün whereupon I fired my CSM's engine to enter orbit... only to have my third stage booster smack right into the capsule a few seconds later. Let that be a lesson to you... Always perform a course correction burn mid-point between Kerbin and the Mün so that your booster is on a different orbital path than you are.
  12. Your math, like Jeb's, is close enough. And if not, just add a few more boosters.
  13. 0.18 for me and my first day with the "full" game was spent trying to figure out where the launch tower, which was in the demo, had wandered off to.
  14. I'd download it, though honestly I wish they had (or a mod had) an option to edit the fuel loadout while on the pad so that you can drag a slider around and adjust your loadout on a per-tank basis.
  15. Launch about half a dozen satellites into geostationary orbit to get my Kerbin comm array back online. Can't do much of anything without comms**! **at least if you have RemoteTech installed.
  16. I love the look of the new buildings... Now just crossing my fingers that in addition to looking better, the VAB is taller too.
  17. I spent about 8 hours playing it... Or about one Saturday.
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