First of all, let me get this out of the way: I like KSP. It's fun. BUT The last update was in December (The ARM pack was not an update for the purposes of this post). It is now June. In 0.23, we got RAPIER engines, tweakables, and a small polish of the Science system. To me, KSP is acting like a completed game, with much slower updates, and a selected testing team. Only this game is by no means finished. It is in Alpha. I don't feel it is treated like an Alpha, where players actively test the game. There is a testing team, for updates which come out and have bugs anyway. The bugs are not the problem. The problem is that Squad take some time to produce these updates, partly due to the "Experimentals" phase, and yet the updates we get are not always ready for playing. When 0.21 arrived, it was almost unplayable due to the amount of bugs. And yet they claim to have tested them. I feel there are three options: 1. Act like a finished game, take your time with updates, test them extensively and release them complete. PRODUCE FINISHED UPDATES or 2. Act like an Alpha, and produce updates regularly, don't worry about the bugs, that's what we're for. ALLOW US TO TEST THE UPDATES AS YOU MAKE THEM Maybe add an opt-in program where we decide whether we want access to obviously unfinished updates to help with testing, or wait for the more polished updates. My final summary is that Squad should pick one format and stick with it.