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Everything posted by Javster

  1. INstead of mashing the space bar, couldn't you set the abort system to the ABORT action group/button, so we only press backspace.
  2. I suggest you use the Kerbal X (Stock). It can even reach the Mun (don't quote me on that)! Make sure to tilt your rocket at around 10 km to get into actual orbit.
  3. I haven't played a game so much since Minecraft... And tf2, to a lesser extent.
  4. If you add a module with little fuel and high mass, you won't get as far; like if you added a very heavy fuel tank to a car.
  5. I'll give this a go! So far, only MechJeb 2 has docked stuff for me...
  6. I'd say Lego Loco, which I got as a Christmas present a LOOOOOOONG time ago. Basically it's SimCity in Lego, but based around trains.
  7. Saturn V, and Ariane 5. Saturn V for sheer awesomeness, and Ariane 5 for its large payload capacity, and the fact that France (I think) contributed to it more than other countries.
  8. Very interesting read! Turns out I already knew about the speech (from a Vsauce video). The Apollo missions were a huge risk to take for the US.
  9. Basically, an apple has a MASS of 100g, and on Earth it weighs 1N. On the Moon, it would still have a mass of 100g, but would weigh less.
  10. Granted, but he's dead. I wish for a rocket that cannot explode.
  11. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard
  12. Welcome! I hope you enjoy the game!
  13. I hope so, but I doubt it at the same time.
  14. Not much, I've stopped doing rocket stuff for now, and I'm going on a mod-installing rampage!
  15. Is there any way to open parachutes when the Kerbals eject? Or a way to open all the parachutes of nearby Kerbals?
  16. Welcome! May you be an explorer and not an exploder (most of the time)
  17. Javster


    You'll be amazed at the number of parts in the full version.
  18. Welcome! There is a mod which adds camera views of other players, which isn't bad. I think multiplayer could work as an experiment on Kerbin only, to avoid time warping issues.
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