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Everything posted by Javster

  1. Welcome! May your rockets fly and your Kerbals not die!
  2. I knew about this but it's good they take it as a serious matter
  3. I have my current station at 80 km. I might make a smaller one in a higher orbit once this one is complete.
  4. ICBM = Inter Continental Ballistic Missile. NEVER write ICBM missile again.
  5. Would I benefit from putting a station in a 150 km orbit rather than an 80 km one? I have seen many YouTube videos of people putting their stations in higher orbits.
  6. Wow! This might be just what I need to get to Duna (with an interplanetary station/ship). Or I could see if it has enough Dv to get a probe there.
  7. MechJeb? Also, could you make this easier to read? I skimmed through it and I suggest MechJeb, but I can't do much else.
  8. I was thinking: what sort of crime could you be sent to one of these prisons for? Sabotage? Stealing snacks? Kerbalslaughter?
  9. That sort of funding (donations and merch) can a game or small business going, but not a completely new venture into completely unknown territories. It would be slightly more realistic (read: less insane) if it was a space travel holiday plan of some kind. Suborbital flight into space for a few minutes. But MARS?? REALLY??
  10. I met a Spanish neurologist called SchJuan (Schwann cells, in nerves)
  11. eating a burger (no idea what was before this lol)
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