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Everything posted by THENEWJOEMAMA

  1. Banned for having absolutely zero posts.
  2. Banned for stating the fact. Also banned because I almost typed "stating" as "tatting" somehow.
  3. Granted. It rises again a month later. I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a balla, etc.
  4. Granted, but you can no longer spell. I wish for world peas.
  5. Banned for using duct tape instead of superglue.
  6. Banned for link to my favorite webcomic in your sig.
  7. Granted. However, I cannot math, so I'll give you a rotten tuna instead. I wish for the ability to do ALL the things!
  8. Banned for banning a banned person.
  9. Banned for posting outside the forum games 338 times.
  10. Can't tell if this goes against forum rules... It's a chemical burn, caused by the lye. Remember to wear gloves, kids!
  11. Granted. It gets hit by a bus. I wish for a step to dub.
  12. Banned for having pointless achievablez. lel.
  13. Banned because forum games are pretty much the only reason why I have a forum account.
  14. Granted. I'm pretty sure that wish corrupted itself. I wish to be the very best, that no one ever was...
  15. Granted, but I am too tired to read that, so I'll just give you some rotten tuna. I wish I didn't have insomnia all the time.
  16. Granted. It's still horribly st00pid. I wish you didn't have to be cruel to be kind (doo doo doo doo~)
  17. Banned because I'm the only person on Earth who likes this font.
  18. Granted, but I deleted your wish. I wish for an adult.
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