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Everything posted by THENEWJOEMAMA

  1. Banned for self-advertising on a forum sig.
  2. Granted. They gain sentience and revolt. They also grow legs. Good luck with that. I wish PlatinumSpore worked for Spore Vanilla. (I know you made it, Vexxy-Wexxy)
  3. Banned for disrespecting the absolutely just authority of the holy and all-powerful moderators.
  4. Granted. You are now a fruit fly. I wish for lulz
  5. Banned for joining the dark side with the Kraken.
  6. Banned because WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GO PLAY ARM!!!!
  7. Granted. Unfortunately, I misread your wish, and replaced the Sun with a TI-82. I wish for a never-ending storyyyyyyyyyyy (na na na)
  8. Banned for banning ponies. That's like half of my internet persona!
  9. Banned for asking me to lay some sugar on you. Is that a reference to the 80's song?
  10. Granted. It's a PewDiePie video. I wish for KEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIINNNNNN
  11. Banned for banning hypocritical banning, hippie hipster hypocrite.
  12. Granted. I'm at least 3% sure that wish corrupted itself. I wish to be the 1 percent.
  13. Banned for going beyond the Kerbin System.
  14. Banned because Pokemon don't bleed; they faint.
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