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Everything posted by THENEWJOEMAMA

  1. Banned for not looking at Mudkips
  2. Granted. I now am immortal. I wish the impostor Mudkip disappeared.
  3. Yes. It's disgusting. The user below me checks the forum almost every day.
  4. Granted. Everyone starves, because they cannot eat food, nibble or otherwise. I wish for a PAL9001.
  5. Banned because there is an impostor Mudkip. I am the TRUE Mudkip king!
  6. Granted. 100^999^999 more take their place. I wish super took off his helmet on the Mun.
  7. This ant is far too big to be killed by that magnifying glass.
  8. Granted, but the safehouse isn't Mudkip-proof, and I destroy it with my Mudkip-mobile. Mudkipz. I wish mudkipz.
  9. That wasn't in wish format, so it won't be granted. I wish for another St. Lucia's flood.
  10. Nope. The user below me plays Gnomoria.
  11. Banned for copying a hate speech. Does that technically violate the forum rules?
  12. Banned for somehow being on escape trajectory out of the Sun.
  13. My plant kills your zombie with love and seeds.
  14. False. The last time I played with legos was when it was acceptable for me. The user below me plays KSP vanilla.
  15. False. I am 2 inches too short. The user below me is under 21 years old.
  16. Granted. You will never be able to watch it all. (I'm glad I'm not the only one who reads those) I wish everyone lived in Ghana.
  17. The rebel flagship wrecks your ship. Where is your God now?
  18. False. The user below me speaks an Asian language.
  19. Granted, but HURR DUR 'CUS IT HYPOTHETICAL I wish for a chao from the Sonic Adventure games.
  20. Banned for having a GIF of a squid doing unspeakable things to a metal chicken.
  21. Granted. No one gets their work done now. I wish I had a life outside of video games.
  22. No... not at all... The user below me wishes there was a sarcasm font.
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