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Everything posted by THENEWJOEMAMA

  1. Yes. Her name is Danika. The user below me thinks Poland can into space. (Double points if you get the reference.)
  2. Granted. Reverse psychology doesn't work on Mudkipz. I wish for m0ar wattah tiepz.
  3. Granted. However, I am immortal. I wish for this evil British Mudkip do disappear.
  4. Granted. We send so many ships into space that the Kessler Effect happens. I wish I was better at Crusader Kings 2.
  5. Granted. All ice cream becomes very, very hot. I wish for people to convert to the one true faith of Shrekism.
  6. Close. The user below me uses iFunny.
  7. Granted. I get more wishes. I wish for m0ar mudkipz.
  8. Banned because I started that, and I'm gonna end it. Stahp.
  9. Banned for lacking modesty. Also banned because I was going to put an MLP reference in there somewhere.
  10. How about no. Oh fine. Granted, but not with text. I wish for one uniform font and color for this forum.
  11. Granted. Exploding cakes end humanity. I wish for Polandball.
  12. NO. NO. NO. The user below me has a migraine.
  13. No. I plan to though. The user below me likes seafood.
  14. lolwut? The user below me has been nuked by Gandhi. (It's a Civilization thing)
  15. Granted. We can now no longer leave Earth. Ever. I wish for this Flareon to cool down.
  16. Who needs war when you have Gandhi? Also, he'll nuke your civ.
  17. Banned for lack of top hat-holding dancing mudkipz.
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