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Everything posted by THENEWJOEMAMA

  1. *in little kid voice* When I grow up, I wanna be a rocket scientist! The user below me has an annoying sibling.
  2. Banned for claiming to be more insane than me.
  3. Granted. They all commit suicide. I wish for a fish.
  4. Meh... somewhat true... The user below me has never had an infraction.
  5. Mebbeh... The user below me is capable of using the Banhammer.
  6. Banned for expecting imagination from me.
  7. Cierto. The user below me speaks Spanish.
  8. Nope. The user below me lieks mudkipz
  9. Granted. Jeb is flying it. I wish for a new Pax Romana.
  10. Banned because I should be doing my homework right now...
  11. Umm... true. I'll go true. (lol portalz) The user below me is excited for the new FTL: Faster Than Light update.
  12. Banned for proving me right with the frequency of your profile pic changes.
  13. Granted. It doesn't start up. I wish for a pet Mudkip.
  14. Nope. Never heard of it. The user below me is named Brian.
  15. Granted. He's now a zombie. I wish I knew that symbol.
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