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Everything posted by THENEWJOEMAMA

  1. I have no clue what RSS is, so probably false. The user below me celebrates Christmas.
  2. 9/10 Quite organized and a good quote to boot!
  3. If you count on the Orange Box, then true. The user below me owns a Smart TV.
  4. Banned for not giving a 21 Jeb salute to the Big Three.
  5. Banned for being under my bed, you stalker.
  6. Banned for being nice. EDIT: Banned for ninja'ing me.
  7. Banned for having your last post edited by our friendly neighborhood mod.
  8. Banned for changing your profile pic like every week.
  9. Granted, but I destroy your homework every time. I wish I was the Khagan of the mods.
  10. Banned because I didn't get ninja'd, and I don't think you got ninja'd either.
  11. Granted. I rip it to shreds right in front of you while I laugh maniacally. I wish I didn't see like four mods reply to each other O.O
  12. Banned because your profile pic person looks somewhat high...
  13. Banned for being the Meta. Go back to RvB.
  14. Granted. The void in the universe cannot be filled, so it turns into a black hole. I wish for it to be thyme time.
  15. Granted. It is made from the skin of an endangered animal. Naturally, that is illegal, and you are sent to jail. I wish for diplomatic immunity on this forum.
  16. Banned for going power-mad with the banning.
  17. Granted. Sadly, such a dimension can not exist in a 3D space. I wish for a lazah!
  18. Banned because you actually gave me an infraction before.
  19. Granted. You become so good at it that the devs murder you to keep you from sharing your secrets and replace you with a drunken facsimile. Much like Scott Manley. I wish my story was true.
  20. Banned because mudkipz iz bezt kubul doe.
  21. Banned because you forgot an "n" there.
  22. Granted. You are mauled by the three bears you tried to steal porridge from. I wish EA wasn't a bunch of *insert every expletive in the book*
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