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Everything posted by Eanikran

  1. For the ranger and Lander without a payload, usually when I drop below the cloud level I turn on the vtol engines and turn off the main engines, then pitch up a bit and use the vtols to slow h.velocity. get it close enough to zero and you just have to be quick on the throttle to land safely. For landing a payload though I use mechjeb land assist while controlling from the Lander's topside docking port. I have the bottom port set to undock on an action group, and when I use the land assist I set the speed to about .2m/s, so that when the payload gets about a foot above the ground I can safely drop it without actually landing the Lander itself on top of the payload. --- Also, I would love to see a Kopernicus Gargantua system. Even just the black hole by itself would be awesome.
  2. Can someone please explain how to get the wormhole to work? I have placed the wormhole sun cfg and textures in the right location, as well as the detaileve2. When I load up the game, the clouds and exterior sun texture are visible in the tracking station, but during actual flight/gameplay, all sun textures except the flare and corona are black. I know the layers are there because I put a test probe at a very close orbit of the sun and the black outer layer obscures the star field, but they have no texture other than solid black. Did I install something wrong here?
  3. Ah, thought it didn't have the interiors back then. My bad.
  4. In case anybody missed it (or I might just be late), the interactive Endurance on the official movie site now has interiors for the Ranger, docking hub, hab modules, and the CM. I'm assuming they will eventually add the cryo lab and Lander. You can move around in each interior on-rails and pan the camera around to get a better look. Might help with the IVAs? Hab module Ranger CM
  5. My Ranger launch setup: ^ a close look at the mounting. I'm using the Lander's lift engines as VTOLs for now. ^ the dock port from the ASET rover looks awesome on it
  6. Not sure if this has already been established, but the reason an S5 is used to launch from Earth is because both Rangers are being launched at once (and to conserve fuel on the Rangers for planetary landing/etc). I'm assuming there is some sort of fairing that covers the open area between them while on the booster since it's clear that the windows are uncovered during launch, but they are launched with their heat shield sides facing each other. It's not explained at all in the movie, but I'm thinking how this works is that there is an extending non-crew tunnel docking port / magnet plate of some kind between the rear landing gear of each that tie them together for launch and initial docking to Endurance, seen in these two pictures: ^ (retracted) the large protruded plate section between the gear ^ the connectors extended during the initial docking scene. When the connectors are fully extended, both the Rangers' docking ports would line up with their respective ports on Endurance. When both are docked, the connectors are retracted. These connectors probably have some relays between them so when both Rangers are in launch configuration they are essentially controlled as a single spacecraft.
  7. The idea (in the movie) is that the main ring and crew deck sections stay together while the Landers ferry the supply crates down and the lower sections of the landing modules undock and land under their own power. Basically what would be left is all of the top parts of the modules and the engine pods. The ring stays intact for reuse.
  8. after I saw the movie again tonight I realized that the Landers don't ferry the entire modules down. If you look at this picture: http://i.imgur.com/tVmRdHl.jpg , you can see that each module aside from the engine pods has what appears to be two smaller cargo containers under the crew deck. I think these are what the Landers take down with them and the four actual landing modules (the shielded ones) undock from the ship and land themselves.
  9. What if you were to take the whole ship as one part (minus Rangers & Landers), but cut the modules just below the crew tunnels (except the engine modules, they would be part of the main single part ring) leaving only the top crew deck sections? The bottom of the crew decks could have a proprietary docking port that corresponds with the one on the top end of each of the modules and would have a flush fit so there wouldn't be any ugly exposed clamp-o-trons. You'd then launch the modules via SLS/etc and dock them to the bottom of the crew deck sections using the Landers. This way you'd stay true to the movie while at the same time staying KSP friendly with the part count, as well as adding a modular/customizable feel to it. That way other modders could potentially make expansions as well, USI, Karbonite, NFT, etc. Another small idea is having the engine modules just be tanks that you could configure to hold different fuels similar to how B9 does it, and then have three nodes on them to attach the included engines or otherwise. Anyway, definitely bookmarking this and will be following it for sure
  10. question... how do people get the darker dark sides on planets like in the imgur album in the OP? Am I missing something?
  11. I love the way the new parts *look*. I was not able to actually use them. About halfway through building the Taurus payload when placing the RC blocks on the SM, I encountered a session-breaking problem. Upon clicking to place the RCS block, the 'successfully placed' sound would play but nothing would happen. Turns out it placed an invisible set of the RCS blocks and proceeded to make *every* part behave this way after that. If you undo, the parts appear, but the session remains broken because when trying to launch, the options on the top bar become greyed out and nothing happens, forcing you to kill the game's process. Also it might be worth noting that when selecting the RCS block the RCS particle effect is active in the VAB in my case. Not sure if this has anything to do with it.
  12. Not quite sure what's happening here but I found two bugs. 1: when building the ship, after placing the second warp ring on (after the main hub) the first ring and CM for some reason just detach themselves and fall through the main hub onto the ground upon launch. 2: (Trying to find a workaround for #1) I started building the ship with the main hub instead of the CM. Place that, then both warp rings, but if done this way the CM refuses to attach. It will snap to the node but just stays transparent and doesn't place, even with clipping disabled. I'm not sure why exactly it seems like this isn't happening to anyone else but it's kind of frustrating because I was *really* hoping to use this one a lot.
  13. Not sure what's happening here but as soon as I installed this to .24 (worked fine in .23) the main menu was basically disabled. Clicking resume saved does absolutely nothing, and starting a new game after the setup menu (naming/flag/mode/etc) the game sits there with all menu options dimmed and refuses to do anything. It doesn't freeze because Kerbin is still spinning in the background. It just sits there and does absolutely nothing with all the menu options dimmed forcing me to end the process.
  14. Tested with the wildcat engine on the third stage of a heavy lifter. It will fire fine on the ground with the lower stages still attached, but when the lower stages are dumped in orbit the engine flames out even though it's directly attached to a full tank.
  15. if there is *one* mod I can't wait for... this is going to be the end all be all of surface base parts hands down
  16. Not entirely sure what's causing this, but occasionally some of the engines refuse to take fuel from tanks they're directly attached to. the gauge on the staging bar is empty but the tank is full and the engine refuses to fire.
  17. I'm not sure if I'm not installing it right or something, but when Kosmos is in my files the game crashes in the initial loading screen. Same thing happens with B9, it worked fine on my previous .22 install though. Any ideas?
  18. I'm still getting the point of control/camera shift bug when launching Thor.
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