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KNSA Scientist

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Everything posted by KNSA Scientist

  1. I think we should add in a more realistic drag model first, then the fairings.
  2. Well what he is saying is that the EVA pack should be part of the tech tree, such as getting better over time. That is what I think he is trying to say at least.
  3. Sounds cool, maybe you could ask for some help from the creator of the KSP Interstellar mod.
  4. If a moon interacts with it, it could either lose velocity or gain velocity depending on whether it went retrograde to the moon or prograde.
  5. Refuel from Minmus because of the low gravity and the distance from Kerbin, which makes it easier to escape the SOI.
  6. False. The user below me thinks the Mun is made of Kethane.
  7. Granted, but it turns out to be all hype and there are no subtitles or bugs. I wish that KSP was 64bit and I had 50 gigabytes of ram.
  8. False. The user below me has no idea who I am.
  9. 6/10 Amazing picture of Jool with a kerbal on EVA, but Dres is in no shape, color, or gravity field a space potato.
  10. You have dead life, that's for sure. I can't breathe.
  11. Granted, but it is so expensive that only NASA can afford it. I wish for version .24 for KSP.
  12. Ban the user above you! thread. 5/10
  13. You get happy panru5ds, but when they die a nuke goes off. I wish for only .24
  14. EVA in atmosphere. KSP: "Bill, you are good for EVA at 5000 meters." NASA: "BILL GET BACK IN YOU CRAZY MORON!"
  15. Somebody tell Whackjob about this app.
  16. Hello, this is going to be the most awe-inspiring collaboration of teamwork and docking ever to be done in Real Solar System mod... We are going to Duna. And not only are we going to Duna, we are doing it manned. With lots of mods that add extreme difficulty. Alright, now that we have that inspirational speech out of the way, let's talk mods and rules. The mods are as follows: Deadly Re-entry (for death defying plasma-bursting action) FAR (for extreme aerodynamics) Tac Life Support (this one is most likely the reason why not many people have dared to try this) KW Rocketry (for engines and stuff) Novapunch 2 (for tanks and engines and stuff) Aies Aerospace (for more engines and tanks and stuff) RealChutes (for better parachutes) RealFuels (for better fuels) RemoteTech 2 (for communication!) StretchySRBS (for longer and thicker tank sizes) Procedural Fairings (for better fairings) Kethane (for fuel on Duna) And now for the rules... Rule #1: Part limit is 50 parts, to keep it small and laggy computer friendly. Rule #2: Do not move around other peoples modules to fit your own, ask first. Sign up by telling me what your module is and show a picture of the module. List of participants: #1: #2: #3: #4: #5: #6: Please tell me what you think, and also I am not sure if this is the right place for this. Thank you, and have a nice day.
  17. I keep my debris in space, as a sort of science experiment. Of course science when there is only a 0.1% chance of it working is boring.
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