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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Padishar found the issue. I'll upload version 3.0 when I get home.
  2. e of pi: on the wiki the thrust is for 3 RS-27s. Does Delta 4000 take four instead? Also, 3.5m....would that be 11ft 4in? Or would they have gone for 12ft? You *could* fit 3 RS-27s on a 10ft core, I think, especially if you did it in a triangle rather than in a line like Atlas. It'd be pretty tall, though, and make mounting solids harder. Speaking of, though, how do you see the RS-27s mounted? In a triangle (Vulkan style), or in line?
  3. Closed for the best of reasons: full release!
  4. Can you follow the guidelines in the support sticky? The repro steps are clear, but I need a (minimal) set of mods to replicate, and the log. Thanks!
  5. Ok, please follow the guidelines in the sticky, and (in doing so, because it mentions it) post the issue to the MechJeb repo where Sarbian et al can have a look at it.
  6. Please follow *all* the guidelines in the sticky. This is the third time; I won't be commenting again until you do follow the guidelines.
  7. Addon request; moved to General Addon Affairs. There's Research Them All, and there's another mod that does something similar but I forget its name. Maybe by Xaiier?
  8. Please Follow the rules in the sticky thread that says "How to get support (READ FIRST).
  9. See the sticky in the Support for modded installs forum -- KSP .24 Win x64 is incredibly unstable, worse than 32bit regarding heavy memory usage. If you need 64bit KSP, use Linux. If you *are* using Linux, follow the guide in that sticky...
  10. Please follow the guidelines in the stickied thread.
  11. Check out HoneyFox's Orbit Manipulator mod.
  12. Well, that's about the best first post I ever saw! Looks awesome! (And welcome to the forum, obvs!) Can't help you with animations, but for water--as long as the water texture itself has a sharable license you should be fine. If you do want to make it yourself, what you might do is follow a blender tutorial for water but mess with the color to muddy brown, and have the seafloor under it be drak brown/black. Then render to a texture.
  13. atmisoherCurve works the same for RCS as for engines. So do PROPELLANT nodes. However, the stock ModuleRCS has a bug where it can't handle multiple thrust transforms (i.e. multiple nozzles) when PROPELLANT nodes are used. You can use ModuleRCSFX instead. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92290-0-24-2-ModuleRCSFX-v3-0-8-29-14
  14. All a KSPField is, is this: When a PartModule is created from cfg, all KSPField-tagged members will be set based on parsing the cfg (where simple types are just parsed, FloatCurves have Load(floatcurvenode) called, etc ) and the OnLoad method is called, where you can handle custom parsing (i.e. find all WHEEL sub-nodes in your node and do stuff with them). If the data type you are trying to read is not handled by default by stock code, then you will have to parse it yourself in OnLoad(). For instance, if it's a double. KSP doesn't parse doubles itself (KSPField doesn't work for doubles). Also, any KSPField with persistent=true will be *saved* to a node when OnSave is called (when a vessel goes on rails, for warp or for saving to .sfs or .craft) and if KSP doesn't handle your data itself you are responsible for saving persistent data in OnSave. And you're most welcome!
  15. Hey, everybody's different. You can use, or not use, DRE (or anything else) for whatever reason, and it has nothing to do with skill level.
  16. Uninstall MJ and try installing the latest development release. http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/jenkins-MechJeb2-308/MechJeb2-
  17. Krasimir: Ok, I'll check back with you in a few weeks to a month or so when I get some time, and we'll do this. Deal?
  18. KospY: awesome! Glad things are going ok and you had a chance to pop back on here for a bit! One problem, though: <mod hat on> due to the new addon rules, the zip file also needs to contain a copy of the license or, if it's a common one like CC-* or LGPL, a reference to it. </mod hat>
  19. Yeah, you're relying on KSP's fuel flow logic to be sure that outer tanks drain first. Padishar: apologies. I did the changes and committed source but never actually posted a release, although you can test it too from git (compile from source). It *appears* to work ok.
  20. Anything inside a MODULE is simply data storage for that PartModule. If it has nodes as well as values, that just means that PartModule is set up to expect and parse certain nodes as well. For example, if there's a KSPField that's a float curve, the way data is serialized for it is as a node (of the name of the float curve, like atmosphereCurve) and inside that a series of "key" values. Probably ModuleWheel has a list of wheels which it reads based off getting all WHEEL nodes in its confignode and parsing each. Same as how ModuleEngines has a List<Propellant> propellants, which is filled by finding and parsing all PROPELLANT nodes inside the MODULE node for it. tl;dr you're not "calling a class" with *anything* you put inside a MODULE node; *all* that's inside the node is merely serialized data for the PartModule. If the PartModule doesn't know what to do with the nodes and values, they will have no effect.
  21. RSS prior to 7 has that issue with moons in .24.2. That's why I did a lot of changing in v7, to fix that issue. If you use outdated RSS, expect errors...
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