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Everything posted by Jivaii

  1. I don't mind, though when you pull from materials bay and goo can, could it make them unusable?
  2. I have Transmitter/Relay satillites in orbit. 3.75m nuke+generator on each one, I think there's 10 right now, with an extremely large power station providing master power. 150ish GW =)
  3. Sad part is you can't distribute it due to Majiir's license.
  4. I actually kinda like that idea! Did you just add the ore abilty to the kethane drill (so that it drills both) or did you make a secondary part using the model?
  5. Or you know, you just add more receivers? I haven't had any issues with the microwave mechanics at all.
  6. The thing is, you can use it without those mods. It's just insanely difficult.
  7. I can't wait! The models aren't bad, and you can tell just by looking that their a different type of reactor which is a good thing. Any chance of a Dev version drop so we can try testing it out for you? Also, the decay rate on Tritium?
  8. That was removed a while ago. You can add it into the CFG for the kethane detectors though.
  9. That's a limit within Kethane DLL. I wish we could orbit higher and get a wider scan range but...one hex at a time =/
  10. He's listed under "Legacy" so it's fairly safe to assume that he's probably on vacation right now, and no longer working for Squad. Also, R/L.
  11. Can't wait for .10, I think I'll start my youtube series after that baby gets dropped on us =D
  12. Not when you're running 5 different modded versions and one stock version.
  13. Need to update the plugin ExsurgentEngineering. It's been getting bounced around in this thread a bit.
  14. I use steam as the distro for my KSP install, but then I copy that install folder over to the desktop location and run KSP off the .exe inside the install, therefore negating the need to use steam to run KSP. Steam can only install where Steam is located. Steam's not on my desktop so it can't install there.
  15. I've got my Steam set to install on my F:\ drive (dedicated drive for Steam and games bought on Steam)
  16. I'd love to see someone take up the Mk 4 fuselage parts again, as well as get a cockpit that has the huge doors on the front. But since I'm no good at modding myself, I'm not going to bother asking/whining about it (other then to state that I'd love to see it picked back up). Where is this cockpit or is it still WIP?
  17. I'd love to see more add-ons for popular mods. Mostly due to alot of the modders not always being able to get the chance to update their own stuff.
  18. Hmm, I'll have to try to get into an orbit then (Only been getting up to about 60k before coming back down)
  19. Every time I try to operate the sabre engines with intakes closed, the engines overheat and explode. Leaving the intakes open, which are attached to precoolers (whether the B9 or the Squad one that KSPI turns into an actual precooler) allows for the engines to run without overheating. Something like...the included spotlight?
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