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Everything posted by Jivaii

  1. Likewise, still seeing this. It's killing my desire to actually use the two mods (StageRecovery would stay imo, cause you still get funds recovered). KCT is fun, but without Scrapyard, it's not as fun since if you already have the parts, why not reuse them?
  2. Trying to add RSS sites to Mechjeb's LandingSites, but I can't seem to get it to actually take. Anyone have knowledge/tips they could give to help figure it out so I could use the MechJeb landing systems with it?
  3. Sadly, I doubt the majority of the users from Steam will even come over here to see this. So they'll continue to be semi-rabid and chomping at the bit.
  4. No craft file? Would love to try this myself =)
  5. Considering that KSP 2 itself is getting a built in set of tools, probably neither.
  6. Personally, I tend to use this mod more for shuttles akin to Nena Trinity's craft in S2, so this mod works nice for me as is. Also useful in small scale sats. I wouldn't mind getting to have some smaller GN drive units that have a limited particle count with no ability for recharge, like a GN torpedo/missile.
  7. So I seem to be having fatal errors from stock parts. This....is fairly annoying to me, because I could understand maybe having the issues on modded parts but not stock parts. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6g6lcnzsrq6ihgs/KSP.log?dl=0
  8. Thank you for taking this on! I loved this mod long time!
  9. It's not in CKAN is the reason I ask =) If it's working, awesome!
  10. @Nertea So, you don't intend to buy MH, what if...we were to gift it to you? Do you have the game through Squad's storefront or Steam?
  11. Does tweakscale play nice with this?
  12. I love your mod, but sadly it drives me up the wall that it seems like you use TAC-LS for your crafts, while I use USI-LS
  13. Could we get a scansat integration? Or is it as simple as adding the scansat modules into the SSR scanner part?
  14. The micro channel radiators, are they supposed to not be able to rotate?
  15. Was saying it couldn't modify the BahaSP folder contents, as they are owned by another mod. It wasn't liking that I had the animation module installed, and when it tried to install it itself, it'd make itself fail
  16. I can't get the Critter Crawler to install via CKAN =( Manual installation ftw
  17. I just find the shiny things, then show them to people. I love linking Kattabo's videos to the mod maker of the highlighted mod to let them know
  18. I have not seen any of my antennas have this module avaliable to them yet for the selection between direct and relay. Ok, didn't see that I had to make the patch myself. I remember this mod use to come with a patch for the stock antennas. My bad.
  19. Just saw the post about fuel types, I feel like a decent enough majority play with RSS or the USI modset, guess that would be a good place to start for adding extra fuel types? I personally wouldn't mind seeing Karbonite added into the fueling ability. I think that's the only other fuel type I use outside the stock set personally. Dunno about others though.
  20. Could we get the SpaceY heavy launch clamps included into this fun?
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