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Everything posted by Jivaii

  1. Just installed this mod. Gonna be entertaining! =D
  2. I did a workaround of launching another vessel. I was quite proud of that hanger vessel, using two radial hangers for storing ships. It could successfully get into orbit! I would love to get it working again, I'd send you the craft file, but I'm using maybe....5 different heavy mods for it.
  3. I named them Hanger 1 and Hanger 2, so I don't know. I did manage to get my stuff up though. I don't recall seeing anything saying that the fairing hanger is a single vessel hanger though, I found that out by trying to load multiple of the same vessel in it.
  4. I tried that, but it'd auto swap back to the first hanger
  5. Has anyone tried to make a vessel with multiple hangers? I tried to do that, but can't access the second hanger.
  6. Very glad I'm not the only one with missing parts. Also glad to find out beforehand that a rollback fixes it.
  7. Jeez, is every moderator going to reply to me? I meant it as a tongue in cheek comment, not to be rude...
  8. Yay, multiple replies of the same single word!
  9. This is true....though if this was done in spite by a moderator or something, then a firing wouldn't be a far reach.
  10. Is the incompopoop that did this planning on getting fired?
  11. Since I don't see anything about it in search, can I load multiple of the same craft file into a single hanger for launch into orbit? I have 4 identical arms I want to attach to my station, and would like to make a single launch with a hanger module holding them all. It's not letting me do that though, so I'm going to do a workaround of launching multiple hangers on a single craft and toss in some spare craft to add to the station.
  12. Not showing up in CKAN right now?
  13. That's a misunderstanding. The recycler reduces how much supplies a kerbal would need, while agroponics takes fertilizer and mulch, to turn into supplies. The agroponics items would be ones listed. Recyclers are the RT-500 recycling module (reduces need for a single kerbal) and the RT-5000 recycling module (reduces need for up to three kerbals). Here's some good reading for knowledge
  14. @-ctn- I remembered this being posted. Just went searching for it. Did this fall defunct? I'd love to be able to utilize this fine display of modeling. Other then that, what are the odds of possibly getting a CRS-4 capable of hauling tanks? I'd like to utilize it as an emergency fuel drop sometimes. Or as a good solid way to move fertilizer up to my stations for USI-LS. Like how the current CRS missions take food and water up to the station.
  15. Any chance of seeing a 3.75 m konstruction port? I'm thinking of delving into the files and trying to make an MM patch to turn a SpaceY 3.75m docking port into a konstruction one, but not sure if that would work.
  16. Is there a way to use EVA or attach a part to your back to move while on EVA? I want to move a gigantor solar panel, but can't manage it without being able to use my EVA pack.
  17. Crap....I have ALOT of mods installed Time to start digging then. It's probably one of the fuel switch mods too Interstellar fuel switch distributed the wrapper tank files with RSS type configs in it. Going to delete those and that should fix it. It did fix it.
  18. I seem to only have an RSS type configs, I can't set it for liquid fuel or LFO only, instead getting fuels from RSS
  19. I rather enjoy having the part switcher, but I was using B9 when B9 came out with it, so I figured it out quickly and easily. It'd probably be difficult to have it use part switcher if detected, and if it isn't, it loads like it does now?
  20. Something that I noticed when he was doing the review, could you use B9 part switch for the various end pieces? That seemed to be alot of different parts.
  21. Gladly, I'm adding screenshots of it. All I'm using are stabilizer type deals, no active yaw control surfaces. In reference to your idea for the new part, I have saved, a folding warp wing, that worked with the old Interstellar mod. Might give you a decent base to start off of? I had to up the power capacity of the mk1c so that I can put more charge into it from the stored charge capacitor to freeze the kerbal. I might see about making an MM patch to add a stored charge to the mk1c pod.
  22. You mean to tell me that I'm NOT supposed to haul the entire station around the galaxy as a giant mobile space fortress? Crap....I've been playing the game wrong for sooooo long then.
  23. I'm using realchutes now, but since I'm in career now, it'll be a bit before I use one of your pods (I'm getting ready to put up a small three man station in LKO, I think they need an emergency escape system =D) On a side note, would it be possible to get a larger version of the tri-decoupler that could be used with OTAVs? I'm really liking those, despite the yaw issue I was having (I "fixed" it on my side by adding trunk fins from a SpaceX type mod, it gives it much better yaw control, and doesn't float off the heading I set now)
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