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Everything posted by lordkrike

  1. Hey, it's cool! Just throwing at the wall and seeing what sticks. :-)
  2. That worked pretty well. You may want to consider rolling that into your release so that it's automatic. I have noticed that the tops and bottoms of tanks are still really fuzzy. That said, some higher res textures would still be nice, since they're slightly grainy once they're blown up to cover large (2.5m+) diameter tanks, and even with ATM off, at half-resolution they're still very grainy.
  3. These are a nice addition to the PP mod, but can you upload a higher resolution pack? Low resolution is nice if you don't use half-res textures, but if you use half-res textures and active texture management... well, it looks really bad.
  4. Awesomesauce. Yeah, they had so much curve to them that you couldn't make them smaller than .625m or the model would get jacked up (since it had more curve than diameter). No little meekro-decouplers. If at some point you can think of a way to give the cylinder option without breaking things, that would be awesome, but I'll live either way. Also Very nice. As far as decouplers go, I vote for sensible procedural measurements. It might work to have a moderate density for the explosives, but also give the decouplers a flat base mass so that the little tiny ones aren't senselessly light.
  5. Well, an easy fix, as far as I can tell, is to make it so it can't be the root part. Even if it is slightly annoying in some other respect.
  6. I removed RCSBuildAid. Still happened. Removed all mods except for the NRAP. Still happened. :-( Here is my methodology, so you can attempt to replicate it. 1. Place NRAP as root part. 2. Assemble the rocket. Put the x32 tank under the NRAP, the skipper under that, attach the girders using x2 symmetry, attach the x16 tanks on the end of the girders. 3. Save the rocket. 4. Alt-tab to the desktop, navigate to the location where the .craft file is saved, open it, scroll to bottom and note the coordinates of the last fuel tank. 5. Alt-tab back to the game, wait a few moments (15s seems to be enough), and save the rocket again. 6. Alt-tab back out, open a second instance of the .craft file, and compare the coordinates of the last fuel tank to the previous .craft file. I have no idea why it's happening, but it doesn't happen if I use anything else as the root part. Even the exact same rocket (NRAP and all), only with the x32 tank as the root, doesn't have this happen to it.
  7. In an hour or so (gotta go run errands), I'll try popping out RCS Build Aid and seeing if I can replicate the motion. But you might be right.
  8. Then their density needs to be increased. A 1.25m procedural decoupler weighs in at .014t, whereas a stock 1.25m decoupler weighs in at .1t .05t. However, the following may be related: I've noticed that they default to 250N of ejection force, but if you right click on them you only have the option to set them from 5N to 25N. So if you want a 250N ejection, you can't right click on it in the VAB at all. If their mass is being set as if they have enough explosive for 25N of separation force, then it would explain the very, very low mass of a standard 1.25m decoupler. Also, I'd like to repeat my request for straight-walled decouplers, rather than pill-shaped. :-)
  9. I have a suggestion for Kerbal Alarm Clock: Dynamic alarm margins. I like to keep the automatic margins for maneuver nodes short (1m margin), but it's bothersome when I have a maneuver node that's going to take longer than 2 minutes to execute. Is there any chance there could be a setting for maneuver nodes that considers your craft's maximum acceleration and the delta-V for the node to set an appropriate length margin, plus some buffer time?
  10. I may have found a bug with the NRAP. It's quite handy for testing rockets, but I noticed some real strangeness when I was building things that asparagus staged. I used FRAPS to . It's true I have a variety of mods in there, but I tested a lot of configurations and the only common part I could find was the NRAP itself.Basically, it's either a bug with the NRAP, or RCS build aid, but when you put side-mounted tanks on your rocket, your CoM seems to shift... over time, without you making any changes. If you can't replicate the bug, then it's probably just me. I also have no idea if it is translating into the game after launch, because it's never really a huge offset. Actually, looking at the craft files, saving when I first build it and then a few moments later after the CoM has moved... it's a real thing. One of the side fuel tanks is moving very slowly. I have no idea why. Using a different root (by unhooking the main tank, deleting the NRAP, adding a new root piece, and hooking the main tank below that) stops it from moving, but it's still unbalanced until I reset it.
  11. I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. Can you try to explain a little better? Or maybe show me a picture, if you have the time? I haven't noticed it creating any gaps. The fairing doesn't move at all. Everything seems to fit nicely, including decouplers.
  12. Procedural decouplers/separators have wobble issues. My payload wobbles like it's back in .22 unless I attach the booster to the payload using struts. No idea what the problem is, or if it's just me. Also, any chance we can get a slider to adjust the curvature on decouplers? I really hate the pill-shaped ones, and would much prefer straight-walled ones.
  13. Works just fine for me. The fairing doesn't move if you shift the node_stack_bottom. Proof. And yeah, if you don't want to bother with fanciness with the solar panels, I'd just make the Gigantor heavier (like the SP series). It's still a massive buff from what it was.
  14. Rather than just editing my post a million times, another thought is to make the Gigantor and OX panels unretractable, but allow a Kerbal on EVA to crank them back by hand (similar to repacking a parachute, I think). This means that they can be stowed for travel by hand, but a probes have to take the SP series panels if they want to aerobrake. Also, the OX-STAT should have some kind of weight advantage over the rest. It is completely fixed, and a slight weight advantage can help compensate. Beyond that, their only use is in rovers, which can be dubious at times if you can throw enough RTGs on there.
  15. Radial attach nodes are jacked up (radially attached items clip into the SRB) and the flag on the SRB is stretched horizontally. It can get a 10t payload to an apoapsis of 75km and a pretty decent orbital speed provided you set the thrust limit appropriately. Crazy. Also, the gimbal didn't seem to be working. Maybe that's just me. Previously, SAS devices were scaled to mass. With the new change, that's no longer so. Maybe you should increase the mass of the 2.5m ASAS to .4t to reestablish that scaling. A larger craft won't notice, but it makes it more difficult for smaller craft to just throw it on there. Also, the bottom stack node for the LVT-30 is just ever so slightly too long. Maybe try reducing it by .05. I haven't tested to find the sweet spot. Edit: -6.975 or thereabouts seems to work. Dobbel edit: the LVT-45 is too short and items clip into the fairing. Try about -6.3. Triple edit: Also, the Gigantor solar panel scales by mass with the OX series panels, but is retractable. It should probably scale similarly to the SP series, or be unretractable.
  16. All stock antennae transmit 2 mits per packet. If your piece of data has an odd number of mits, it wastes the last mit on the last packet, essentially sucking down power while it transmits nothing. Granted, this only applies to the crew report, but hey. If you halve the size, interval, and cost, you essentially modify the antennae to transmit only 1 mit at a time, at the same speed and energy cost as before (except in the case of crew reports, which are slightly cheaper due to you not having to transmit that extra mit). It basically just gives more granularity to your % completion readout, and smooths out the antennae sucking power out of your batteries (it comes out in smaller chunks more often, rather than bigger chunks less often). It's not really a big deal, but I like it for some reason.
  17. Awesome. By the way, I happen to think that this is an incredible mod. While I'm not sure it's appropriate for new players, it's perfect for those of us who can actually into some orbital mechanics.
  18. Worked great for me as well. ModuleManager 2.0.1 wasn't working with it before, and now it is. Parts automatically set their fuel to maximum when resized, and I can tweak how full they are in the VAB and it stays that way on the launch platform (before, they would always simply go to full, no matter what). Also, a quick question: is there any particular reason why SRBs can't get more than 331kN of thrust? The new NASA SRB can get 650kN of thrust, and it's a little strange that I can't replicate that capability. Edit: oh, I see this hasn't been updated since ARM, gotcha. Finally, a suggestion, if you'll have it: modular radial tanks. I see no reason why the various radial tanks can't all be replaced in pretty much one go as well. Also, a pill-tank with fillet=length=width is a sphere, which is fun.
  19. You may want to consider using module manager for this. It's perfect for adding such a small thing to a stock part.
  20. Got it, got it. I presume the reasoning behind this progression is that, while the c16 is fastest, it also consumes the most power. So, the "upgrades" are slower, but more energy efficient, giving a tradeoff. Also, I don't know if you would consider doing something like this, but I like to go in to the files and set my antennae to transmit 1 Mit per packet, and halve the transmission interval and energy/packet. I think it is strange that you have to transmit 6 Mits to send back a 5 Mit data piece. Anyway, thanks for all of this, I find it quite a nice little quality of life thing.
  21. I was just poking around in the files and noticed a few little bugs. The Z-400 battery has physicssignificance=1 in stock. You set the Z-100 to physicssignificance=0. So this leads to the awkward situation where the Z-100 battery has significance, but the Z-400 doesn't. I noticed it while playing around with the RCSBuildAid and using batteries to balance a probe. Setting it to 0 for the Z-400 seems to have fixed it. Also, your antennae transmit speeds are backwards. packetInterval is how long between each packet is sent, so a lower interval is better. This is confusing because there is a display bug in the game, causing it to show the incorrect value for bandwidth (it multiplies packet size by interval when it should be dividing).
  22. Rocket mode has 385s Isp at sea level, 370s in vacuum. The S model is like a slightly underpowered LV-T45. The M model is like a heavier, but more efficient, Skipper. Air breathing mode can get you up to 1700m/s-ish before it just stops producing thrust, provided you can get it enough air.
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