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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Hello, I'm having an issue with this mod. When the game is loading and module manager is patching files, the loading hangs up on "AntimatterReactors/AntimatterReactor/TweakableAntimatterReactor". I have tested with a clean KSP install as well as both the CKAN and .zip versions and the problem persists. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
  2. How do I turn off the alarm noise? The ground prox/master alarm whatever is going off while I am in space and I cant find the damn override. Its driving me nuts, especially while docking.
  3. Im attempting to weld a part with multiple texture options (like the B9 structural panels where you can right click on it and select "next/previous version). When I weld it, however, the part loads fine but the textures will rapidly flick through the different options. Is there a way of telling the mod to only use the texture that you have selected? Thanks
  4. I want to make a gun that fires sidewinders. How would I got about making it?
  5. So I've been having a very weird issue attach intakes to my craft lately. Basically whenever I try to surface attach an intake, I get the click that the part has attached, but the corresponding model doesn't appear on the craft. When it comes to attach the intakes via nodes, i get a similar problem, but in addition the nodes on both the intake and the part I was trying to attach to disappear. From my testing, the problem affects intakes and intakes only. In addition, I think the problem may be linked (at least for me) to KSP Interstellar. The problem doesnt seem to appear when I have Interstellar uninstalled, but reappears when I do. The problem is present in both the x86 and x64 versions. For the x86 version, memory does not appear to be the issue (unless I'm multitasking) Provided below is my modlist. All are up-to-date (to my knowledge) unless specified. 000_Toolbar ActiveTextureManagement AGext B9 BahaSP Adjustable Landing Gear BD Armory Bojan's Qunatum Struts Environment Visual Enhancements (and prerequisites) CustomAsteroids EnhancedNavball Firespitter FShangerExtender FuelWings Hyomoto MFD InfernalRobotics RasterPropMonitor KAS KerbalJointReinforcement KSF's NavInstruments Kerbaltek's Hyperedit KerbinSide (and dependencies) Kinetech KittopiaSpace Klockheed_Martin KOS KWRocketry LLL MkIV Airframe MechJeb2 ModularFuelTanks NavHud Navyfish's DockingPortAlignment NEAR NearFutureProps NovaPunch2 OpenResourceSystem PartCatalog PartPack's Mk2 to Mk1 adapter Protractor RSCapsuldyne Taurus HCV RCSBuildAid ResGen Scansat Select Root SomeScreen TAC Fuel Balancer TreeLoader Tweakscale (v1.44) UbioWelding WarpPlugin
  6. Apparently KerbPaint snuck in a rather defunct version of ModuleManager when I installed the it. FIXED.
  7. Hey all, I've been having an issue with the Modular Fuel Tanks (the one by NathanKell). The GUI for configuring the fuel tanks doesn't appear to work, nor does it work through the "action groups" tab. Furthermore, cycling through the different fuel tanks types in the B9 pack only change the skin, and not the tank contents. The images below show my issue: All the packs have been updated to the most recent version (MFT 6.1.1, B9 R5.2.3, ProceduralParts The issue persists with ModuleManager 2.3.5, or 2.4.4, or both. I've attempted deleting the mod folders and re-installing them to no avail. Thanks all for your help
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