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Everything posted by wrexecute

  1. thanks for the quick reply, that is good to hear. I wasn't sure what would happen if I try building it on a dock, so I didn't do it. As long as the dock knows how much it really costs, it don't bother me too much. @Jivaii: Only subtracts when ALT clicking a part. Any other rearranging or deleting will maintain the normal behavior, and so it isn't that noticable. And as taniwha just pointed out, the dock still deducts the right amount of stuff on its end.
  2. I can demonstrate with pictures: Starting with stock 3-man pod, cost is 1600 Increased to 2000 with stock Rockomax tank, as expected Here's where it starts, I ALT copy the tank and notice the cost is now 1600 again Delete the copy and do this 4 more times, and you get this free ship Finally, throw out the tank and now the ship owes me 400 rocket parts when built at the dock
  3. This is a great thing! Never built a station before, but now I have my first orbital lander factory. Have one issue with it, and have already put it up on the tracker. For those interested: Pay close attention to the rocket parts cost of your ships in the VAB. If you use ALT to copy parts alot while building, then you are receiving a discount on the final craft. This is magnified the more you add/delete COPIED parts, to the point of the craft being free or negative cost. If you DO NOT want to cheat the system, then avoid ALT copy while building, and instead opt for parts straight out of the parts tabs. Just a heads-up if you really want to play this mod as intended, until a fix can be worked out. I don't suggest exploiting this, or you will find your beautiful mining operation to be utterly useless... but still beautiful.
  4. damny, this is a great time-killer between interplanetary windows. the predicted orbit on the big map is invaluable for precision landing, and almost makes this game feel like Orbiter in that aspect. Taking an idea from that game, would it be possible to overlay the maps with shading to differentiate day-side and night-side? Something worth noting for people interested: Slap a GPS part on your next LKO station module, and you got yourself a good target for launching straight into a plane match if your station is inclined like ISS. I could kiss your face for that. Just finished Minmus bioscan and thought I was done. For me, this isn't about the science. It's about having a folder full of 100% completed trophy scans.
  5. I've seen this a couple times, but only with downloaded craft. Many times you will not be able to grab the root part and move the whole ship, but don't worry: If you hold SHIFT while clicking on any piece of the ship, it behaves the same way as clicking the root part, so you do not have to dismantle the ship piece by piece to move it. I don't believe a simple hotkey exists for that, but it would be helpful if they added it some day.
  6. I don't know why I haven't tried this mod before, but I regret not doing so. It's very fun to fiddle with, but I am horrible at it I think. I'm curious how everyone is trimming their ships. Alt+WASD? Mechjeb? Tuning individual envelopes? Combination of all those methods? I keep making unbalanced droopers, that appear balanced in the SPH/VAB according to the CoM display. Even the smallest increments cause a droopy front to become a droopy rear and vise versa. Am I concentrating too much of the total mass into the middle, creating a vicious fulcrum?
  7. I would love to check this plugin out, but for the last 2 or 3 days the Spaceport page for it is broken or something. Can't find it anywhere. Can someone email me the zip? wrexecute .at. gmail.com
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