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Everything posted by Benzschwagel

  1. did he just call me obtuse... lol, just kidding!! great work by the way, relax and take your time, great mods take time, most of us understand that, and are not obtuse, at least I hope not, lol
  2. you should put down mechjeb as a recommended mod on the first post, also try to hyper-link those mod listings to their respective postings, and maybe color code the status letters for job status
  3. ok, thanks, I think I'll wait for that update, but I will definitely get this when that happens!
  4. so, I guess from the previous posts that 0.21.1 compatibility is in the works? awesome, I will wait until then because this is good work, well worth waiting for!
  5. AHA! Banned for being a CEO! dang, ninja'd
  6. unfortunately, it looks like some "I'm entitled" thugs got KW's page shut down until further notice, so I'm sticking with NP. I'm also gonna wait until 0.21.1 compatible is actually listed on the first post before getting this one, been having too many crashes lately, restarted my mod collection, gonna try keep it down a bit so I can actually play without constant crashes and 10 min load times after, hehe.
  7. Banned for playing with fireworks (bottle rockets)
  8. gonna wait for the new feature and a 0.21.1 stamp on the main page, but excited with anticipation!
  9. hmm, awesome, so a kind of docking port for fuel tanks only? made for transferring fuel but not kerbals? hmm, the thought returns to jeb of all the attempts to make kerbals survive within a liquid oxygen, hydrogen, or kethane environment, a tear falls from his eye... I always had this thought of making a platform that had Hooligan Labs balloons on the top and Spherical Fuel Tanks on the bottom, possibly with KAS to anchor it in some way, maybe also as a type of fuel block for a station, planetside or orbital
  10. ah yes, school should always take precedence over games (wish I could somehow learn this). Good luck with your education!
  11. hehe, a built-in glowing light effect for when it's lights are turned on for a gentle glow effect instead of the stark contrast of a spot light. Now that would be cool.
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