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Everything posted by xEvilReeperx

  1. Noted, will add. There are a few additional config options you can specify by editing settings.cfg by hand; for instance, you can disable the clicks or bubbles there It's always available. Did you configure Blizzy's toolbar to show the button during flight? You will need to do this. Find the toolbar, left-click on the arrow next to it, select "Configure Visible Buttons" or similar and make sure "Science Alert" is checked
  2. I thought about this, but I didn't want to outright automate science collection. There's a certain satisfaction in having the window pop up and seeing how much science you've gathered and what the description is. If there's enough call for it, I can add it later as an option though. This is already in, sort of. You can filter alerts with four filters: Unresearched (zero science), <50%, <90% and a flat "not maxed" if you want every drop of science. Configurable per individual experiment. The plugin considers all "known" (transmitted) science, plus science onboard the active vessel.
  3. Note: ScienceAlert has been officially released! You can find the release thread here! Future versions will be posted there, but feel free to use either thread for comments, suggestions or bug reports Thanks to everyone who took a chance and tried it out in its in-development state. Your help is much appreciated! One of those small annoyances I have with KSP is the lack of feedback the game provides when it comes to science. How do you know when your Kerbals have spotted something interesting? When should you hop out and have a look around in EVA? Did you forget to run an experiment? If you're tired of mashing "crew report", doing Chinese fire drill-style EVA outings or repeatedly resetting an experiment to see if you've gone from a high orbit to low yet, this plugin is for you. Here's the mod in a nutshell: What it does: Monitors the vessel's situation and available onboard experiments. When you encounter a situation in which one applies, a short sound is played and the toolbar button lights up and animates. Clicking on the toolbar button will list all experiments that are available and match your assigned filter. You can deploy that experiment immediately (or in the case of eva, send a randomly selected crew member outside) using its associated button. Features: Audio and visual cue when science is available Option to temporarily store maneuver nodes when hopping between craft, as long as you stay in the flight scene. No worries about screwing up that carefully planned transfer when you hop out on eva! Configurable science filters for experiments Configurable option to stop warp when an experiment becomes available Known Bugs: Critical: experiment data multipliers aren't calculated correctly, sometimes resulting in incorrect alerts Fixed in 1.3 Critical: stopping warp on experiment discovery could sometimes affect orbit parameters Fixed in 1.2 if you transmit science report(s) using a transmitter's action menu, the reports queued for it won't be taken into account until transmission is complete positioning of experiment buttons isn't consistent when there's room both above and below the button's location There is some kind of problem with EVA reports not registering. Looking into it. Update: couldn't confirm it. If you can reproduce it, let me know Installation: Changelog: 1.3 (April 7) Critical: Fixed an issue that caused ScienceAlert to incorrectly determine science point values which could result in incorrect alerts Added a global warp option Added a global sound alert option Log spam on vessel modification reduced Experiments with biomeMask and situationMask set to zero will now be excluded from ScienceAlert options 1.2 (April 4) Critical: Fixed an issue that could cause the active vessel's orbital parameters to be changed when stopping warp using the "stop on discovery" option Improved biome detection again. There shouldn't be any more false alerts, even at low altitudes 1.1 (April 1) Added EVA condition warning Fixed issue where base function of ModuleScienceExperiment was called instead of the correct one Fixed issue where ScienceAlert would detect the wrong biome and flash the icon at the incorrect time Stock experiments no longer have "Assume onboard" option display by default (to reduce clutter) Temporarily added a debug menu, accessable by middle-mouse clicking the toolbar button Available experiment menu polished a little; will now appear in the same location consistently 1.0 (March 28) Initial public release Other: This plugin is licensed under GPLv3. Source is available
  4. CelestialBody actually has a field called use_The_InName that might serve for a catch-all solution
  5. The PartModule Save/load code will run sequentially but you can't count on the vessel being loaded on the first frame. Putting all your save/load code in one place is the way to go regardless, in my opinion. There's also FlightGlobals.ready that you can check before messing with the vessel
  6. Parts are saved sequentionally, one after the other. There's no case in which multiple OnSaves will run simultaneously, in parallel
  7. It's probable that whatever particleEffect and valveEffect are, they don't have rigid bodies attached to them. Just use their transforms instead
  8. Its local y axis in worldspace? According to the unity docs your way seems fine, although localVelocity has the qualifier "starting velocity". I would think rigidbody.transform.up or rigidbody.transform.rotation * Vector3.up would also give you correct results
  9. You will need to locate the part with the given name, in this case sensorThermometer. It will have a ModuleScienceExperiment with an experimentID. MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment [B]experimentID = temperatureScan[/B] experimentActionName = Log Temperature resetActionName = Delete Data [snip] You can then find the experiment in ScienceDefs with the given ID EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION { [B]id = temperatureScan[/B] title = Temperature Scan }
  10. Try adding a check to see if any parts exist. The game has special emphasis on a root part so I'd start there if (EditorLogic.fetch != null && EditorLogic.startPod != null)
  11. EditorLogic.SortedShipList probably calls a function that depends on an EditorLogic instance existing. You almost have it; if (EditorLogic.fetch != null) should do the job
  12. OnSave/OnLoad seem to work, you should use those (after modifying R&D). Use OnLoad with an empty ConfigNode to load an initial state. Most of the time you'll just have to experiment. I will help you on this one but that's it. var saveRnd = new ConfigNode(); ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.OnSave(saveRnd); Debug.Log(saveRnd.ToString()); ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.OnLoad(new ConfigNode()); // reset tech tree
  13. GetExperiment() returns ScienceExperiment. You could use the ScienceExperiment to get a ScienceSubject related to a particular experiment, but your case doesn't seem interested in specific subject + experiment + situation + body combinations. SubmitScienceData seems likely to me. Assuming OnSave/OnLoad didn't work for you?
  14. You're looking for ScienceSubjects, data that comes as a result of performing experiments
  15. R&D.Instance might not be available until a few frames have passed, so work in some way of waiting for it to exist before trying to use it. If you're really lucky, you might be able to get the game to do your heavy lifting for you by calling R&D.OnLoad/OnSave yourself. Otherwise, here's an example snippet that unlocks any parts that haven't been "bought" in tech nodes that have been unlocked. It might give you some ideas: foreach (var part in PartLoader.LoadedPartsList) { var techNode = ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.GetTechState(part.TechRequired); if (techNode != null) if (ResearchAndDevelopment.GetTechnologyState(techNode.techID) == RDTech.State.Available) if (!ResearchAndDevelopment.PartModelPurchased(part) && !techNode.partsPurchased.Contains(part)) { techNode.partsPurchased.Add(part); ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.SetTechState(techNode.techID, techNode); } }
  16. I believe it's a flag for normal map. I glanced at the source to this and it appears the author wasn't sure about it either
  17. You don't use an alpha map with this shader. It uses the alpha channel of the main texture to do the blending
  18. It's the main directory KSP is in. On my machine (steam/Win7), it's "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program." So in my case, the DLLs you need to reference are located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data\Managed". You should not be looking in GameData
  19. Just given, initially. Some kind of scanning (or other appropriate requirement) is planned though.
  20. Did you reference those assemblies in your project? You need to add a reference to UnityEngine.dll and Assembly-CSharp.dll in (KSPRoot)/KSP_Data/Managed/
  21. Something like this? It's nearly finished. I meant to release it 2 weeks ago but was distracted with some other projects. Crushing some bugs, optimizing some bits and then it should be good to go. Tomorrow or Monday I'm hoping
  22. It does change the current working directory which I hadn't anticipated. Should be fixed in 1.1.a. Thanks for the report!
  23. It's embedded somewhere in KSP's resources, out of reach under normal circumstances. If you want a fresh copy to edit yourself, install this plugin and enter the flight scene. A copy of the original texture will be made for you in the plugin's directory provided there is no navball.png there already.
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