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Everything posted by xEvilReeperx

  1. Looks like CelestialBody has everything you'd need: initialRotation, rotationPeriod, tidallyLocked, and rotates are all accessible
  2. I only had you delete error.wav because that was the last thing that was happening in your log before the game crashed. The chances of it being the cause were pretty remote but it was easy to rule out Something just caught my eye though and sort of related to the MM error I was mentioning earlier: [LOG 00:05:58.590] Config(EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION) Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs/EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION [LOG 00:05:58.590] Config(EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION) Squad/Resources/old_ScienceDefs/EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION It looks like you created a copy of the experiment definitions but left the copy inside GameData. Assuming KSP/GameData/Squad/Resources/old_ScienceDefs/ScienceDefs.cfg is unneeded, could you move it out of GameData or delete it? I'm 85% certain this is the cause of the issue, and if so it's fixed (at least, the plugin won't silently fail) in the next version
  3. This is the entirety of the log? Can you try going to the KSP folder, then navigating to /GameData/ScienceAlert/sounds, deleting error.wav and seeing if KSP still crashes? That's the first of three possibilities I can think of that might cause this problem. I'll look into the other two
  4. No, that doesn't affect quite affect position. The text will still appear without it but it'll jitter around
  5. My advice would be to ignore it and use a textured plane or GUIText if you want good results. With that said, I don't see where you set the GO's layer anywhere so the MapView camera doesn't render it testText = new GameObject("testText", typeof(MeshRenderer)); var text = testText.AddComponent<TextMesh>(); Font ArialFont = (Font)Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf"); testText.renderer.sharedMaterial = ArialFont.material; text.font = ArialFont; text.fontSize = 12; text.text = "Hello, world!"; text.color = XKCDColors.Amber; testText.layer = 10; ScaledSpace.AddScaledSpaceTransform(testText.transform);
  6. No, the toolbar portion works. I'd guess the problem lies somewhere in your settings or a MM config, but without the log I can't say for sure. If it is one of those things, then in 1.6 it won't cause ScienceAlert to freak out but it'll still prevent it from working since there's a problem in there
  7. What do you mean, scale? ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace() merely converts one coordinate point to a different coordinate point; it doesn't worry about any kind of scale or rotation.
  8. 0.23.5 and 0.23 are quite similar so chances are good it'll work. If it doesn't, well, maybe someone who still has 0.23 can compile it for you. Steam auto-upgraded my install before I started using separate copies for modding and playing
  9. I haven't got the slightest idea what's wrong. If it was what normally caused the issue, it wouldn't magically work later
  10. Ah, I didn't see the interface overrides. There's no need to hide them though. The actual type is hidden behind the interface so overriding the methods you're interested in will just work unlike Deploy(). In that case, Ship Manifest should work for your experiments aside from the BioDrill which did not override its interface. ShipManifest itself also has a bug that prevents it from seeing BioDrill or any other experiment that isn't derived from ModuleScienceExperiment or ModuleScienceContainer. He really should be looking for experiment data containers (IScienceDataContainer) rather than MSE/MSC
  11. 1:6000 (ScaledSpace.Instance.scaleFactor, or ScaledSpace.InverseScaledFactor for the inve-well, you get it). So a line 10,000 units long in local space would be 1.67 units long in scaled space. Kerbin's radius is about 1,000 units for comparison. It might be better to have two different scales else you might have to zoom in pretty close to your mapview vessel to even see the lines
  12. Yep. Convert the ship's local space world position into scaled space world position. var vesselPos = ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.findWorldCenterOfMass())
  13. Uh, in this case it's actually because you didn't override IScienceDataContainer.GetScienceCount. Instead, you hid the inherited member and created a brand new version. ScienceAlert only works because it uses IScienceDataContainer.GetData and not IScienceDataContainer.GetScienceCount, otherwise it'd be calling the wrong one too. You'll note that you DO override GetData: ScienceData[] IScienceDataContainer.GetData() { return anomalyData.ToArray(); }
  14. Optional ScanSat integration has always been planned for both SA and biome overlay. It just makes too much sense not to Can you look inside the more verbose log? It'd be in KSPROOT/KSP_Data/output_log.txt for windows and is called Player.log (I think?) on other operating systems
  15. I put another mod on hold in order to complete ScienceAlert that would be better suited for this purpose, I think. Displaying current biome is probably as far as I'll go towards that in ScienceAlert. That's odd. Can I see your output_log or equivalent (not the KSP.log)?
  16. Thanks. Fixed in 1.5a. Really obvious in hindsight I reported the bug to Sarbian. Apparently there's an issue deleting certain types of config nodes. I don't know if the fix made it into 2.0.7, but his suggestion is to modify the existing crew report rather than delete it and create a new one
  17. Your output_log.txt would be useful. I couldn't reproduce your problem. If you were traveling a moderate speed, you should have seen an EVA confirmation window pop up
  18. Something probably went wrong during initialization. Is there anything suspicious in your log?
  19. Do you have multiple materials assigned to the (from your unity screenshot) "Airlock" and "AirlockHandles" parts? PartTools doesn't like that. One material per submesh or the exporter will choke and affected portions of your model won't be exported
  20. That was the first change I made to this snippet when I came across it in a forum post months ago. Why would you load the persistent save anyway?
  21. I don't use IVA view much, but I'll look into this when I've got some time. Can you give me more detail on this? I thought the new feature would take care of that (you can set any numeric threshold you want).
  22. Grats on the release! If I may make a suggestion though: why not cache the modules you're interested in? Currently, you loop through every module of every part on the active vessel twice per Update(). Instead, you could keep lists of the types of modules you're interested in and just rebuild them whenever the vessel changed. It'd simplify your main logic and save some extra cpu time too List<ModuleParachute> parachutes; // etc // GameEvents.OnVesselWasModified public void OnVesselModified(Vessel vessel) { if (vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel) { parachutes = vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing<ModuleParachute>(); // etc } } public void Update() { // do parachute stuff foreach (var parachuteModule in parachutes) ... // your logic }
  23. Thanks for getting back to me. This actually looks like a ModuleManager bug. I tested it with both MM 1.5.6 and 2.0.3. Apparently, the !EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION line isn't removing the previous definition which causes an exception inside ksp on a critical function ScienceAlert uses. I'm glad you found a workaround In other news, 1.5 is now released
  24. Ah, that's a wrinkle. Well, if anybody frowns on your use of reflection to get private stuff, there's the alternative of creating a child GameObject of your own for the sole reason of having it kick FixedUpdate calls back at you
  25. No, it works as you'd expect it to What's wrong with FixedUpdate? That's what Part is almost certainly calling OnFixedUpdate from anyway... public void FixedUpdate() { if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { // logic } }
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