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Everything posted by LoneRider

  1. exactly. I did not check whether only the kerbals are missing, or the recover process as a whole fails - tried it in sandbox mode and did not check the refunding for the parts. When recovering the decoupled part, the recover window pops up but the mod switches to the main vessel before i can click "done" in the recover window. Maybe that is the problem.
  2. I just tried it for 0.90, but when i recover my not-main vessel, the pilot is "missing in action". Here is what i tried: 1st: TakeOff. 82.3 tons total weight, 4 seats for transporter, 1 in shuttle rocket. Park brakes, fire up 10 TurboJet Engines, release Break when engines turn orange. Liftoff at 110m/s. http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/bdkhf8vq_png.html Bring the Plane up to 20.000m at 1.100 m/s and hit Hotkey 1. Solid Booster start, decoupler decouples, and the upper 4 engines of the plane are switched off. Since the rocket is mounted a few degrees up, it immediatelly starts flying upwards away from the plane http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/gulsds7b_png.htm Land the Plane somewhere safe. Note the Plugin showing the decoupled rocket. http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/wkkdxinq_png.htm After landing, clicked the Button below "Stage 3" with the ship name. http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/5t7s25jw_png.htm Game will go back in time to when the ship was decoupled - fly the rocket into orbit (the solid boosters are almost enough): http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/dcwb2wbe_png.htm http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/fd3nttic_png.htm Reentry into atmosphere for landing. Unfortunatly the rocket is build really bad and too nose-heavy, so it can't be landed. Has no landing gear anyway: http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/32s2jsdd_png.htm So just use the parachutes to land savely http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/t5amj7rl_png.htm After landing, I clicked "Recover" on the top of the screen (as usual) http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/8c7xjfci_png.htm Game went back to Spaceport and immediately switched to the main vessel (no recover screen for the decoupled rocket): http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/ofj6theg_png.htm Recovered main Vessel. Unfortunatly something is wrong with recovering the decoupled part - pilot is "missing in action" and parts are not recovered. But at least i could fly them both, and besides the recovering it all worked great
  3. Here are some Pics: 1st: TakeOff. 82.3 tons total weight, 4 seats for transporter, 1 in shuttle rocket. Park brakes, fire up 10 TurboJet Engines, release Break when engines turn orange. Liftoff at 110m/s. http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/bdkhf8vq_png.html Bring the Plane up to 20.000m at 1.100 m/s and hit Hotkey 1. Solid Booster start, decoupler decouples, and the upper 4 engines of the plane are switched off. Since the rocket is mounted a few degrees up, it immediatelly starts flying upwards away from the plane http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/gulsds7b_png.htm Land the Plane somewhere safe - note only 6 engines working, 4 offline. And the Plugin mentioned above on the upper left side, showing the decoupled rocket. http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/wkkdxinq_png.htm After landing, click the Button below "Stage 3" with the ship name. http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/5t7s25jw_png.htm Game will go back in time to when the ship was decoupled - fly into orbit (the solid boosters are almost enough): http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/dcwb2wbe_png.htm http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/fd3nttic_png.htm Reentry into atmosphere for landing. Unfortunatly the rocket is build really bad and too nose-heavy, so it can't be landed. Has no landing gear anyway: http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/32s2jsdd_png.htm So just use the parachutes to land savely http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/t5amj7rl_png.htm After landing, just click Recover on the top of the screen http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/8c7xjfci_png.htm Game will go back to Spaceport and immediately switch to the main vessel: http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3839/ofj6theg_png.htm Recover main Vessel. Unfortunatly something is wrong with recovering the decoupled part - pilot is "missing in action" and parts are not recovered. But at least i could fly them both, and besides the recovering it all worked great Cost: 2 Rocomax BACC solid boosters, 1.2k liquid fuel for the carrier plane, and 300 fuel for the rocket. Quite cheap to get a kerbal into orbit this way... besides he is missing now ^^
  4. ...IT WORKS! Just as it is, with 0.90, tried it a few minutes ago. edit: well, almost. Recovering does not work correctly it seems... pilot is missing in action.
  5. Hi everyone, I just built a carrier plane for a small rocket, intended for simple experiments or personel exchange on stations. The intention is to fly with the plane as high as possible and then launch the rocket for the last meters into space. The Plane itself weights 63 tons and can fly up to 20.000m at 1.100m/s speed. On top of it there is a tiny rocket with two solid boosters (24 tons in total), mounted on a TT-70 decoupler. When the plane reaches 20.000m and the desired speed, the next staging decouples the rocket and starts the solid booster. Since the rocket is mounted in a small angle on top of the plane, it starts going upwards and gets speed rapidly. It would easily reach a suborbital flight route. When the rocket reaches 2.000m distance from the plane, it disappears, and so does the kerbal inside. I know I could build my "plane" that can get out of atmosphere and decouple there, but thats not the intention. Current real life projects are also building carrier planes that bring small rockets up high, and i would like to build that too. Is there a way (a mod or something) to avoid the part deletion in atmosphere at 2.000m distance? If the part that gets decoupled is manned, it should stay alive and be calculated as a new ship, just like in space. The solid boosters in my case are strong enough to get the ship into at least a high suborbital flight so there would be enough time to land the plane and switch to the rocket. Or is there any other way to handle this? Regards LoneRider
  6. I was playing a multiplayer game on a local server, dev version with 0.25 and BTSM. I accepted a mission giving me 700 credits in advance, and now i ONLY have 700 credits - the rest vanished, all gone. I cannot do ANYTHING, no rocket can be built with 700, i cant even take a weather survey mission since i already HAVE an open weather survey mission, and only 700 credits... Anybody has a hint for me? edit: If you have a problem with standings or money, go to the server directory -> Scenarios -> Playername. Here you can edit Money and stuff.
  7. We just tried Server and Client yesterday, and at first it seemed to work. Then i brought a first station part into orbit, started with a ship and tried to dock the second station part. Every time i came closer to the station, the was a little loading time and the station jumped away. And although i was the player ahead, the client showed me the option to sync, and every time i synced, the station jumped even further away. So i disconnected and a friend of mine docked at the station, installing another part. When I reconnected (and he disconnected) i could dock at the station, but his part was not attached - and after i while i found out there were TWO stations now, about 600m from each other, one with his part attached, one with mine...... strange...
  8. And to start Mechjeb you have to add a module. It can be found under the CONTROL tab.
  9. Yes, additional Pods are not filled up automatically. But i think it would be an easy task just to save the crew settings with the vessel. Last time i had to launch my rocket more than 1 time (since i had to revert... it broke apart at some time), and every time i had to change the crew settings again. You start, something goes wrong, you go back to VAB, add a few struts or something, start again - end the number of kerbals has bin changed to max in the first Pod again. It's just a small thing, but it should be right as easy to fix.
  10. Hi, i have build a "pickup taxi" rocket to pick up kerbals that stranded on other planets or whose rockets ran ou of fuel, or just to get kerbals down from my station. Unfortunately KSP does not remember the number of Kerbals I want to have inside the rocket - when you go to the VAB and load a rocket it will always fill the main pod with the maximum available kerbals (at least that's what I experienced). I am using the 3-man-pod but only 1 seat should be filled, leaving the 2 others free for passengers to pick up (there are 8 at my station waiting). Since KSP of course cant save which kerbals to place inside (because maybe they aren't around) it could save the NUMBER of kerbals that were assigned at the moment of saving the rocket. So when you load a rocket, and it has saved "2 of 3 slots manned", it will use the next 2 kerbals from the astronauts building, leaving the 3rd slot empty. Until now i have had 3 successful starts just to see that i forgot to move the kerbals out again. My fault, since i should have noticed on the launchpad, but it would have been easier if KSP hat placed only the number of kerbals inside that were inside when i saved the rocket. I hope this is not nonsense for you Regards LoneRider / Markus
  11. I think it should be possible while maintaining the only-one-parent rule (which is technically required) to add a field for cross-connecting. Like a part has only one parent (sure) but can have other connections to parts up the tree (just a data list with ids of parts). It is just needed to ensure that physics will apply from these cross-connected parts to the other parts as well. It would have to be a side-implementation (as breaking the only-one-parent rule is not possible) but should be possible. Even if you remove the real parent, one part from the cross-connection list could become parent. Which one shouldnt care, because physics are applied for the cross-connecting parts as well, so it just does not matter which one is the "real" parent on engine-side.
  12. You can use Action Groups to shut down a few engines controlled while having the others still throttled up. e.g. on a 4-engine design, when reaching too low air intake, shut down 2 of the engines so the other 2 will work on for a while - now having the double number of air intakes for themselves.
  13. Sometimes when i switch to a lander e.g. on the mun, it gets loaded, then the terrain loads and the lander starts bumping around, sometimes it even crashes. Maybe this is also caused by landing struts being into the ground?
  14. The space center looks great at night... but if you go in the VAB building to build a rocket, look out of the door - it is daytime!
  15. Well, this might be useful, but personally i dont think i need it (have done over a dozent docks without any help like that). You can see when you are not in line with the direction of the docking port and use RCS to burn sideways to correct it by looking out of the window. If it was just a small dot like in your example, it would be ok, but not any bigger please. hmm... might be a help, yes... hmm...
  16. Maybe because resources is a "may be ready in 0.22" and career is "working on it" i'd love to have some career mode, like starting with little money, some missions pinned at your office, with reward (build a com satellite and bring it to kerbin orbit for X kerb-dollars), so you can earn money (if you are successful) and try to build up some stuff to make future missions cheaper for you, or to research new parts... lots of ideas
  17. To have a good touchdown on planets / moons without atmosphere, there are some things to consider... - build a lander that is WIDE instead of HIGH. if you need fuel, attach tanks to the side of your lander instead of underneath, so you have a low center of mass, and add landing struts at the widest positions. So low lateral velocities wont be so hard - when going down from orbit, burn against the current velocity vector until it is right at the upper center of your navball - this means you will fall straight down. It then the velocity vector moves away, use RCS to move SIDEWAYS (i, j, k, l-keys) - dont turn, but use RCS to burn sideways against that movement. So the velocity vector stays centered on the navball's top. - if your landing place is not flat, pray - or have a lander that is wide, so it wont matter that much
  18. I did a clean 0.21 (kerbal) install and downloaded the new mechjeb, unzipped it into the folder and it worked just straight. I think you'd better delete any old mechjeb versions. 2.0.9 is the only version you need, just be sure it will install into the GameData-Folder (*ksp_root_path*/GameData/MechJeb2/...), so the parts and plugins folder are located there. Then everything should work fine, the DLL is packed inside, so no need to download it seperately.
  19. With a little practice you can find a nice grouping - going up with all engines, use action groups to shut down a few, going on with the others... like starting with 8 engines, at some height cut down 4 of them, going on with 4 others, and after some while shut down another 2. Just always try to stay symmetrical so it stays controllable. And you can add more air intakes - there are some radial mounted you can attach. This will get you up even higher. I also tried to optimize my rockets with turbijet engines, so *thumps up* The fuel efficiency is just amazing, and gets even better with higher speed (air intakes produce more air on higher speed).
  20. I saw this behavior when the intake air (in the resources panel) reaches 0 - the engines need air to work, and in case the intake air reaches 0, SOME engines fell off my test plane, the others started to work again (since with less engines, the intake air was enough to cover the remaining engines). Did you have an eye on your ressources panel, especially the intake air?
  21. When KSP starts, you can see all parts available get loaded. All 3D-models, textures and logic gets loaded into RAM. No matter whether or not you are using any of those parts in your spaceships / rockets / stations etc. Since i am using NovaPunch, which has another 150 parts, KSP instantly needs 2,5GB RAM on starting the application, with no savegame loaded or anything. When i look at my constructions, i can see that i am using barely 1/4 or 1/5 of all available parts in the game. So if KSP would only load the modules that are currently in use into RAM, it could use much less RAM - but if you build a new ship and use parts you haven't used before, it would need to load the parts from disk, which would always take a small moment for every part. Since i have less than 4GB RAM, i would like to wait for parts to load when building a new rocket and keep some RAM free, resulting in no need for constant memory swapping to hard drive, instead of loading ALL parts into RAM no matter if they will ever be used. That - by the way - is the reason why KSP becomes unresponsive from time to time - because there is no more RAM available and the PC starts swapping, which is slow as hell. You can see that behavior by opening task manager and resource monitor on win7. My suggestion would be: Dont load ALL modules on application startup, but those needed - you can read them from persistant game file when loading / resuming a game. And load parts from disk when building a new rocket, since this wont be taking too long for single parts. And, from time to time, do some "garbage collection" to get rid of the parts you are not using any more. That would save a LOT of memory.
  22. Yep, thats the way. I guess it has something to do with the tree-style way ships are stored. Each module has a parent module - until the main pod, which is the root node. So the Hub has one link for the parent, and 5 for the children. Rotating always helps. As far as i can remember the small hub (one down and one right from the big hub on the screenshot) has the same issue. When orientation is right, the hub will turn green, otherwise it stays red. so it is easy and fast to find out which way is right
  23. Improved IVA... well, IVA can stay like it is, i would just like to have a "crew crossfeed" ability like the "fuel crossfeed" ability for modules So if you have a station with several crew-capable modules, you can move any astronaut to any crew module just by clicking. Just right-click an astronaut, alt-right-click the crew module and send him there. Or right click a crew module with someone in it, alt-right-click another crew module and - like with fuel (oxi and liquid) transfer kerbals in and out. That would make station life a lot easier, especially if you exchange crew from time to time
  24. When i found my space station to be a bit... unstable when having to correct its orientation (e.g. when a docking vessel docks too hard) i needed a way to fix that. Since i had standard docking ports all over, i designed an additional part, which was designed to snap to 3 docking ports at different points of the station. When the first docking port started to attract its desired counterpart, the whole module was pulled in position and the other 2 docking ports also snapped on their counterparts, resulting in a successful installation of the whole module. So it definitely works. And since i also had a problem with senior docking ports not working at all (in 0.20), i still use the standard docking ports. Using more docking ports instead of a big one (right next to another, on the same part) worked only with 2 std ports for me - 3 didnt work somehow in my case (I tried to connect multiple vehicles on kerbin base, each having a 1-to-3 adapter and 3 std docking ports). I dont know why... edit: The three marked docking ports were used to connect one big structural part, so the upper "arms" will get more stability. The same was intended on the other side, but the left "arm" has wrong orientation, so it doesn't fit. And it cant be disconnected due to a bug...
  25. My station is at about 200km, but the main reason for this is fuel efficiency with special engines. For interplanetary flights i usually use the thermonuclear engines, because they are by far more efficient out of atmosphere than any other engine (about 2 - 2.5x as fuel efficient). Therefore i am using a very unusual way when starting: my rockets go up straight at about 15-20km, then going at about 60 degrees east. Then the first stage is empty when at about 50km, but with enough speed to reach 70km easily (usually the rocket will go up to about 100-130km) and all parts from the first stage go back to kerbin surface. From 70km height i start the nuclear engines, which take a LONG time to reach a good orbit, depending on weight. When reaching a mostly circular orbit altitude is at about 160-180km. Therefore 200km is a good height. The usual starting way (turning to east at 5-15km and trying to reach a low orbit as soon as possible) leaves me with a far longer time in the atmosphere, where the nuclear engines are inefficient and sometimes dont have anough thrust to get the rocket out of atmosphere. One reason not to go too close to kerbin: max warp speed. Since i usually dont use mechjeb, i often have to wait at the station until the optimal time to start interplanetary travels. Therefore maybe a "waiting station" at about 600-800km would also be useful - first refuel close to kerbin, then go to about 800km to wait. On the other hand it would be enough to have a good timing and plan so you dont have to wait too long while in space
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