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Everything posted by ZodiusInfuser

  1. I downloaded the beta last night without issue. I definitely recommend using the beta over the alpha if you can as it fixes a number of collision mesh issues that made parts fall through the floor.
  2. I've just checked and that download from the OP definitely contains the Utilitron parts (under GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Parts\Rework_Utility\Probe\Misc). Not sure why its not showing up for you. Can you confirm that you have a folder in that location and it contains four sub folders?
  3. That suggestion does have merit, but as you guessed it needs to be directed to the KAS devs. My magnet just uses their code without any modification. @Kerbalmann, that is odd. The link does indeed include the expansion and utility parts. Did you search for the Utilitron parts under the Utility tab?
  4. Thanks for the reply! That clears things up for me a bit. I guess a good example of what I was thinking of would be a cargo bay, as that doesn't have separate enable / disable actions like lights do. Would AGX let me assign that action to an action group and have it's state match the state of the bay? From what you've said it looks like the answer is yes. Now, the Set / Clear thought came about because of the IR Sequencer . In that you currently can only toggle action groups, because that's all the game allows, which in the case of the bay isn't ideal as if a sequence is made to open a bay and it's already open, then it will close instead. Does AGX let other mods (such as the Sequencer once integrated) Set / Clear an action group as well as a usual toggle (e.g Set to 1, Clear to 0)? That way a sequence could be made to Set a "Bay State" Action Group and the bay will open if it isn't or do nothing if it is. I hope that explains my thinking better.
  5. Hi Diazo, Am I right in thinking that the IR Sequencer supports action groups extended? I don't see it on your list of mods that support AGX. If so I may have to pick this up! The renaming of Action Groups alone would be extremely useful for some of the more complicated sequences I come up with. Also, do you know if there is any way to Set/Clear an Action Group rather than just toggle it? Some of my sequences require AGs to be in a certain state, so if it's the inverse bad things could happen. Thanks,
  6. Can confirm assigning the same key to sequences in different states now works
  7. I've encountered that first problem too. Save your craft before going to the launchpad, then reload it when you revert back to the VAB. Its not ideal but for now it's an OK workaround. Not encountered that second one.
  8. This is a very welcome move!. It is fully expected that the UI changes alone will mess up Infernal Robotics so having this time window will help us get a plan together.
  9. What do you mean? If you're asking if I have anything special planned for when 1.1 releases then no. I still have parts I want to finish for the v02 release of this mod, but those have been put on hold due to my IRL commitments, and it's unlikely I will get chance to finish them until the summer.
  10. FYI, the reason I pushed for Ziw to add such a feature to the Sequencer is because often (at least in my creations) you have sequences that are intended to only be played when something has deployed first, e.g only allow a Canadarm to be extended when a cargo bay is open. Before you'd have to just be careful about what you run when, but with this you can prevent it from happening in the first place. I've used State Machines many times in my coding projects and they truly make things easier, because all you have to think about is what you want the program to do in each State, rather than in total. Can you tell I'm excited about this feature? For those curious about the concept of Finite State Machines, I highly recommend watching this video:
  11. Not that I'm aware of. The reason it is no longer available is because the moderators removed all mediafire links. This just happened to be one of them. Hopefully @sirkut sees this and can upload it to Curse/Spacedock.
  12. Yay! Edit: BTW, once this is out I recommend people draw our their state machines using this webpage first before transferring it to the sequencer: http://madebyevan.com/fsm/
  13. Its the pre-release of v02, it's not my fault you can no longer get v01 . In any case, the reason I haven't changed it from a pre-release to a release is because there are still parts I wish to add to the pack, but unfortunately haven't had time to work on due to my IRL robotics research taking up most of my time. Edit: On the plus side, I now have real Mecanum wheels to play so won't be as bothered by KSP 1.1 breaking my in-game versions, which will almost certainly happen
  14. That is correct Unfortunately, there is not a user manual, The best we have is this video from the: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzVC6w6kj3w There is a large rotatron in the legacy parts, but only 2.5m. If you want a 10m one your best bet is to copy the CFG of the large one, rename it, and scale it up.
  15. Btw, don't expect there to be a version on SpaceDock any time soon. Since I was working on the v02 pre-release and people can download it from my cloud store, there's no point me putting the older versions on there. I have registered an account to claim my name though
  16. Does nobody follow the link at the very top of the OP? The latest pre release has been out for a while, and is storied in my cloud share, so there should be no reason for you to ask this unless you didn't follow it.
  17. The ones that were on KerbalStuff were for pre 1.0.5, so no real loss that they can't be downloaded now. The latest pre release has been on my cloud store in the link in this post for a while now (it is also linked at the top of the OP):
  18. Because as a mod maker it creates so many user support issues with people not getting the mod working, and automatically assuming its the mods fault rather than an issue with CKAN. That's my personal view. Also i'm a bit sour as my mods were added to CKAN without my consent.
  19. I read the posts about that, so completely understand the privacy concerns. I'm just thinking, maybe there could be a period where only known mod authors are given the link to register an account, so they can be sure to get their previous username (or one that matches their forum name) before releasing it to the general masses?
  20. Was sad to hear the news about KS, so hope this works out. One question, for mod makers who previously used KerbalStuff, is it possible to reserve our usernames for the new site? I realise it's unlikely but it could be rather likely that someone may take a name before the mod author gets chance to register. Also, does this collaboration between the new KS and CKAN means that it will become mandatory for mod authors to have their mods on CKAN, because I am not OK with that.
  21. No problem. If you want any specific help with those parts, post your questions over in that thread. There's also this part you can download if probes are your thing: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/59359-wip-msis-infernal-robotics-model-rework-v02-pre-release-beta/&do=findComment&comment=2333081 Also I recommend our IR Sequencer if you want to get in to basic automatic of robotics parts (may be on CKAN too): https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/708/Sequencer%20for%20Infernal%20Robotics
  22. The main file linked at the top of the page . The others are older versions that will eventually get updated when I get around to finishing off the pre-release.
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