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Everything posted by ZodiusInfuser

  1. Wow! I never even considered sub assemblies as being a possibility! Now fixed in the latest release. Haven't bothered with a new version number since it's such a minor thing.
  2. This is proving more complex than I anticipated. I've had to invert the folding direction of the feet and am now resorting to 3D CAD to work out how to fit the rest into the dimension constraints I imposed on myself with the foldatron design . Hopefully I'll have time to finish the design tomorrow before I head away to IROS 2014 for a week to meet with fellow Roboticists and present My Research/Robot
  3. That is quite humorous . I had initially thought that Hugo only did a texture pass, as I know how keen squad are to avoid breaking saves. After seeing the cockpit again recently I realise that's not the case.
  4. I'll refer you to this post I made on the matter a few days ago: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365-WIP-MSI-s-Infernal-Robotics-Model-Rework-(Updated-27-08)-now-with-FOLDATRONS!!?p=1398161&viewfull=1#post1398161
  5. Extra toes is definitely an improvement! Kinda reminds me of this I need to improve the design of the central section somewhat, as there's some rather bad clipping with the athlete parts that I didn't anticipate. Overall though, the separate toes, and the way they fold, makes this version of the Landing Foot much better than the previous one -------------------------------------------------- Plane parts are a whole new section of this mod that I need to spend a lot of time on to develop the new style they'll use. It took me I don't know now many months to get the current rework style. As for the VTOL hinges, I am not inclined to release them in their current state. They're no where near my usual standard and don't look as good as they could do, knowing what I know now. To get close to it you're best bet would be to scale the Uncontrolled and Narrow Angle Pivotrons, as they have fairly similar designs to the VTOL parts I concepted.
  6. I agree with your concerns regarding the quad leg/foot. I think I need to accept the fact it will be slightly sci-fi (since there's virtually no real-world reference material), and maybe your suggestion will work well, making it into four feet with 2 toes, rather than just four toes. I've got a sketch I'll try and mock-up this evening. This is not specifically for ATHLETE, but they are intended to expand the possibilities with that size of part. Other than the wheels and the surface sampler, yes these parts would be all the utilities I have planned. After that the last item for this phase of the project would be the gantries.
  7. I probably didn't make this clear, but the quad leg thing is another part I'm working on in addition to what I've just shown. So far I have a rough design for one, but am too tired at the moment to actually know whether I like it or not . I tried to take a bit of inspiration from the spacex landing legs, but adapted to the rework style and have it fit between Foldatrons in much the same was as the planned wheels will. I welcome people's thoughts on this , and suggestions on how to improve to and make it less sci-fi.
  8. Have you tried scaling without having the attachment node sizes scale (if tweakscale allows for that)? I remember reading something when the new joint physics came in, that the larger sizes (2 and 3) actually have multiple constraints between parts. Maybe these are fighting with the one used by IR? That would be my guess based on you description.
  9. Wo! Is that why you sent me the IR test build, as a prize? None of the parts have been balanced for Mass, Cost, or Tech Required, so I'd welcome any insights you can offer on how to improve their balance. My bad, will get an update out soon. I plan to do a complete pass on the tech required for IR Rework parts. Again, suggestions on where things should go would be very helpful. Especially as this image is now out of date. -------------------------------------------------- Had a bit of time today to revisit the Grappling Hook / Anchor / Whatever I Decide to Call It . I'm hoping to make use of a wheel collider in the centre to make the fingers actuate as you push the part into a surface (since KAS doesn't trigger animations upon connection). It has the same mounting point size as the grabber, but won't fit within the athlete set of parts. Oh, it also has a light on the underside, because it's effectively another type of end effector
  10. IR doesn't like MODEL nodes for some reason Unless improvements have been made recently in that regard, switching to the MODEL format completely disables the robotic functionality of the part. Even having all cfgs in the same directory and referencing different meshes the old fashioned way doesn't work
  11. Soon http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-24-2-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Infernal-Robotics-0-18-6a?p=1394979&viewfull=1#post1394979
  12. You'd be best to release your mod like I have with the Model Rework, where Infernal Robotics isn't included but you make it clear IR is required for it to work.
  13. Some people would consider spawning batteries to be a super power . Am I right in thinking this is only for the free attach modes, since the others already have a part on the other side to connect to?
  14. Woot!! Having group moving of parts is great! Comments/Questions: The group move does make the other rotate buttons below a tad confusing though, as they seem like they're independent rotation/translation control which they aren't. Is there a way to only have rotational parts show the rotational readout, and translational parts only show the translational? Or would that cause issues with that thing you were asked to do? Also, does the 'O' home button return the part to its editor default location? I personally thing it should, as then you've got a single button that can fold an entire assembly up. I look forward to testing it out
  15. Well, since none of them are textured yet and there are parts such as gantries missing from the selection, its going to be a long while before the Model Rework becomes official. That being said, there is nothing stopping you from using the rework parts now.
  16. The images at the top of this page describe it best: http://ubicomp.algoritmi.uminho.pt/local/concavehull.html Given a mesh, Unity can create a convex mesh/hull automatically (and this is sufficient many situations), but concave meshes have to be modelled and specified manually. To put it in a context you may better understand. If you do a raycast against a Convex mesh, then you'll get two intersection points, one where the ray enters and one where it leaves the object. With a concave mesh, depending on the shape you could have many more. Now whether this relates at all to the issues you're having or not I don't know, but if it is then it would be hard for you to enforce that every modder avoid using the feature given how easy it is to do.
  17. I'm on the fense about the design, and will only really know if it's viable once I try to model it. I need to consider what it would add to the pack that cannot be achieved with existing parts. For now though I think this is much cooler! (and very much WIP) I understand that the same points about complexity can be made for this, but at least there's a real world version of it to back me up: Edit: I have to say it's great when there's a schematic diagram I can follow
  18. Marce means he's gone and done it and sent the code to sirkut The next update is shaping up to be extremely exciting!!
  19. Thanks to a lot of peoples help and support . I suspect I'll just go for it being a KAS grappling hook, but design it to look ok as a landing leg. For animation I've got a really cool idea in mind, but will keep that quiet for now
  20. Yea, I didn't model that, but I agree that with lots of tubes getting a low poly count may be tricky. As for that other concept, if you look at my posts on the last page you'll see that I already have plans for that style of part as a KAS hook. That would technically do for a landing foot too, but I doubt it's possible to combine both partmodules, meaning I either loose wall climbing or loose animation and suspension. I'm inclined to go for the former atm.
  21. Thanks. I've looked at the spacex design and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for my planned use (I'm not putting it around a tank). I may be able to combine the two concepts though, but I'm not sure it will look right. Unless I can find some good reference material, I may just have the Anchor as my landing foot solution, since that will be more useful IMO, and has a real world analogue.
  22. What do people think of this as a possible landing leg concept? It's the only decent thing i've seen so far, but is more sci-fi then I would like. I'd welcome peoples suggestions on this, especially if they're of real designs. I should say this lending leg will be independent from the KAS grappling hook / anchor using the concept posted earlier, as although similar it seems both would have their uses. Thoughts?
  23. Lo-fi's one. He's got plans to add crab motion into the wheel control code that would really add to the usefulness of my wheels, to the point where I think its better to wait for the plugin than make them use stock and update in the future.
  24. I had a go at modelling a KAS Grappling hook with an IR theme, but my first attempt didn't turn out that great. I was going for the hook arrangement that the current part used as that looked really cool on Darren's mech here: Then I came across this research NASA's been doing: I've seen videos of the concept before, but this is the first time I've seen it used to allow robots to climb, which would kinda be the goal of me adding such a part, so I'll have a go at making it. I am aware that Asteroid Recycling Technologies also uses this design, but I'm sure I can come up with a way to make it distinct enough
  25. Unfortunately for most of the parts, especially the new Foldatrons, I have no option but to use Concave meshes. They're also the only way to do things like cargo bays , unless you aproximate the shape with lots of cubes.
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