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Everything posted by ZodiusInfuser

  1. Wow!!! You've finally figured it out! This feature will work great to reducing the Rework part count, and make all those folded contraptions a whole lot easier to create. Questions (because it's what I do ): - Do the arrow keys account for the movement speed of the parts in the cfg? - Will it be possible to move parts together as a group? I'm thinking mainly for the telescopic pistons, so they all move the same amount. - Any plans to add a text field to set the exact distance/angle, or set a percentage between the tweaked limits? - Will uncontrolled parts be configurable in this?
  2. Got to admit, the news of SP+ being integrated into stock KSP worries me. I hope these "modifications" they mention don't cause Porkjet to move away from his vision for the future of this mod.
  3. Wo!! This will be great for getting three of my IR Rework wheels working (until the crawler system is done of course ). Any caveats I should be aware of with wheels?
  4. This is great! Makes me wish for an animation creator within KSP so you can keyframe IR joint angles/lengths and create looping gait patterns. Anyone up for the challenge?
  5. I believe Lo-Fi will be uploading a version of the stream to youtube some point soon, as that issue happened with the previous stream he did.
  6. The first is a valid point. I quickly mocked up that image during my lunch break, to see whether moving the piston along would cause the overlap to be reduced. As for the second point, there's probably some math that can be done to confirm or deny whether there is a solution, but I wouldn't know it. Without actually having the model I couldn't say either way, but I'd be curious to compare yours to that Lo-fi mocked up, so see what was actually altered, rather than just dismissing it. It could well be an artist representation, and not the actual design, as I also saw this image that shows the gear flipped 180 degrees:
  7. Sorry, but I don't understand the difficulty. If you extend the compartment back a bit more as my image shows, the piston becomes longer without affecting the current position of the gear, suspension, or reducing the angle range from 100 degrees. Does extending it affect how other parts of the craft come together? Even in the official Skylon User Manual on page 20 (28 in the pdf) there is a picture of the craft with its piston at a similar angle. Given the choice extending the piston like that is much more realistic than a telescopic one, particularly for this particular application.
  8. If you're using Unity 4.3 then you'll need to do similar to what I did when creating a light with a glowing emissive: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89228-Light-Creation-Guide?p=1326256&viewfull=1#post1326256
  9. I see the dilema you PM'ed me about. I'll have a look at it during my lunch break later (edit: done, see below) First thoughts are: - Angle the rear piston outwards more, such that it gets longer (don't know if this would reduce or increase the problem though). - Reduce the angle the gear rotates by. Currently it moves over 90 degrees to match the reference material, but that could be causing more problems than it solves. - Flip the whole assembly 180 degrees, such that when folded the piston is towards the top side of the bay (again not sure if this would reduce or increase the problem. Would make a bit more sense to me though). - Make it a nested piston: Edit: The first suggestion would work well, and wouldn't need that much of a shift from where it is currently
  10. Thanks for all the comments on this . I'll see about keeping it in, some of the craft made by the testers have made good use of them. Based on the feedback so far, and some of the ideas I want to see, its likely that the Foldatron pack will contain 15 parts. I'd like to reduce this down to 12 (and originally wanted only 9), but further testing will decide.
  11. That's the main reason I added the arrows, so I can tell if someone has put a part on backwards, not them
  12. How would you account for a docking port being a child of a part that's attached to a robotics part? Also, something I've just remembered, weren't docking washers the first thing you made when taking over DR? Didn't they behave fine when craft docked together, if so, what's changed?
  13. Strange. Just from the image I can see that your extendatrons are on backwards (yellow and black markers pointing away from the craft rather than towards). Whether this is how it was built, or it got saved like that, I don't know. I would need to see the craft in the VAB to be sure. Also the possibilities Master Tao mentioned are likely.
  14. If you do, please make them controlled by IR joints! I'd love to see the repulsors reconfigure for different flight modes like they do in the movies
  15. Hi, I just want to say thank you to those who offered to beta test the foldatron parts. I did intend to release the Foldatrons by the end of the week; however, based on the beta feedback some of the parts could do with having more functional differences, so I'm going to be rethinking some of the designs a bit. Will keep you all posted. Btw, if there's anyone else who wishes to help test the parts, feel free to PM me Edit: A general question, should the configurations on the left and right be allowed? They don't make a lot of structural sense to me, yet geometrically are fine.
  16. IR can only have one physics joint per part. You could fake such a part by having a translational joint, and an animation that plays alongside, using something like the MSI animator (to sync the anim with the position). Me and sirkut discussed this a while ago, but deemed it too complex for the benefit it offered. Edit: If someone was to present me with a working proof-of-concept then I'd certainly consider adding such a part to the Rework
  17. A long time ago people asked for a scissor lift part for IR. Unfortunately, that's completely impossible with IR as a single part, but hopefully this will make those people happy instead Btw, if anyone is interested in beta testing the foldatrons, please let me know. I should have a rough and ready version of most of the parts tomorrow evening.
  18. I may join in with the stream again . The last one was quite useful, and this time I have 6 wheels to setup so could do with a refresh on what's involved.
  19. I'm discussing the options with DMagic. I hope so, as that will make small robot arms much more viable, actually having to move it to touch the ground in order to take a sample.
  20. No sooner had I finished with the last utility, I immediately start work on the next one: This is going to be the surface sampler utility part, making the small scale robotics parts much more useful! The idea is that it would replicate the same ability as that of a Kerbal, allowing for unmanned sample return missions, in much the same way as Beastly Science used to allow. The design is heavily inspired by that on the Curiosity rover (see here, here, and here) I'm not 100% happy with the design yet, so I'd welcome any comments on how to improve it. Also, I currently don't know how to make it work, but at least when I do I'll have the model ready. I may also look at adding a light on to it, given how useful that is on the medium sized grabber part.
  21. Hi, For those not keeping tabs on the Model Rework thread, just released a new Utility part that will make robot arms much more useful! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365-WIP-MSI-s-Infernal-Robotics-Model-Rework-(Pre-Releases-Updated-03-08)
  22. I just use the one light, positioned so the spread is right for the four emissive positions The Grabber is now pre-released! Go get it from the OP, in the new Utilities download: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365-WIP-MSI-s-Infernal-Robotics-Model-Rework-(Pre-Releases-Updated-03-08) I welcome feedback on the part, e.g light intensity, KAS strength etc. Also, please show off if the part in action on craft! I've not had chance to test it on-orbit yet, so would love to see what you guys come up with
  23. A big thank you for that btw! It means a lot having someone with your talents providing support
  24. Thanks nli2work. I took your suggestion and stripped it down to the basics, and built up from there. I now have the light an emissive working correctly! For others, here's the rough steps I followed to get this working: Place the light under the mesh with emissive Add an animation component to the mesh object Open the animation window Add a curve for Emissive Color Alpha, and for Light Intensity (you'll be prompted to create a new animation file) Set the key frames for the start to zero, and the end to what is wanted Save the animation (or save the scene and the anim gets saved with it) Follow the steps in this thread to allow emissive animations to export form Unity 4.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85221-Tutorial-Fixing-emissive-animations-for-Unity-4-3 Compile the model Create the CFG and add the ModuleLight code nli2work posted above Note that if you just want the light to come on instantly, and there to be no emissive then the four lines directly above are sufficient. As soon as you add an animation, KSP no longer controls the light intensity (just colors).
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