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Everything posted by ZodiusInfuser

  1. Just to let you know, I managed to get a custom strut model in game! That screenshot from Blender was extremely useful. The rest was trial and error pretty much, especially the orientation. Thank you very much for the assistance Edit: Others may find this useful in future
  2. As a bit of a break from the robotics parts, today I decided to work on the model for a much requested feature for IR (by Scott Manley at least). A Strut Decoupler!! (Thanks to Albert VDS for providing the original cfg for this part, and landeTLS for showing me how the stock struts are contructed in Unity). The idea is that you use this for all the situations where you need to tie robotics parts down, but don't want to create some elaborate system involving decouplers, struts and girders. You can then trigger them to decouple via right-click or action group. They also appear in the staging menu, but only during flight (need to look into this some more). No ETA on this yet, so don't get too excited
  3. Thanks for this. I may try separating these elements out to see if I can come up with a solution. That being said, if multiple animations aren't possible this effort might well be in vein. This is useful to know. I just assumed they must always be white
  4. Based on Cpt. Kipard's feedback the base markers are no longer emissive, since once in-flight they serve no purpose. The direction indicators on the other hand are useful both in-editor and in-flight. In fact I'm exploring the option of making them dynamic, such that they account for whether the rotation of a part is inverted or not. Don't expect anything to come from this in the short term though. This is like asking do you have to use Firespitter.dll for KAX or SpacePlane+. Provided you haven't got the module manager configs from the official download, tweakscale will only be used by IR and nothing else. In fact this is how I have it set up in my personal install, since I don't want it messing around with stock parts. So in answer to your question, Yes, you HAVE to use scale.dll.
  5. Hi, As part of my model rework for Infernal Robotics, I've been playing around with emissive textures to make rotation direction markers visible in all light conditions. My current styling, as you can see here, is an extra piece of geometry with two halves, one of which glows more than the other (indicating the primary direction). Unfortunately this doesn't account for the fact that players can invert the direction of rotation of these parts. Presuming I can get code support from Sirkut, what I would like to do is have the lights switch based on whether the invert flag is set or not. I was thinking perhaps having an emissive for each light, representing full brightness, with an animation each that fades from a dull glow to a full glow. The dull glow is so that the "inactive" light is still visible in dark environments. By controlling both animations the effect of turning one light off and the other on could be achieved. Would this be the best way to go about having separately controlled lights on a part? Thanks in advance, -Zodius
  6. Had a bit of time this morning to make changes. Haven't adjusted the geometry yet, but played around with the emissives as suggested. Download in OP
  7. Now I've seen the parts in-game, I understand what you mean. I'll have a play around tomorrow with both these things. I was always my intention to make the base pips glow, so that robotics parts could be easily spotted on a craft; however having the rotational marks be illuminated, gameplay wise, is far more useful. I'll have to give this some thought. Any ideas of what I could change the base pips to look like instead of lights?
  8. New update out . Details and download in the OP as usual. Here are the main highlights (pun intended): Please let me know what you think of the new directional markers. I was trying to make something unobtrusive but identifiable when people need to figure out the direction a part will move. Unfortunately if you invert the rotation of a part, the markers don't invert to match
  9. There's certainly no rush for this Sirkut. We've coped for a long time without it so take your time if you need to Btw, loving the addition of the rework parts in all your recent videos
  10. Glad to see this finally over in the release forum!
  11. I believe this is already possible. If it's not then you need to pester Sirkut over in the IR release thread, as that's where the code is being done.
  12. Ha! Btw, I'm working on these now. Gone with the geometry approach since that allows me to make them the same across parts (like with the base indicator lights). Think I've got a style i'm happy with, but need to see how it looks in game first, and then match the direction colours up with the actual directions.
  13. Remember to scale the speed as well as the min/max of telescopic pistons (not for gantries and rails though). It would be great if you could combine all 9 variants into a single tweakable part!
  14. Thanks for this. To be honest, the Athlete parts will not help you with this design, and there is nothing on there that I can visibly see needing a new part made for. I've said this a few times before, these textures are not final. They are merely placeholder until I have finalised the part functionality. Most people said they're ok with them because the lack of texturing doesn't detract them from the functionality the parts offer, and it allows me to easily iterate on the design. The final design will be more industrial, but still maintain a space-age feel. This might take a while though, so I can understand if you'd prefer to wait for a more finalised selection of parts
  15. Could you perhaps show a picture of what you've created with the old parts, and what a similar setup would look like with the new parts? It may well be a case that your application needs a specialist part, or that one of my planned parts (e.g ATHLETE) may resolve.
  16. If there's something lacking, please let me know in the other thread so I can consider modelling something in. The current selection is by no means complete.
  17. They're untextured WIP at the moment, but expect them to supercede the current selection of IR parts in the future.
  18. If it's the hinges then that's because of their orientation in Unity. Try rotating them before export (and updating the cfg) to see if that removes the issue? I haven't experienced the issue with my own hinges (so far anyway). Edit: case in point I can confirm that by doing that the part behaves nice in both the VAB and SPH, without the need for the rotate buttons (which end up replicating the function of WSAD)
  19. True, but the default values should be something people can actually use, with a MM cfg making alterations from there.
  20. This change should be added to the next update IMO. I've already done it for the rework parts.
  21. Now you know why I focused on rotation parts first . I suspect some special code may need to be added for us to allow for this, as the range and speed would need to be scaled (for telescopic pistons at least). Hopefully some checks like Joint Reinforcement does will work.
  22. New Robotics Update Out!! I've tested the latest TweakScale plugin and it all seems to work, but let me know if you spot any issues. Usual disclaimer about potential save breaking etc Edit: Also adjusted stepIncrement as per suggestions, and increased movement speed of the 120 degree Pivotron
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