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Everything posted by ZodiusInfuser

  1. The first Mk2 cockpit also needs a door texture on the back.
  2. There is another method I can go for, which doesn't need explicit directories, but then all parts need to be in the same folder. At the moment I'm not sure I want to do that, but it could be an option in the future. Btw, I've just uploaded revision 02. This moves the main texture out of the IR_Structural_TrussLarge_1m25 folder, so people can freely delete the parts they don't want. Not necessary to redownload if you've got the parts already though. Edit: Updated first post with download, and better preview images
  3. If you notice, all the texture paths are to the same file. I forget where I saw this method, but I'm using it to override the texture in each directory to save memory. If anyone knows of a better way to do this then please let me know.
  4. I understand your concern. The main reason for the name at present is so that it's easily identifiable when mixed in with the other IR parts. I plan to keep the name up until the point when _rework_ and _legacy_ parts switch places, at which point all this will be part of the official Infernal Robotics download anyway.
  5. Hi All, I just wanted to bring this to your attention IR Model Rework - Structural (Pre-release). I'd welcome it if people could check them out. Also keep an eye on the model rework thread over the coming week, as I intend to put up untextured versions of all the joints I've been developing to get people's feedback. Thanks
  6. That's a resounding yes then I'll get to work getting the joints playable in-game then. In the meantime I finalised the cfg's of the structural parts, giving them cool names and descriptions. They look a bit odd with the current IR parts, but are entirely usable. Since I've been holding onto these parts for months now, I think it's time to let people start playing around with them, so enjoy Edit: Check the download link and changelog in the first post Although they're just structural parts, I'd welcome any feedback regarding their balance, or suggestions of how to expand the range perhaps. Also, a big thank you to Porkjet for the great texture work, and Sirkut for letting me be involved with Infernal Robotics
  7. Now that IR is working again, I will look at getting a raw test version out in the coming week. It will contain the existing set of textured structural parts, and most of the untextured joints. This would be purely to gain feedback on the asthetic and functionality, and from that I can refine things as necessary. Would that be of interest to people?
  8. A great start! I wonder if you could possibly get in touch with m4v to ask how he created the rotation arrows for RCS Build Aid. It seems to me that having these appear around the parts, showing the positive rotation/translation direction would be extremely useful!
  9. Yes, you will eventually get all three . I'm just contemplating whether to stick with the round tube style or go back to the more angular form of the old telescopic pistons. I'll have a play around this evening.
  10. I am planning to. Trying to figure out how I want the pistons to look ATM. I already modelled a version some time ago, but can't decide whether I prefer it over the original telescopic pisto I made. For reference, this is what I have at the moment: And here's how the old one looks:
  11. This makes me wonder if some sort of movement arrows (like RCS build aid) need adding to IR, to remove the trial and error of configuring joints.
  12. You guys have made one amazing command pod! My Kerbals thank you from their new Munar habitat
  13. Just had chance to try your new leg contraption. It was perfect for the landing stage of a Mun habitat My kerbals seem to like it too!
  14. I meant the stuff in his latest update . It worries me when great modders go quiet for long periods of time.
  15. Great work Porkjet! Why keep this a secret for all this time though? You still have a development thread you know
  16. Similar to Sirkut my free time has been extremely limited of late. Now that IR seems to be mostly working, I may explore releasing an Untextured pack to select people interested in trying things out.
  17. Since the window can be opened when out of the 2.25km range, perhaps rather than be inactive it could act like the navball, in that the direction marker would be the line to the target? Once within that range it could then switch to the existing mode if docking ports are available, otherwise remain as is (useful for docking with asteroids). As a possible extension to the new selection feature, would it be possible to specify primary axes of a target vessel, such as z up.I'm thinking this may be beneficial for claw docking with craft without ports, as I had to do recently.
  18. Surely it would be better to remap the current cfg axes onto whatever the joints now use? IMO the values in the cfg should be consistent with the axes in the unity scenes of the parts, i.e if I model a part to have a z axis rotation as viewed in unity I should set a value of 0 0 1 in the cfg (assuming x y z):
  19. Yep, it's on my list to look at. I suspect it won't be as trivial as changing a cfg line in the part to use the GoodSpeed scale plugin, since the part will also need to use the robotics plugin simultaneously (I don't know if KSP supports multiple inheritance). However, since the mod currently isn't compatible with 0.23.5 I've shifted my focus to other things such as the phoenix inspired parts.
  20. Ha, Thanks! It's entirely useful, can simulate the effects of a craft spinning in zero-g Feel free to share it, but I did upload this last September when there was whole fairground attraction thing going on with IR at the time. I think someones video even got featured in KSP Weekly when that was still a thing
  21. Assuming you're running 0.23, each rotatron part has toggleable Move+ and Move- action group commands that you can configure. I've used these many times for continuous rotation of parts: Note that you can't time warp with these active otherwise your craft WILL explode!! Edit: Ninja'd
  22. Now this is where the vagueness of his message and reply confused me. I couldn't tell if he was genuinely wanting a new mechanic that no-one has made before, or wanted an existing one in the same download as IR. See I got the impression he was after a one-time-use thing that you would add in the VAB/SPH like a normal strut, but be able to break on command. More advanced functionality is available with the KAS struts as you say. Alternatively (or as well) we could create an IR themed quantum strut, since they supposably still work in 0.23.5.
  23. The interesting thing about this video is his suggestion for a robotic strut of sorts: "It would be really nice infernal robotics guys if you could have some sort of strut that I could disable when I need to start moving things.". I queried him about this, as Quantum Struts kind of does this, but I don't think they quite do what he suggests. I guess it's more a one time use strut that you can explode the bolts on (via action group), rather than being a togglable line-of-sight thing. Any other modders willing to explore this?
  24. I think it's realistic to assume this could take a number of weeks to resolve. Sirkut is the programmer for IR and has very limited time to devote to the project. People can either be patient and let him look into it in his own time, or attempt to help him out by exploring the code and giving as much useful information as possible (as some have done already).
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