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Everything posted by ZodiusInfuser

  1. Amazing work as always Porkjet! These look great in-game! Don't forget to update the cockpit texture with the new back surface details.
  2. Nothing groundbreaking. Not had a lot of time recently to spend on IR. Also, I realised that some of the design elements of the existing parts rely on others that I had yet to create, specifically pistons. This has delayed my plans to send parts over to Porkjet. That being said, I've had some time this weekend to work on the pistons. Here's what I've got so far, although I'm not completely happy with them yet:
  3. Awesome craft you've got there!! Just goes to show how much the stock aircraft parts need an update. One day it should be possible to create that (minus warp) with stock-alike parts alone.
  4. Brilliant work Porkjet!! The second image really puts the textures of the existing mk2 and wing parts to shame. Are you considering creating a texture pack for the old parts to bring them in-line with your superior stock-alike style? Sort of like a HD remake?
  5. I would love it if angle variations could be defined as tweakables, and that's hopefully something that will come out of Sirkut's rewrite. Scale variations are something I want to manually control, as I don't want to offer all the parts in all possible sizes. For instance, the 1/4 size will have about 7 robotics parts in total, whereas 1/2 will have 15 or so. There should be no illusion among people, this will be a big parts pack. No where near the level of B9 but a good number of pages in the structural and utility sections. I do understand that people may not want this though, so I may end up offering seperate downloads to allow people to pick and choose which parts they want (with an initial mandatory selection).
  6. Good idea! I certainly have some use cases in mind for these parts that I could mock up into a number of useful test-craft. Thanks! I admit it's been a challenge designing all these parts to fit together, a lot harder than making a single part conform to a 1.25m size that's for sure. I suggest you poke Sirkut on the release thread, as last I heard he was tidying them up for release with the current part selection. I will definitely be creating a new set for the remodel though, but that's going to be a bit of time yet. Currently I'm working from small parts up to large, so you may be seeing a small inline-rotatron fairly soon
  7. I don't know what is happening with the MSI animator. I can't recall Sirkut saying it was part of the rewrite, although I could be mistaken. ---------- Just a bit of an update for the mod. The structural parts are pretty much done, but perhaps need a bit of balancing first though. I'm inclined to hold off releasing them until the first set of joints are done, since the old IR parts don't match their shape and style. What do people think? On the joints front, I've begun preparing them for Porkjet, and added a few extra ones: There are now a free-spinning rotatrons and pivotrons. The Pivotron has two variants that allow you to stack them to create a universal joint. I'm contemplating making these available as actuated parts too if people think they would be useful. Here's some examples of them in action: It's pretty much the same concept I showed back on page one for an inline VTOL mount, but made to fit the IR structural octagon profile. That old part will still be added at some stage; however, all the VTOL stuff has taken a backseat in favour for my recent work.
  8. You should probably check out the Orbital Orb Porkjet made, as I believe that was inspired by the Soyuz. Maybe you're going for something smaller though. Btw, great work on these capsules. They really capture the stock feel, whilst adding something new to the game
  9. I like this idea a lot! Maybe consider updating the textures on the current stock parts (via ModuleManager), so the geometry is the same but it fits better with the parts you plan to make. I recall C7 mentioning that the current aircraft parts are in real need of a overhaul. Also, here's a few more part ideas: - Shorter and Longer Fuel Tanks - RCS Tank - Reverse Cargo Bay (with the hatch on the bottom for deploying rovers ) - SAS - Adapter to 2 x 1.25m attachment nodes
  10. I too have a nostromo. For KSP I have two different keymaps I switch between, one is for VAB/SPH use with rotation controls and symmetry, and the other for in-flight.I also have an alt mapping giving me access to action groups. With this setup I still have to enter docking mode to translate, as the D-Pad really isn't suitable. Of course, I use the nostromo for plenty of games other than KSP too, and it works great!
  11. These look great! I like the design you've used for the offset joint. Wish I'd thought of that. Makes me wonder whether I should include joints that fit in with the tubular style, as well as the current octagonal ones. I personally like that darker texture. Looks a bit more industrial that way.
  12. Well the large tubes you see are comparable to those in DROMOMAN in terms of size and length. As for the robotics parts themselves, I have a different idea in mind (involving the right-angled rotatron) and another passive angled piece, that should give similar results, but with added flexibility .. I quite like Pivotron . Goes well with an old suggestion for calling rails and gantrys Slidertrons (or a variation of that spelling). I presume most people don't mind the current naming of rotatrons? I could always go to a more real-world naming conversion: joint, hinge, rail, gantry, washer, bearing etc. There's still the question of what structural elements should be called. I was thinking I could do a knod to the original systems I used for inspiration; the Canadarm, Curiosity Rover, ISS, and Voyager, for the LTube, STube, LTruss, and STruss, respectively.
  13. Thanks all!! I don't think I'll have chance to do updates this coming week (quite busy with RL) . In the meantime though, i'm interested in hearing name suggestions for these structural parts. Currently I've got Robotics Segment - Large Truss 5m, Robotics Segment - Small Tube 0.625m, for example. Although descriptive, I would quite like it if each style of part had it's own robotics inspired designation similar to how stock parts name their utilities. Maybe some flavour text too? Anyone have any suggestions? This can also go out to the joints you see in that earlier image and these below:
  14. I wonder if it's worth seeing how KJR works and maybe applying it to how IR makes its joints (with permission). I remember reading that KJR does some clever things for decouplers (attaches the objects either side together as well as to the part).
  15. Very nice! Btw, for those not keeping up with the model rework thread (or unaware there was one), there's been quite a few development of late: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365-WIP-MSI-s-Infernal-Robotics-Model-Rework?p=942706&viewfull=1#post942706 Nothing ready to add to the next IR release, but getting there, slowly.
  16. Finally had a bit of time to get Porkjet's recent parts in game. Here's the complete lineup of (standard) structural parts: And here's a.. um.. thing: The intention is that all robotics parts will be the same regardless of size (so they're easily identifiable). This retains the spirit of the old parts, whilst reducing the number of unique models in the game, benefiting both load times and my own .
  17. This was an old design, before the model rework. I would be very eager to collaborate with Porkjet (since he's assisting with IR texturing anyway) on providing a range of habitats that spin using IR. It doesn't explicity simulate gyroscopic forces, however when I tried making a setup with the prototype part, there was certainly strong resistance to yaw and pitch motions.
  18. I suspect it will be a number of large incremental sets, either as a separate download from IR (until finished), or along with plugin updates.
  19. It is interesting that you suggest this, as it was my plan for the IR Rework to include a number of wheels with attachment nodes. Although they aren't specifically robotics parts (i.e using the plugin), it makes a lot of sense to have ones that fit in with the unified styling I've been creating.
  20. I cannot comment on that at this time, as I‘ve only briefly experimented with things in-game. In terms of textures, Porkjet has been very efficient getting all the structural parts onto a single 1024 x 256 texture, and I imagine similar can be achieved with the new parts. As for modelling, I'm designing them at the polygon level (personal preference), so have been able to optimise designs a fair bit to remove redundant elements etc.
  21. Quite possibly. Since I'm trying to make parts consistent, I'm holding back a lot of finished models in case I need to make changes. This means that there will end up being a few big releases rather than many small releases. Here's some more awesome texturing from Porkjet: This features the new half sized truss (comparable to the cubic octagonal strut), a number of adapters, and revised versions of the small tubes. I'm currently unsure which tube version I prefer, so may switch back to the old design (they all use a single texture anyway).
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