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Everything posted by ZodiusInfuser

  1. I don't think the IR plugin currently supports multiple axes of control per part though. Sirkut? Add to the list maybe
  2. I'm intrigued. It would be cool if we could get some of the MSI animator parts included under the model rework at some point (after all of the other things on my list ). Not particularly, since a ball joint essentially has three separate axes of rotation in one part. You could always assemble one from two rotatrons and a hinge though.
  3. A bit more work on these (now ATHLETE inspired) parts: Here's an example arrangement: Btw, anyone know how to make wheels?
  4. I know nothke, attempted this with KAS and docking ports a while ago, for the DROMOMAN parts mod:
  5. That's the idea, also, I'll be offering longer truss sections for situations where length isn't an issue, but height is. Not a chance
  6. Thank you! That means a lot to hear you say that The issue with that is that you would end up having to have more parts to account for variations, which would have an effect on load time etc. That being said, for this latest stuff I'm doing (since it's quite specialised) I could do [joint+halfTruss]-[halfTruss-joint], so that in the smallest case of 1.25m an additional part isn't required. Not sure about that yet. Ask me at a later date if I forget As NoMrBond says, mechanically the operation of the two devices are the same. The key thing is IR doesn't use animations, it creates a physics constraint between two rigid bodies. A scissor lift consists of multiple moving sections within a single part. I have discussed this with Sirkut in the past and it could be feasibly possible to integrate the MSI Animator (when released) into IR, allowing for an animation to track with the physics, but this seems like a lot of work for just one part. That being said, and what I tried to show in my earlier post, the recent parts I've been doing can be arranged to give the same effect. This setup is 6 parts vs the 1 that would be needed with a scissor lift, and is the best I can offer with the current technology available to me.
  7. Cool videos! I'm not quite sure what you're trying to showcase in the first video though.
  8. I suspect what he's wanting is a scissor lift type setup However, that is not currently possible with the IR plugin. With the parts I showed yesterday though, this setup will certainly possible, which achieves the same effect IMO: Unless I'm missing your point federicoaa. Feel free to show the kind of thing you had in mind.
  9. Thanks for the feedback! Since there hasn't been any objections to this concept I've continued development Here's a variation of the earlier design (WIP), giving you even more extension! This joint arrangement combines with the existing truss to give three times the extension of the earlier concept (at the cost of greater height from the attached surface). I intend to offer both this and the previous version, since there are subtle profile differences between them that may be useful to some people. I am planning to design a range of bays, specifically for these parts. Not too many though, mainly 2x and 4x symmetry truss lengths for 1.25m and 2.5m craft. I welcome any suggestions
  10. Here's a preview of what i'm currently working on: It's a subset of joints and trusses, specifically designed for very low-profile setups, as the currently shown parts and trusses don't really suite this role. This particular part, is designed for surface attachment onto the outside of tanks etc, with another one in the works for stacking situations. Here's an example arrangement: Before I continue further with this concept, I'd like to ask people, do you think this concept would be something you'd use? This is mainly based on the Star Trek phoenix concept, but could be used for other roles too. The issue is that, in the end it could be 10 or so extra parts (including angle variations), and I know that people would prefer their part lists not to be too cluttered. Thoughts?
  11. Not currently, but from what Sirkut says the next update will feature the improvements put forward by MrBlaq, which include reverse.
  12. Hi, Just to let people know stuff is still happening here. Work's suddenly got busy again, giving me little free time to work on IR. I've passed the rest of the structural segments (the mini-truss shown here) onto Porkjet, so we'll hopefully see those soon. Also, as a teaser I'm working on some parts that will make the people asking for a Scissor Lift very happy . Unfortunately due to IR limitations, I can't create one as a single part, so instead I'm expanding on the idea shown on this craft, but with an even lower profile. I'll keep people updated as things progress.
  13. I'd be interested to see a speed multiplier per part in the editor too, so in this case you could have all of the parts take the same amount of time to travel. Either have this has a function of the range (so smaller range automatically adjusts what 1x means, or keep it the same, so you have to put 0.5x in to have it take the same time for half the range.
  14. That's true actually. Even without the tweakables though, the modification proposed by mrBlaQ would certainly allow for this. Unless of course there is a really cool concept image you can show me
  15. You could always do what I did a while ago, and stack rotatrons/dockingwashers on top of each other: Here I have three washers per arm, bound so that forward/backward controls one set, left/right another, etc. This combined with Mechjeb's translatron allowed me to do a mid-air docking I admit, having that option with the syntax you suggest would be useful, and reduce unnecessary parts quite a bit.
  16. So from fully flat out to 90 degrees, or do you mean plus/minus 45 degrees? I could quite easily make one, but my question is how useful one would be. Perhaps you could show an example of the sort of thing you imagine creating with one?
  17. Yea, that's not as simple as it sounds for IR, since you are dealing with everything connected to that part as well. It's definitely a needed feature at some point in the future though.
  18. Perhaps you should look into the Quantum Struts mod. I know Scott Manley used these in the past to overcome this exact issue back in the Damned Robotics days. Not sure if it's compatable with the latest build though.
  19. I also want to incorporate elements of design into whatever I come up with too, particularly seeing as Porkjet has made the engines/tanks, and Nertea the solar panels. Thanks, I aim to please
  20. Modelling isn't an issue. The problem is that I want the rotation/grab origin of the parts to match up with the base attachment node, and I can't do that whilst the configurable joint needs to be at the origin. It mainly affects how the parts react when you rotate them in the editor, and also how the < and > buttons in the IR UI respond.
  21. Great work! I presume the limits are capped so they can't be set larger than those in the cfg? Also, how about a centre-point angle? In fact (and I think others have mentioned this before) I think it would be really useful if angle adjustments could be made in the editor (via tweakables?) so that you could switch between a retracted and deployed state before launch. Perhaps a speed scaler per part would be good too, so you can have all hinges arrive at their limit at the same time. I believe Sirkut started on kOS integration a long time ago. Not sure where he got to with that... Also, Sirkut, on a more technical standpoint, it would be quite nice if there was the ability to set the position of the ConfigurableJoint in cfg (rather than assuming it's at the origin).
  22. Had some time to get the structural parts in-game. They look pretty sweet! Excellent job Porkjet! Also did a quick experiment of some of the new joint/hinge designs (without textures): This makes me think that it may be useful to make some 1.25m and 2.5m structural parts to store robotics pieces inside of. What do people think? I particularly want to be able to make this at some point .
  23. I certainly want to offer parts for the complete scale range, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all robotics parts have to be available in all sizes. In total there are five sizes I want to cover, Senior, Standard, Junior, HalfJr, and QuarterJr. As a minimum I'd like to offer a joint, hinge, rotatron, and right-angled rotatron for the smallest scale, with the associated structural components. Note the lack of gantry, pistons etc. It can be argued that this scale is limited due to the complexity of making some of the mechanisms smaller .
  24. I admit I do like the industrial look of the old parts, but the inconsistencies make them very hard to integrate into stock craft IMO. I'd be interested to hear what you think of the new style Porkjet has come up with. I definitely have some big plans. A lot of it is based on ideas and suggestions in the originial thread, as well as my own cool concepts. I really want to see people create more foldable craft, to fit inside fairings and such The actuators I currently have planned would allow for such a robot to be built by people. Controlling it is another matter .
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