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Everything posted by Ricardo.b

  1. i'm having the exact same problem. and worse, I have no idea what is "LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86" or any other terminal command EDIT: no mods
  2. I have 3 copies of this dll in my gamedata folder (within 3 diferent mods) can I delete all and have just one file in the gamedata folder?? (not in subfolders)
  3. for the video I used G-effects and collision-FX /threads/125845-1-0-2-G-Effects-blackouts-redouts-G-LOCs-18-june-2015-v0-1-0-with-beta-sounds /threads/101496-1-0-x-Collision-FX-v3-2-(2015-05-14)-Now-with-EVA-kerbal-sound-effects!
  4. guys, I made a compilation of 20 of my best screenshots of last version of KSP, take a look
  5. Not much more than mach 1. It's more acrobatic than range or speed. I tested with FAR and its not so stable with the mod
  6. I wanted a compact and maneuverable aircraft, so I took Aeris 3A and modified into this little funny plane. I call it Aeris 2A, "Moska" and I made a video showing some things to do with it: download at KerbalX have fun
  7. When opening cargo bays the game became laggy, especially with big crafts. Is that a known issue or maybe I just have bad luck? I also use Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and it actually give me some headaches sometimes. But in the big picture I think FAR is trying to calculate voxels for each frame and than it lags. thanks for your attention
  8. not sure about this fairing thing. if I use KSP 1.0.2 and FAR i can use both, is that right? or maybe old fairings are only for 0.90 or less? thanks
  9. It is working with new RSS update for 1.0.2? This mod is giving me a new way to play KSP, but I still stuck on 0.90 =(
  10. direct buyers, how do we supposed to update to 1.0 with this server migration thing?
  11. very uselful mod this is very used in real life but just a few mods offer it EDIT: the last uptade was my birthday
  12. I removed FAR and played without it to see, the drag was gigantic! then I reinstalled and worked! I also added a new small wing in front of that already exist making a transition between wing and fuselage and removed the canards from the tip to shift CoL forward now when I'm at 65km altitude my velocity is something around 4800m/s and decelerating fast I'm not sure what solved the problem but my flight path still the same, an orbit from 100km to more or less 85km. and trying to keep the nose 45 degree up. next time I will include some turns to see what happens, It might help to not overpass the runway in these screns I'm using NEAR, but at first time with FAR the Drag coefficient was very low (10^-2), when I reinstalled it worked and increased as altitude droped, but as I said, there was some changes in design thanks!
  13. hi guys I decided to go one step further with KSP difficulty and installed this mod but I think there is a problem with drag of FAR ( I also tried NEAR). during reentry there is no enough drag to slow down my space shuttle. the rate of deceleration is lower than 0.3m/s², [5389.4m/s-5387m/s]/9s see pictures below I've seen some videos on youtube and at 60km the velocity should be way smaller so, what you think? thanks for any help or enlightenment
  14. Hi, what are your values for deadly reentry settings? I just cant find the video you mention it thanks
  15. is there any way to make the refinary work with electric charge? I found my way to convert electricity into megajoules, but the refinary still not working, it says power: 0.000MW/10.000MW any solution for this? thanks
  16. hi guys, I know about some known issues with remote tech dll. but I'm having one more. when I go to tracking station the game completely freezes in black loading screen and the one way out is ctrl-alt-del and delete task. since this is happening, not crash logs has been created but I took a look at ksp.log one of these days and found this: https://www./?jmgt4p3o9dq3ciu to find the exactly moment I clicked on the tracking station search for [LOG 21:30:40.503] I heard about some fix dll. maybe there is a solution for my case thanks
  17. ah, I notice duplicated vessels and have been terminating them. I'm playing without RemoteTech.dll for now
  18. my big ship, KDTS Percival Kerman finally arrives at Duna and Thor Lander already landed
  19. my quest continues, as my game stops responding, no crash logs has been created. so I took a look at the KSP.log and saw that the last entry was remotetech then I removed its .dll and everything worked with any side effect at all. I guess the problem is a combination of InfernalRobotics, RemoteTech and Toolbar. Just reporting for your knowledge. thank you these mods
  20. I agree with the weirdness. If youre talking about the folder that appears after a crash, no crash logs has been created BUT! I just took a look at the KSP-Log file and saw that remotetech was tha last entry, and guess what, worked without remotetech.dll (It's always remotetech! ) I'm probably changing thread now, again thanks
  21. I'm having a trouble here. the Tracking Station is not loading, the game freezes in the black loading screen (once I wait a lot, and it was freeze yet), the only way to work around this crash is ctrl-alt-del and delete task. I know that its because infernal robotics cause I removed the toolbar mod and the tracking station worked, but ships with infernal robotics parts didn't load. I became curious and then inverted, I removed ONLY InfernalRobotics.dll and, also, the tracking station worked but not loading several ships. one more strange fact, this happens just in my main savegame, I started a new one with all mods installed and no crashes at all. any help or tip would be thankful
  22. hey guys, I found the bad mod, It is Infernal Robotics, but the thing is: removing only .dll file is enough to make all ships with robotics parts not load. I wonder if is there a way to not load the toolbar at the tracking station to work around this problem until we find a solution
  23. a NICE fit in fairings of my Kvezda Module EDIT: I'm changing my modules of the space station around berbin to welded parts, tha part count went waaaay down and no more lag. I also started to use mechjeb to set hull cameras and take nice shots and videos of launches
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