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Everything posted by plainawesome

  1. I was talking about hiding the UI, because that is what the f2 key does.
  2. Banned for knowing what I'm doing at any given moment.
  3. You can't stop your own hiccups. The power to bring video game characters to real life.
  4. Banned for being a Kerbal version of CNN.
  5. Visit the Typing Test and try! Not as good as I thought, but I did teach myself, and I was typing accurately (no wrong keystrokes!).
  6. Banned for having an animated avatar.
  7. Granted. The aliens turn out to be hostile and they rip open the top of your head and drink your brain with a bendy straw. I wish I could make a good comeback.
  8. Ummmm, we can watch previously streamed videos on Twitch, right, right? Oh God please say yes.
  9. Granted. All the cute ladies fancy your eyes, so they rip them out of your eye sockets. I wish i could get an Xbox One for Christmas.
  10. you can try posting the file file on google docks, I'm interested in testing out the ship as well.
  11. Granted. Instead you die a peaceful death. I wish I was better at KSP.
  12. Granted. The organism at (attempted) to eat me alive was a plant. I wish I didn't have so much homework to do.
  13. Hi addicted! I'm plainawesome.
  14. You get in a head-on collision with another, even bigger monster truck. The ability to kill anyone that I want dead, whenever I want, wherever I am or where the guy is.
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