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Everything posted by plainawesome

  1. Unfortunately I have a 1.3 Ghz AMD E-300 APU with 4GB of ram and an ATI Readon HD 6310. I don't know how or why KSP works on my laptop, it just does.
  2. Actually, if you go into the game folder, you can use the launcher. Although the UAC prompt comes up every time I launched the game through the launcher and there is no way that I know of to make Steam open the launcher when I click play on KSP. And the only way to stop the UAC prompts is to turn off UAC all together but I don't want to do that. Stupid Windows 8.1.
  3. Wait by Oz, do you mean overzane? If so, welcome to the KSP community, Overzane!
  4. One Joke Per Post, but since I forgot to put it in the rules, I'll let you slide.
  5. This is what Pewdiepie will say during an LP episode of KSP: "ERMAGURD! MA ROCKT WIT DA GREEN MIDGT DOODS ESPLODED!!!!!!!!!111111!!!!1 DIS CALS 4 MOAR ROCKTS DAT LOK LIKE PEN15 AND MOAR GREN MIDGETS LOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!11111!!!!!!" Although the sales/publicity would be nice but the "bros" would be in the forums like: "ERMAGURD! MA ROCKT DONE NO NOT WOK! IT GO BOOM BOOM AND KILL DA GREN MIDGTZ! PLZ HELP MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!! I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111" Then I would reply: "Yes, you do need help, from a therapist." So, I'm both ways.
  6. It's a rigged plane that instantly exploded when you got in. I wish I had an ATI Readon HD 7990 Graphics card
  7. The rules are simple, you must make a joke that is a) Geeky and Has to do with KSP in some possible way (Like referencing to a planet). It can be any kind of joke as well (yo mamma, knock-knock, why did the chicken, etc.). Each joke must be funny and geeky, only one joke per post. This is my entry: Yo mamma is so fat, she contains more gas than Jool!
  8. Use your EVA Jetpack once you get into High Kerbin Orbit. How do I land on Eve and return?
  9. When your save file has 200+ ships and only less than an eighth of them made it off the frickin launchpad/runway.
  10. Granted, Instead it was edited in a quarter of an hour I wish the alcohol drinking age was lowered to 12.
  11. Granted, but it's the pre-alpha version. I wish KSP would lag less.
  12. Banned for having more than 250 posts.
  13. Granted, but they think it's stupid and they execute you. I wish for a longer Christmas break.
  14. Granted, but someone found out you were cheating and executed you I wish for a grilled cheese.
  15. Banned for having nuclear weapons under your bed.
  16. I have a problem with kOS. Even though I opened the terminal, and toggled the power on for the kOS control unit, which is on the ship, I can't focus on the terminal window, which means I can't type anything. I tried clicking, double-clicking, right clicking, middle mouse button clicking, on both unmanned and manned spacecrafts, but nothing is happening. What's going on?
  17. Granted. You make a difference with the type of cheese on your sandwich. I wish my crush (who is a girl!) fell in love with me.
  18. Banned for having more than 5 ribbons.
  19. If you can slow yourself down well enough before or while you re-enter, you might make it, but this is DRE we are talking about so you could quicksave and then YOLO it.
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