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Everything posted by plainawesome

  1. Oh man, at first, I thought you were bluffing, then I saw that the video was uploaded by THE Rockstar Games themselves, I guess that was the "unannounced game" being Debuted at E3 today! I was literally jumping on my bed like a 5 year old!
  2. You know how NASA had to compete with the Soviets in the Space Race? Why can't we do the same thing, but with more things to do and play with? Here's how I would see it: When you create a new game, sandbox or career, there is a little box in the bigger create save box that shows how many rival space programs you want to compete with for fame, reputation, popularity, and money in said save file. The default would be 0 and you can set it to however high Squad wants it to be (that is if they ever go forth with this idea . For now though, let's say the limit is 4 rival space programs. So you select how many rivals you want, let's say 1, and then in the same create save box there is a horizontal slider across the bottom of the create save box about the length of the box itself, this controls the difficulty (or how fast the rival space program(s) progress) with the left side being the easiest difficulty and the right side can be the hardest. This slider may be also used for setting how much money you start out with, how much money you get from missions, and etc. Anyway, say you set it to normal, or medium and then you create your save. You are in your new save file, you play around for a bit. To see how your rival space program is doing, you can go to the mission control building and have a look at their "intel". There, you can see how your rivals are doing, you can see what ships they are building what publicity they are getting,how much money they are getting from grants, and what new missions they are planning, that they may or may not reveal to the public. If they are doing better than you, and they are planning a new mission, you can sabotage it in some ways. There are two ways to sabotage their launch, at least from what I can come up with. The first way is to do it yourself. You can quickly throw together a rocket or spaceplane, launch it, and crash it into the rival's rocket just as they are about to launch. This seems a little bit on the dark side, but desperate times do call for desperate measures, or maybe you might get a kick out of it, I don't know. The craft can be manned or robotic. I believe it should be robotic because when kerbals come to investigate the crash site and they find a body and you're the only other space program out there, you get accused and your program gets shut down. That is also why you must ensure that all parts of the craft are completely obliterated or else they might trace the parts back to you. Another way is to pay someone at the other space center(s) a lot of money and I mean a LOT to have them "accidentally" mess up the mission in some way (make a "mistake" in wiring the ship or maybe have one of the launch mechanisms fail causing the launch to fail, as well as the mission. This also comes with it's risks. For instance, the guy you hired may squeal to law enforcement either voluntarily or by force, so you can may extra Kash to "ensure" that doesn't happen. The sabotage thing seems a bit weird, but hey, there is a little bit of corruption in almost everything! That was my suggestion! If you have anything to add to this, want to share a thought, or just tell me "Great idea!" please feel free to reply to the thread. I really do hope Squad puts this into the game, or at least have someone make it into a mod, but I would probably jackpot the lottery before that happens! Anyway, thanks for reading here and have a nice rest of your day!
  3. <geeky_rant> How come no one mentioned Independence Day. How slow the explosion (made by the aliens) moves demolishing everything it touches, that is NOT how physics work! </geeky_rant>
  4. I have the S key held down but my plane isn't liftin- *plane crashes*
  5. sympathy Use Sympathy in a sentence sym·pa·thy [sim-puh-thee] Show IPA noun, plural sym·pa·thies. 1. harmony of or agreement in feeling, as between persons or on the part of one person with respect to another. 2. the harmony of feeling naturally existing between persons of like tastes or opinion or of congenial dispositions. 3. the fact or power of sharing the feelings of another, especially in sorrow or trouble; fellow feeling, compassion, or commiseration. WOO HOMEWORK!
  6. Banned for one post on a single page.
  7. (bump) Quick question, is this mod compatible with the ARM patch (0.23.5)?
  8. Good luck surviving this, you're surly gonna need it.
  9. False The user below me is married.
  10. Banned for having a one caps username.
  11. Let's see, EVA Reports, Surface Samples, Repairs, fun, flag planting, no EVA's are not useless.
  12. False, it is I, plainawesome. The user below me prefers Xbox over Playstation.
  13. Don't need milk eh? Good luck surviving after eating THESE Doritos!
  14. http://www.ibtimes.com/ukraine-crisis-could-spark-third-world-war-former-communist-party-leader-president-kravchuk-warns For a research paper.
  15. Banned because there are no cats in Kerbal Space Program.
  16. 426. Tell the manager that he would be better off working at target.
  17. Banned for not having a license for that gun in your avatar.
  18. True, sort of The user below me has never played on a console, EVER.
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