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Everything posted by plainawesome

  1. False, but I am currently driving an unmanned probe there, got 20km away from KSC The user below me wants Watch_Dogs.
  2. Beeple, but no one cared I kabafarb for cookies that #$W@G.
  3. Banned for not being on Skype when this banishment has been given.
  4. No I think we should make Goat Simulator references! Do devil goats #$W@G?
  5. True, especially on my old desktop, blue screen every time I watched a You Tube video at 480p or lower in full screen. The user below me has crashed a ship into Jool.
  6. Yes, even to the mentally unstable so they can KILL US ALL! Did I overdo that?
  7. Banned for not realizing it says Jebediah Kerman.
  8. Granted, but it has a mind of it's own, so it sliced through your skull without breaking. I wish that someone did my homework correctly so I don't have to.
  9. #TenChars I got tired of having to type that every time.
  10. lithobraking Would you rather be on a rocket flown by Jebediah, with parachutes or fly your own rocket, with no parachutes?
  11. 421. Wear a blue suit and ride a horse in and around the store screaming "THE BRITISH ARE COMING! THE BRITISH ARE COMING!" (extra points if the horse takes a #2!)
  12. The game is simple. In your post, you must answer the question in the above post and make your own question. Rules The question has to start with "If you" without the quote marks and end with "what would you do?" again, without the quote marks. You may only give one answer per post. You may only ask one question per post Do not answer your own question (no double-posting). Have Fun! I'll start off... If you had 24 hours to live what would you do?
  13. 7.5/10 You said that Dres is a lonely space potato, which was funny, but you showed a pic of a kerbal orbiting Jool.
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