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Masked Turk

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Posts posted by Masked Turk

  1. lol, I have an inbox full of infractions for the most asinine things that suggests you just creatively interpret rules when you wish and enforce some outrageously absurd ones.

    I definitely have one or two in here that specifically refers to special rules protecting the devs.

    Not that the community here is much better. I got a negative rep comment for 'being argumentative'. It's not that I care about rep, but seriously? Because I don't agree with the circlejerk?

    Perhaps you need to work on your diplomatic skills then, rather than suggest everyone jump ship with you.

  2. Been there. Well, I can't say I've spent 8hrs on such a project, but I've been there.

    My most demoralizing moments are when I manage to put together a massive mission, get it there and only THEN realize I forgot to put a part on, or something went wrong that was more code related.

    One was a mission to Jool where I was going to land on Tylo, FINALLY. Spent about 20hrs between designing everything, launching assembly and getting to Tylo. I drop the lander and get about 800m above the surface and go to extend the landing legs.

    I tend to do go through missions from start to end in my head nowadays, checking I have all the necessary bits and bobs, because this happens way to friggin much for me. A checkbox ingame... or a pen and paper on the desk... is massively useful.

  3. I'm a huge softee when it comes to my Kerbal's lives. I do extensive testing before launch, I provide them with escape systems and back-up plans. And if (when) it all goes south anyway, I drop everything and go rescue them. So far I haven't killed any, and Jeb is the only one stranded in interplanetary space (intentionally, to keep him from talking to the press.)

    As soon as 0.22 hits, I'll be starting a new save following this exact principle :3

    Up until then, however, they're my disposable command modules :P

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